Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

C. Grass Seed Fields Burning May Continue Next Month Post-harvest burning of grass seed fields in the Spokane was to begin today and probably continue through August, Herbert L. Jacobson, Foothills, president of the Intermountain Grass Growers, said. In all, he said, 40,000 acres, the largest portion of which is within 30 miles of Spokane, will be burned. The area includes Peone, Orchard and Five Mile Prairies north of Spokane; the Spokane Valley east to Coeur d'Alene; Rathdrum Prairie north, of Falls; Rockford and Fairfield areas to the south; the Pomeroy area in Garfield County, and the Nezperce Prairie between Clearwater River and Grangeville in Idaho.

Such burning originally was initiated as a control measure against diseases and insects, and for that reason, is exempted under air pollution regulations of the state and Spokane County, Jacobson explained. However, he said, growers also discovered that the process gave the plants a "physiological shock" that stimulated a higher yield the following year. Jacobson estimated gross income from this year's crop at $9 million. He said the Intermountain Grass Grower's grows 75 per cent of all bluegrass lawn seed that will be used in the U.S. next year.

If the annual burn were terminated, he said, yields would drop to former levels and put local growers out of business. He added the market then would go to other areas in the U.S., if any suitable ones were left, or more likely to foreign growers. The association president also said that growers are seeking a satisfactory substitute for burning and, in cooperation with Washington State University and the Spokane County Crop Improvement Association, have al. ready screened 115 chemical treatments in greenhouse testing. He said plant and hormones have been tried, giving mild responses but not enough for practical use.

Even groundup solutions of birth control pills have tested, he said. Jacobson said one Spokane Valley, grower, Arden Jacklin, whom he described as one of the best technically trained men in the entire industry, thinks the ultimate solution may be a combination of chemical application and rigorous mechanical cultivation. As long as the burning continues, and Jacobson indicated it may be only for a few more years, he assured the public that Brief City News Records AUTO tachometer theft reported to police Monday by Daniel W. Bolstad, W1919 Twelfth. CHET'S SURPLUS STORES Powdered sugar, 3 lbs.

39 cents, N6102 Wall. N6214 Div. -Adv. SOMEONE has stolen a 55- horsepower outboard motor from a boat at Trudeau's Marina, E304 Sprague, police were advised yesterday. PRIVATE Driving lessons, in cars.

Call AAA Driving School, TE THEFT of $80 from his apartment was reported to police Robert W. Bagley, Fourth. Oza H. Brown, E1713 Eleventh, reported stolen in a house burglary. DENTAL PLATES, RELINES Expert repairs while DR.

H. L. HOLTER, 506 Mohawk Bldg. MA MEN TOO! Have problems of unwanted hair (heavy eyebrows, ears, ingrown beard hairs), call Arlene Leithauser, Electrologist for safe permanent removal at TE 8-1982, 417 Zukor -Adv. THEFT of a tape player from his car was reported to police yesterday by Robert L.

Hammond, W1818 Sixth. CERAMIC TILE SPECIALS sq. ft. 5c a tile Linoleum Shop, N227 Howard, Fri. 9-9, Sat.

The Weather Beneath the Earth Ray E. Isaacson, manager of Advance Process Development for Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company, Richland, holds a spongy looking rock core from 3,421 feet below ground surface and a hard, dense rock core from 3,658 feet down. The cores were obtained in drilling toward 7,500 feet beneath the surface, in search of solid rocks in which the firm might drill caverns to store radioactive wastes from the Atomic Energy Commission's Hanford plant. Hurst Service Tomorrow MOSES LAKE, Wash. Funeral services for Henry Harrison Hurst, 93, who died Monday at a nursing home here, will be at 10 a.m.

tomorrow at the First Baptist Church, the Rev. Vaughn Nelson officiating. Burial will be in Pioneer Memorial Park Cemetery, the Eccleston-1 Chapel of Memories in charge. Mr. Hurst who was the father of Al Hurst, a partner in the Snead Tractor Equipment Co.

of (By U.S. Weather Bureau) Sunset tonight, 8:36 p.m.; sunrise tomorrow, 5:17 a.m. Moon sets tomorrow, 12:12 a.m. Moon rises tomorrow, 4:53 p.m. Spokane- -Fair and continued hot.

Little chance of rain. Eastern Washington Sunny and hot Low expected tonight 60s and 705, highs tomorrow 905, except to lower 100s south part. Northern Idaho Sunny and very warm. Lows expected tonight 55 to 65, highs tomorrow 905. Western Montana- -Sunny and very warm.

Lows expected tonight 45 to 55, highs tomorrow 90s. Forecast Eastern Washing. ton, Northern Idaho and Western Montana -Temperatures through Monday expected to average near normal with little or no precipitation. Highs expected 85 to 95; lows 50 to 60, except 10 degrees lower mountains. Flow of Spokane River at Spokane cubic feet second.

Elevation of Cocur d'Alene Lake 96 feet. Normal summer elevation 2,128 feet. Evaporation table as supplied by Consolidated Irrigation- ,41 for 24 hours; 16.23 accumulated; no measurable precipitation. Highest temperature during last 24 hours, lowest temperature last night, and rain or melted snow during last 24 hours. ending at 4:30 a.m.

H. L. P. H. SPOKANE- Helena, 86 55 .00 Airport 91 59 .00 Honolulu 86 74 .02 Dntwn 92 59 .00 Kans City 88 .00 Albarque 93 67 ,00 Las Vgs 110 .00 Anchorage 71 59 .00 Lewiston 94 64 .00 Atlanta 89 73 .02 L5 Angls 83 65 .00 Billings 82.

59 .00 Louisville 81 69 40 Boise 90 56 .00 Miami 89 Boston 72 63 .00 Minnepis 84 -00 Buffalo 59 .00 Missoula 88 .00 Burns 58 .00 Nw Orins 92 .00 Calgary 24 49 .00 New York 76 .05 Chicago ,00 Pendleton 93 .00 Cleveland 82 68 100 Phoenix 106 78 20 Colville 90 100 Portland 87 .00 Denver 93 62 .00 St Louis 89 .00 Detroit 83 66 .00 Salt Lake 97 Ephrata Edmonton 75 51 .00 San Seattle 85 .00 Fran 60 Fairbanks Tucson 97 Worth 98 .00 Wila Wila 93 .00 Grangvil 86 61 .00 .00 Wash DC 88 73 4.40 Havre Wenatchee 94 68 .00 Wife Booked After Bullet Kills Husband A 49-year-old booked at today on a charge after of gunshot fore midnight. Detective liton identified without Edna Lightfoot, Knox. Detectives Homer C. Harold Tucker said woman's band, Thomas Owen Lightfoot, 70, died at coness Hospital. Hall Tucker woman was the City Jail early first-degree murder her husband died wounds shortly be- Lt.

Robert E. Colthe woman, held Thomas O. Lightfoot they went to the Lightfoot, address after Mrs. Lightfoot called police on the telephone and reported her husband had been shot. The detectives said they found Lightfoot, lying on his in bed.

The officers said it appeared that he had been shot at least once in the head. Hall said a chrome-plated caliber revolver was found on a TV tray in the living room of the home. Mrs. Lightfoot was taken to the police station for questioning and, while she was being interrogated, it was learned that her husband had died. Spokane Daily Chronicle, Wednesday, July 23, 1969.

5 Annual Program Three Men to Share Band Day Directing every precaution is taken to guard against fire and pollution hazards. The greatest care and the strictest supervision by involved agencies are employed during the burning season, Jacobson said. He said the 401 members of the association help each other on a trade work basis at burning time. required, regularly permanent fire guards are placed around fields. Neighbors with an array of fightting equipment are on hand fore a field is ignited.

Jacobson said that, in all the years of burning in this area, only once did flames get out of control when a sudden wind shift occurred. The fire spread to an adjoining range and was quickly extinguished, he added. Even meteorological precautions have been taken, Jacobson said. He added five local weather stations have been financed by the growers to establish the best time to burn, based on up-to-theminute data. Using reports from the five special weather stations, he said, the growers attempt to schedule the burning at a time when winds will quickly dis.

pell the haze. Today's burn was of a 10-acre crop on Orchard Prairie. Jacobson stressed that. although smoke from the burned grass is a "nuisance," it is chemically harmless. It is mostly water, carbon dioxide and some carbon ash, he said.

Endicott Rites Set for Traffic Victim COLFAX, Wash. Funeral services for Kenneth L. Christensen, 26, a former St. John, resident, will be at 2 p.m. Monday from the Trinity Lutheran Church at Endicott, Wash.

The Rev. Fred Schnaible will officiate with burial in the Endicott cemetery. Mr. Christensen died in San Francisco last Friday the result of an automobile accident. He was born June in Whitman County, graduated from St.

John High School and had spent his enlistment in the Army. For the past two years he has resided in San Francisco. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church at Endicott and a member of the Sprinklers-Fit. ters Union N. 483 in San Francisco.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Christensen, San Francisco: three sisters, Mrs. Darlene Hart, San Bruno, Mrs.

Rosemary Taylor, St. John, and Mrs. Ron Howard, in Missouri, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad blumenschein, St.

John. The family suggests memorial contributions to the Trinity Lutheran Church Memorial Fund. Colfax, charge of arrangeThe Bruning, Funeral Home, ments. Mrs. Grace Parnell POTLATCH, Idaho Grace Ellen Parnell, 77, a longtime resident of the East Deep Creek area north of Potlatch, died yesterday at a Moscow nursing home.

Born Aug. 13, 1891, at Gibbs, she married to' Guy Parnell at Colfax in 1914. He died in 1961. Surviving her are a son, Ray, Emida, Idaho; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Kibbee, Potlatch; a brother, Arlee Hicks, Coeur d'Alene; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be tomorrow at 2 p.m. from the Palouse Christian Church, with the Rev. George Briggs of the Palouse Nazarene Church officiating. Burial will be in the Freeze Cemetery, the Kimball Funeral Home of Palouse in charge. Percy R.

Bloom SANDPOINT. Idaho Funeral services for Percy Roy Bloom, 62, Sandpoint, were to be today at 1:30 p.m. at the Moon Funeral Home with Chuck Wigton of the First Christian Church ficiating. Burial will be at Pinecrest PUD Contracts Given 3 Firms EPHRATA, Wash. -Contracts were awarded by Grant County Public Utility Department Commissioners this week to General Electric Spikane, at $17,600 for supplying four vacuum type reclosers, and to Westinghouse Electric Supply Spokane, at $21,750, for six step voltage regulators.

equipment will be used on the Grand Coulee electric system, which was purchased recently by the district. National Cash Register Yakima, was awarded a contract for $242,394 for supplying a dataprocessing system. The commission also authorized the establishment of a cash fund for settling claims of less than $100 against the District and authorized District Treasurer Ross Freer to settle these claims. The funds used in settlement of the small claims are reimbursed the district by the insurance company. Licenses to Wed SANDPOINT, Idaho -Michael A.

Williams and Sue Anne Conoway, both Spca kane; Lewis Leroy Capone, Coeur d'Alene, and Nancy Marie Troxinger, Spokane; Arnold W. Isbill and Sara D. Balbinis, both Spokane. Frank A. Franto, Coeur d'Alene, and Kathy D.

Wilson, Pest Falls, Idaho; Larry R. Hernvall, Kennewick, Wash. and Victoria Anne Leen, Priest River, Idaho: Russell A. Collett, Moscow, Idaho, and Judy K. Turnbull, Sagle, Idaho; James Baldwin and Carol J.

Tiff, both Sandpoint; John R. Giles and Geraldine Wallace, both Victoria, B.C.; Bruce L. Tiegs, Weiser, Idaho, and Paula Cook, Priest River: Fredrick A. Macvie and Nancy M. Schwinn, Kenal, Alaska; Melvin G.

Price and Susan J. Carroll, both Troy, Mont. Harry F. Wegener and Pamela Tucker, both Coeur d' Alene: Donald E. and Ilene Mayton, both Naples, Idaho; Ronald A.

Roget and Sharon D. Yaw, both Sandpoint: Dennis Naccarato, town. Idaho, and Ann Gregg, Newport, Wash Michael Bergman and Shirley Van Rossum, both Sandpoint: Stuart Mo. line and Jill Haines, both Prince George, Frank Christian LaRve, and Kristy. Ann Chamberlain, Sandpoint: ry Allen Dunham and Darlene Louise Craig, both Sandpoint.

Three Spokane music men are going to handle directing chores this year for Washington State University's annual Band program Oct. 25 in Joe Albi Stadium here. high school; John Harris, Shadle Oliver Fuller, Lewis Clark Park. High, and Wildey, Salk Junior high, will combine their musical talents to direct the Band Day program in the absence of WSU Director of Bands Randall Spicer. Spicer is going to be on sabbatical leave for the first semester of 1969, school officials said.

Band Day this year will be a halftime highlight of the WSU-California football game. The date is just three days prior to the 50th anniversary of Washington State's Cougar mascot, Butch, and thousands of high school bandsmen will join in a salute to the current Butch VI. Washington State officially adopted the nickname "CouOct. 28, 1919. got gars" for its teams on athletes, first live cougar mascot from then Gov.

Roland Hartley in 1928 and promptly named him "Butch" in honor of the feisty little WSU quarterback Herbert (Butch) Meeker of Spokane, a the day. staince that time the school has had five more cougars. The present mascot, Butch VI. was presented WSU 1964 by then Gov. Albert.

Rosellini. The animal just, recently observed his fifth birthday. Working with the trio of Spokane music directors on Band Day will be Judd Aetzel, newly appointed director of WSU's Marching Band. Aetzel, a former Cougar drum major, is returning to his alma mater to work on a master's degree in music. He's a 1967 graduate of WSU from Olympia.

Heart Attack Death Cause Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr. Bloom was born March 130, 1907 at Kimball, Neb. He married Dorothy Neu, March 3, 1928, at Scottsdale, and they came to Sandpoint from Mitchell, Neb. in 1942.

Mr. Bloom served in Europe during World War II. After he was discharged, Mr. Bloom operated a road maintainer for Bonner County. Survivors include his wife, at home; a son, Roy Bloom, Thompson Falls, two daughters, Wayne (Betty) and Mrs.

Ralph (Leona) Crabb, both of Sagle, Idaho; one drother, two sisters, 10 grandchildren and one greatgranddaughter. Mrs. Theresa Erickson OROFINO, Idaho Funeral services were to be held this morning at Gilbert's Funeral Chapel for Theresa C. Erickson, 56, who died Sunday at Clearwater Valley Hospital. She resident and Masad been a rural mail carrier from Orofino to Fraser at one time.

A resident of Fraser since 11936, where she moved with her husband Cecil to farm from Schuyler, Neb. Mrs. Erickson was born March 3, 1913, at Petersburg, Neb. Survivors include two sons, Donald Kelso, and Glen Orofino; three brothers, George Mannlein, Harrison, Frank Mannlein, Petersburg, and Albert Mannlein, Oakland, two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Wescott, Oakland, and Mrs.

Katherine Gilvich, Las Vegas, and six grandchildren. Burial was to be at LewisClark Memorial Gardens, Lew. iston. NEW WAY TO BE SUDDENLY SLIM Are you a woman whose figure is on the good side but might look perfect? You'll be thrilled by the new easy way science has discovered for you to become Suddenly Slim and yet completely comfortable. If you're more than 15 pounds overweight, or your waistline is larger than 32 inches, then this idea is not for you.

If your weight problem falls within this range, then you can realize a new, smoother figure today, without diet or exercise. Suddenly Slim is an allnew kind of 4-oz. girdle constructed of science fibers. One startling innovation is the sheer nylon front panel. This is permanently stiffened by science process and cannot give or sag.

It's surrounded by a slimming action border. A featherstitched panel down each side of this girdle will contour your hips if they are a problem. The girdle itself is of a "wonder" Lycra spandex blend. It's a new power net consisting of nylon, acetate and spandex. It is so comfortable, but has such slimming strength, it gives your figure everything that's possible with a foundation.

"Suddenly Slim" in both girdle and panty versions, is the peak achievement of the California designer-genius, Olga. They are available at The Bon Marche, Lingerie Department, Third Floor, RI 7-5111 A 72-year-old Bonners Ferry man died of a heart attack last night while driving his car 16 miles northwest of Newport on Highway 311, State Trooper Ronald Snyder said today. The trooper identified the victim as Erhard Sundeen. Snyder Sundeen's car said" gradually went off the road, hit an embankment, then went back across the road and struck another embankment. a State Patrol headquarters in Spokane said the death would not be considered traffic fade tality.

Moses Lake, was born Oct. 30, 1876, at Paris, Ill. He was a retired missionary-minister of the Christian Church. Besides his son, Al, he leaves a sister, Mrs. Harry Yoder, Oregon, seven grandchildren, 13 great -grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

Births COLFAX, Wash. -To Mr. and at Mrs. James Wigen, Lacrosse, a girl, Whitman Community Hospital. CARY E.

GIBSON, 21, Spirit Lake, was returned here yester-1 day from Portland to face a charge of taking an auto without the owner's permission, COLBERT AREA residents: Royal's Petroleum is servicing oil burners in your area, Please call HU 9-0567. -Adv. CHARLEY A. FOWLER, 34. E1124 Bridgeport, was booked at the City Jail last night on a state vagrancy charge.

BARBEQUE A SALMON from the Main Post Market. Fresh -Adv. CUT TO SIZE MARBLE for tables, counters, shelves! Inland Monument, E2724 THIRTY Mexican students from Puerto Vallarta will provide entertainment at the luncheon tomorrow of the Central ons Club at the Davenport Hotel, an official said today. WE HAVE E.S.P. Extra special produce, complete selection fresh each Morning.

(well trimmed). Gourmet melons, Beefsteak tomatoes, Indian River Pink Grapefruit, berries, huckleberries. The Rockwood Market, Daily delivery service. E315 18th. RI 7- DONALD PEARSON of the Internal Revenue Service will address the Kiwanis Club of Spokane tomorrow at a luncheon at the Davenport Hotel.

FOR THE BEST FIT in workshoes boots, go to Miller Hahn. Peter's Chippewa, Wolverine other top brands, sizes 5 to 14, A to 5-E, W504 Main, MA SPOKANE SHOCKERS coach Hugh Taylor will speak on "Professional Football Spokane's Part," at the Spokane Rotary Club's luncheon tomor. row at the Davenport Hotel. HENNING'S GUIDE to over 5,000 lakes, streams hunting areas in the Pacific Northwest. 624-page book only $3.95 at The Crescent, also sporting goods book -Adv.

YOUR ADVERTIsem*nT placed in this column will enter over 70,000 homes each day. Phone MA 4-1121, ext. The Records BIRTHS Born in Spokane hospitals during the 24-hour period ended at 9 a.m. day, July 23, 1969: Holy Family To Mr. and Mrs.

Homer K. Keener, N6029 Stevens, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Paul L.

Markham, E1914 Third, boy, To Dr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy, E735 Twenty-fourth, girl. Deaconess To Mr.

and Mrs. Racy C. Miller, 5802 Oak, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

Walter R. Thornton, N3218 Yale, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hair Jr.

N3218 Lily, girl, To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gross, E13405 Cataldo, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

James Osterberg, Plummer, Idaho, girl. St. Luke's To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawson, Medical Lake, girl.

Spokane Valley General To Mr. and Mrs. Chip Kring, E6212 Tenth, boy. BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS Harold J. Casey, E311 Hoffman, debts totaling $12,497, assets of $2,700 with $1,500 claimed exempt.

Kenneth V. West, Palo Alto, debts totaling $20,844, assets of $10,990 with $3,190 claimed exempt. Thomas P. Olin, Wenatchee, debts assets of $300 with $200 claimed exempt. Leroy M.

Hautala, E2124 Hoffman, debts totaling $21,861, assets of $1,600 with $1,500 claimed exempt. totaling $4,930, assets of $5,630 with $5,530 John W. Lewis, N5028 a Washington, debts exempt. Timothy J. Traxinger, S11 Thor, debts totaling $12,777, assets of $275 claimed exempt.

Annabell Austin, Moses Lake, debts taling $13,017, assets of $2,300 with $1,050 claimed exempt. DIVORCE GRANTED Mary D. from Thomas A. Farmer. Lynne M.

from Kenneth P. Vander Meer. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Henry T. Wyatt, Gilmer, and Mary A. Pluth, Spokane, Ronald W.

Belcher, Oakland, and Hugh Elaine G. G. Willcox Foss, and Spokane. Susan M. Harris, both Spokane.

John W. Gordon Palouse, and Claudia K. Hof, Walla Walla, James D. VanVeen and Kristine M. Zimmerman, both Portland.

Gary G. Tuttle and Jennifer er J. Colling, both Spokane. Daniel R. Bunger and Theresa L.

Henry, both Spokane. Leonard H. Kelly, Walla Walla, and Rita Lizotte, Yakima. Gerald 0. Ostby and Delores J.

Moss, E. Felgar and Eugenia K. both Spokane. wright, both Spokane. William G.

Langdon Jr. and Myrlanne K. Getoor, both Spokane. Ronald L. Polley and Patricia A.

Harrison, both Spokane. Wayne A. Hale and Yvonne K. Marks, both Spokane. Walter A.

Quantrille and Carolvn A. Alfred Young, Othello, and Karen L. Schlien, both, Spokane, Richard D. Horner, Graham, N.C., and McDuffie, Spokane, Barbara, L. P.

Snyder, Maher and Spokane, Anita 1. Laine, Douglas D. Miller, Pullman, and Mary both Spokane. Cave, Spokane. NEW SUIT IN FEDERAL COURT Jarvie Paint Manufacturing Co.

vs. Federal Contractors, and United Bond- ing Insurance $3,313 said owing. NEW SUITS IN SUPERIOR COURT Joyce A. VS. Alan W.

Port, divorce. Bonded Adjustment Co. Vs. Gary Gunderson, entered. $811 claimed owing; default judgment Bonded vs.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. $526 claimed owing; default judgment entered. Bonded Vs.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Ziegwied, $2,056 claimed owing; default judgment entered. Marion J. vs.

Clarence T. Sampson, divorce. Bonded vs. Harmon L. and Evelyn Bussey, $361 claimed owing; default judgment entered.

Bonded vs. Gale E. and Sharon Farup, $1,511 claimed owing; default judgment entered. Bonded vs. Bill R.

Talbot, $281 claimed owing; default judgment entered. Mariorie M. vs. Orvil Jett, divorce. Budget Finance Plan VS.

George H. and Glenna M. Judd, $205 claimed owing on note. (Gil) L. vs.

Sharon J. Spurgeon, divorce. Cascade Industrial Loan Co. Vs. Moreen L.

Allen, $755 and foreclosure of security agreement asked; default judgment entered. Cascade vs. William E. and Kathleen J. Wing, $1,510 and foreclosure of security agreement asked; default judgment entered.

Cascade VS. Dalvin Allenbaugh, $160 claimed owing on note; default judgment entered. Lorena N. vs. John D.

Legge, divorce. Sally L. vs. Fred W. Steckman, divorce.

Particia A. VS. Eldon D. Hutchins, divorce. Richard J.

Bailey vs. Robert L. and Joanne Oliver, $11,200 claimed owing on farm lease for alleged damage and for loss of income through delay in planting. Linda L. Vs.

Clarence D. Overman, die vorce. Harry R. Fleishmen vs, Mr. and Mrs.

M. J. Knott, $1,350 claimed owing on note: default judgment entered. Acme Personnel Service. VS.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Rankin, $236 claimed owing for services, THE BON MARCHE me AN 0 CLASSIC JERSEY: COOL'N EASY FOR 20.00 0.00 Easy on the pocketbook. Easy on the upkeep.

That's our Westover frame dress with optional tie belt. Choose brown or black with white. Sizes 10-20 and Town and Casual, Third Floor. Edna Perry Shopping Service 7-20-69 The Bon Marche Spokane, Washington 99210 RI 7-5111 Please send me the following Jersey: Size Color Name Address City State Account No. Add 4.5% state sales tax on purchases you for postage and handling Mile radius of Spokane Zip Code Check or M.O.

C.O.D. delivered within Washingten state. We will bill outside of our regular delivery.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.