The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2024)

Posted December 30, 2011 by Bill

Bill and I are starting the New Year with an epic sugar detox. If you all may remember from a few months back I vowed to go without sugar for an entire year. Clearly I did not follow through with that, however I WILL be going 21 days without sugar, and hoping for longer once I’m in the swing of things. We know many of you have indulged a bit too much over the holiday season, and are ready to kick start clean eating again with a successful detox of all sugar!

Bill and I just spent a wonderful 2 weeks with our good friend Diane Sanfilippo. She came to visit us before the holidays to work on her book that will be released in 2012. Diane is a nutritionist who specializes in Paleolithic Nutrition. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to health and wellness, and is truly an inspiration to us (especially me). Diane has constructed a 21 Day Sugar Detox that has helped many people over-come sugar addiction, and Bill and I have vowed to detox ourselves from sugar along with many of our close friends and family. Even Diane herself is going to join in with all of us!

[click below to join us!]

The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (1)

We know how difficult it can be to commit to a new way of eating or even eliminate even more foods from an already restrictive diet without the support of friends or family. Many of you who will be participating in this detox with all of us may be living with family members who are not participating, or you may be living on your own. To help support those who may not have the luxury of support from the people around them, Bill and I will be posting a recipe EVERY day, to show all of you what we are eating, and to help keep you all on track.

Included below is a shopping list for some of the ingredients that we will be cooking with for the first week of the detox. We have not planned that far in advance to know exactly what we will be posting each day, so we are providing a shopping list of the food products that are in our home now that we will be cooking with. The recipes we will be posting each day are intended to show you what we are eating ourselves, and to inspire you all to stay on track. You can choose to make the recipe we post that day, or a following day that week. There are plenty of Sugar Detox friendly recipes in Make it Paleo, as well as already here on on our blog if you need some ideas for day 1. We have also included some links to some of those Sugar Detox friendly recipes, so you have some ideas to get started. During the month of January Bill and I will also be working on a fun project that will help any future detoxers REALLY stay on track! This is something that we have chatted with Diane about and we are really excited to get started. Stay tuned, we will be announcing this in February.

Now, before we all get started on this journey of ridding our bodies of sugar for three weeks, I want to get a few things straight with all of you. This detox is about HEALTH. This detox is not about being right, or wrong, or a failure. This detox is about respecting ourselves and our bodies, and doing what we think is best for our own health, mental and physical. So with that in mind I will be listing a few things that sugar does not do and that sugar does do, just so we are all clear on the intentions of doing this detox.

What eating sugar DOES NOT do:

  1. Eating sugar does not make you wrong.
  2. Eating sugar does not make you a bad person.
  3. Eating sugar does not make you a failure.
  4. Eating sugar does not make you worthless.
  5. Eating sugar does not mean you don’t care about your health.
  6. Eating sugar does not mean that you are lazy.
  7. Eating sugar does not mean that you are not Paleo!

What eating sugar DOES do:

  1. Eating sugar makes you store body fat.
  2. Eating sugar makes your skin break out.
  3. Eating sugar makes you age faster.
  4. Eating sugar makes you depressed.
  5. Eating sugar causes more symptoms of pms.
  6. Eating sugar compromises digestion.
  7. Eating sugar compromises your immune system.

If any of you are committing to this Sugar Detox for reasons on the first list, I would like you all to stop and really think about your intentions for doing this detox with us. This is about health, please do not go into this because you feel guilty for “being wrong, being week, or being a failure” for indulging over the holidays. Just making the commitment to start this detox is proof that you are none of those things.

Now that we are all clear on that, we wish you all good luck, we are in this together, and most of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Sugar Detox friendly recipes that you can already find on our blog


  1. Veggie Scramble
  2. Beef Bacon and Eggs
  3. Egg Muffins
  4. Vanilla Pancakes (top with butter only)


The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2)

The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (3)

The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (4)

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    Add a comment »

    1. December 30, 2011

      I love this.
      I love your take on sugar.
      I love your idea to have a list and post daily.
      I love that we're all gonna be detoxing and doing it as a group.

      I just LURVE it. Can't wait!

    2. December 31, 2011

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. December 31, 2011

      I must say, I am a little confused … what exactly have you been adding sugar to, or is it more a case of kicking out the little treats? Either way, good luck – it's a worthwhile thing to do.

      Have fun … That's the most important bit. I'm certainly looking forward to more great food!

    4. December 31, 2011

      Hi Paul,

      This is a detox from ALL forms of sugar, as in all fruit, natural sweeteners (even stevia), and even dairy products.

      Bill puts heavy cream in his coffee, we have been eating too much dried fruits and dark chocolates, some wine, and not to mention Diane was here working on her book which did include some grain free desserts.

      It's not that we were adding sugar to things. This detox is about eliminating even the natural sugars that occur in our day to day diets that can be causing health issues or more sugar cravings.

      Hope that clears things up for you.

    5. January 1, 2012

      I plan to participate in this as well, but because I am currently training for a half-marathon that's in early February, I'll continue to consume natural fruit and sucralose (in my energy drink) as part of my training, before a long run.

      Thanks for the motivation!

    6. January 1, 2012

      I love Diane's sugar detox guide! I highly recommend it to everyone and am following it again myself the next 21 days. I bring it out now whenever I feel I need that extra detoxing! Thanks for the recipes, I will definitely be stealing a few of those 🙂

    7. January 2, 2012

      I understand now, guys – best of luck! You're braver than me 🙂

      Looking at my own intake, I think a handful of blueberries at breakfast and the fattier dairy products (yoghurt and cream) are about it … oh, and Guinness.

      I could probably cut those out – blueberries are a new thing, dairy I could work around and Guinness … grrr … that'd take some pulling out of my strong paleo grip, but I've done it before for long periods.

      Best of … looking forward to the write-ups.

    The 21 Day Sugar Detox | Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes - Primal Palate | Paleo Recipes (2024)


    What can you eat on a 21 day sugar detox? ›

    The Basics—What You Will Eat on the 21DSD. All levels of the program include meat, seafoods, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and limited fruits as well as a limited portion of starch flours per day. Level 3 includes the above and no additional food groups.

    Can you eat potatoes on 21 day sugar detox? ›

    Last, let's look for those nutrient dense starchy vegetables. Roasted sweet or white potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed (for level 1 and 2), and whole grains such as a ½ cup of steamed rice (for level 1). Fried rice is not a good option.

    What not to eat during sugar detox? ›

    Limit or completely avoid consumption of foods such as baked goods, potatoes, white rice, white bread, instant oatmeal, and corn/ corn flakes. These food are considered to be high glycemic carbohydrates, which means that your body rapidly breaks them down and causes a spike in blood glucose levels.

    What happens after 21 days of no sugar? ›

    It takes 21 days to form a habit. Plus, 21 days is plenty of time to feel the fantastic effects of life with less sugar. By the end of the challenge, you'll feel more ener- gized and less dependant on sugar. You might also notice less bloating and some weight loss.

    What not to eat on 21 day sugar detox? ›

    While The 21-Day Sugar Detox may eliminate added sweeteners, gluten, and soy and all processed foods, Levels 1 and 2 of the program include whole gluten-free grains and full-fat dairy and are not considered Paleo. Level 3 of the program, however, does align with Paleo eating.

    Can you eat bananas on a sugar detox? ›

    Still, you do not need to completely give up sweet foods to control your added sugar intake. Try replacing added sugars with natural ones, boosting your essential nutrient intake. For example, opt for plain oatmeal rather than flavored types. Then, add fresh fruits like banana slices, blueberries, or strawberries.

    Can I have cheese on a sugar detox? ›

    Starting with day four, you can add one apple and one dairy food each day. Dairy, such as yogurt or cheese, should be full-fat and unsweetened. You can also add some higher-sugar vegetables such as carrots and snow peas, as well as a daily serving of high-fiber crackers.

    Can I eat popcorn on a sugar detox? ›

    Some healthy snack options are fresh or dried fruits with nuts or nut butter; veggies with hummus or guacamole; popcorn with nutritional yeast; or oatmeal with almond milk and berries. Be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms in the first few days or weeks.

    Can I still eat fruit on a sugar detox? ›

    If you have a strong craving for a piece of fresh fruit, it's possible to make that work, even during a sugar detox. “If you are worried about the sugar (all fruit contains natural sugars), just add a loose handful of nuts or seeds,” advises O'Connor.

    What flushes sugar out of your system fast? ›

    Drink plenty of water

    Drinking plenty of water helps your kidneys flush out excess sugar. One study found that people who drink more water lower their risk for developing high blood sugar levels. And remember, water is the best. Sugary drinks elevate blood sugar by raising it even more.

    What does a sugar face look like? ›

    Here are the tell-tale signs on your face that sugar is the culprit aging your skin: The surface of your skin looks hard and shiny. Deep, crosshatch lines appear along your upper lip. Discoloration and hyperpigmentation mark your skin.

    What foods are 100% sugar free? ›

    Seafood, pork, beef, and chicken are all sugar-free. They're also an important source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. If you don't eat meat, soybeans, lentils, beans, nuts, and seeds are great sugar-free, high-protein foods.

    Can I eat bread on a no sugar diet? ›

    No major food groups are off-limits, but you'll need to avoid foods with a high GI. Fruits and vegetables: You can eat dozens of fruits and vegetables, but steer clear of a few (like parsnips, watermelon, and pineapple). Grains: Whole-grain bread and pasta, brown rice, and oatmeal are allowed.

    Can you eat apples on a no sugar diet? ›

    Foods to eat on a no sugar diet

    1. Whole fruits: While a no sugar diet restricts added sugars, it typically allows natural sugars found in whole fruits. Fruits like berries, apples, oranges, and pears are excellent choices as they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 2.

    What foods have no sugar? ›

    What Foods Have Zero (or Low) Sugar?
    • Animal proteins (beef, chicken, turkey, pork, fish, etc.)
    • Unrefined oils (avocado, coconut, olive, etc.)
    • Butter, ghee, cheese.
    • Avocado.
    • Eggplant.
    • Green beans.
    • Kelp noodles.
    • Zucchini noodles.
    May 16, 2019

    What snacks can you eat on a sugar detox? ›

    • Kick Your Sugar Habit With These 5 Snack Combos.
    • 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter & 1 Small Apple.
    • 3/4 Cup Plain Low-Fat Greek Yogurt & Cinnamon.
    • 3 Dried Apricots & 12 Almonds.
    • 1/2 Cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese & 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Blueberries.
    • 1/4 Cup Hummus & Raw Veggies.
    Aug 11, 2022

    How many days does it take to detox from sugar? ›

    Done correctly, it takes about 2 to 3 days to detox from sugar. You'll know it's happened because your cravings will diminish, your energy will increase, and you'll crave healthy foods more than unhealthy ones. If it takes longer than 3 days, it's time to check for hidden carbs and sugars in your food and beverages.


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    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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