Gun Powdered Wands Book 1: War of Words (Formerly Harry Potter Carmine) - Chapter 5 - MissNaughtyVixen (2024)

Chapter Text

Pixie was out jogging making her way around the perimeter, seeing as the school didn't have a proper track and field. In reality, Harry had enchanted several small pebbles and tasked Pixie with laying them at the border, causing interference with the school's border. Pixie had learned from Hagrid that while the border kept most magical beasts away from the school, they all were highly intelligent, knowing better than to approach. Thus making it even more unlikely that the tampering will be discovered.

Finishing up her jog at her usual location of Hagrid's hut, she sat down on a bench to catch her breath.

“Afternoon Pixie, how are things today?” The half-giant called out as he came out from his garden.

“Not great honestly, but better than things could be considering recent events.”

“That be true, that be,” Hagrid replied as he sat down next to Pixie. The bench creaked under the weight, but it continued to hold having been designed to endure such stress. “Now I don't know what kind of life you've lot lived in hell. Having only worldly beliefs to go on, but I can say after the troll incident, you're holding up better than most I would say.”

Pixie leaned forward lowering her head solemnly. “If only that were true, we’re just really good at hiding it. For beings like me, Hellhounds, at best we are someone's pet and at worst just a beast to be kicked into the gutter when we’re no longer needed. I grew up in the foster system never having a family except my brother who was able to get out of the life.”

Hagrid placed a hand on Pixie’s shoulder, trying to give some comfort. Pixie accepted in kind by placing a hand on his and looking up at him. “Thing is it's a brutal life and I've seen and have done sh*t myself. They're called the kennels for a reason, kinda like your Azkaban.” Hagrid had fear course through him at the comparison. “But despite it all, I'm just numb to it. Guess it can't break me if I've survived worse. That is what Hell is like for beings like me.”

Hagrid shook his head. “I'm sorry you had to go through all that, I know anything I say will mean nothing, but I hope things will get better from here. Regardless of everything going on.”

“Which makes this next part all the harder. Who's the puppy?”

“I don't know what you mean. You're the only dog on campus as far as I'm aware.” Hagrid said defensively.

“Alright into the hut we go,” Pixie said as she stood and started to guide Hagrid into his own hut. “Besides you reek of dog, it was a dead giveaway.” Hagrid went along with it because he had always been open and friendly to the students over the years. These new Hell-raised ones were no exception and by now he was at least somewhat familiar with their quirks. Closing the door behind them he turned to face Pixie, her arms now crossed. “Alright, Hagrid we found Fluffy, and whatever Dumbledore is hiding here at the school may be the reason that the troll was let into the building.” Hook Pixie thought to herself.

“So it was intentional, Dumbledore will be interested in hearing that,” Hagrid said just above a whisper. Line Pixie thought.

“Now I could continue, but first both of our parties will need to be on the same page so, let’s say wires won’t get crossed and blow up in our faces. What do you say to a deal?” Pixie tried to make a show of it despite not being a dealmaker normally, but Hagrid kept looking at her outstretched hand as if he didn’t understand that an exchange was being offered. Pixie let her head fall, “sh*t how does Harry do this.”

“My apologies if I misunderstood something, um… how about something to drink you must be parched after your run. I have tea, coffee, or whatnot.” Hagrid said trying to lighten the conversation. Pixie mumbled ‘Water was fine’ as she sat down on the half-giants’ bed as he got to work on getting her a cup.

“You know Hagrid, It’s not about whatever it is that is hidden away. It’s about that Dumbledore's actions almost led to something that Harry and his sisters couldn’t have walked back from.” Pixie said as she reached out for the cup of water. Hagrid sat down next to her on the bed as she took a long sip. “I’m not a Carmine, so I don’t have as many qualms about being hurt or bloody or… ending another, kennel life you know. But for them, it is a hard rule to never kill. And as for beings as ancient as they are, having only done it once across the entire family is a miracle for Hell. If it wasn’t for their training, that count would have been raised to two that night.”

“I had no idea.”

“Most don’t, if not already assuming it’s so violent in hell that one doesn’t bother keeping track, then because it’s so frequent to take a life or see one be taken we feel nothing from it. But it’s not, not really. One can go the span of a lifetime and not take a life, indulging in other vices more frequently. Things have actually improved as of late too. But then you have things like the Wizarding World that tests everything we have before we even realize we are being tested.” Pixie said looking into her drink.

Hagrid looked around his little hut. From the small kitchen next to the fireplace, to the single bed that they were now on. He had definitely learned to be happy with what he had, but it was a far cry from where he thought he would be. His own world that he came from had seen to that, not even having a wand anymore and the law saw to it he would never have one again. “I know what you mean, almost fifty years ago our world did the same to me, chewing me up and spitting me out, despite making the most with the scraps we have left. I was a student here in fact when an incident happened and a student died. I had a spider as a pet and everyone blamed her for the girl's death. I was tried and it was found inconclusive, I was free to go but at the cost of never having a wand again. That being said in the court of public opinion I was a dead man walking. With no place to go and an unfinished education, Dumbledore showed me mercy and thus I became the groundskeeper and later on a teacher for the beastly classes. Me pet she, well I couldn't keep her so I let her go in the forbidden forest. She's still around and has a family of her own. Kinda like alphas of the forest so she helps keep some order to the woods.” Hagrid said as his words turned into a ramble as Pixie listened to him attentively.

“Who was the girl?”

“You might have met her actually. She's Myrtle, the ghost that haunts the second-floor bathroom.”

Pixie made a disgusted face from just hearing of the place. “I've always hated that bathroom and not because of Myrtle. It always smells of snake but with a wrongness that I can't place.”

Hagrid thought to himself for a moment, “Couldn't be the chamber… could it.” Pixie tilting her head curious. “Nothing for you to worry ‘bout now, but I will warn ya. If the chamber is ever open again, best run back to Hell as fast as you can.” The air became tense with the warning. “Now then, I know Harry be wanting information and I just so happen to be having a we problem in the forbidden forest. If you can send him my way that could help us both. It best ya be running along for dinner, I got to make myself something too.” Hagrid said as he stood and began thinking of what to make for himself.

“No, I don't think I will.” Hagrid turned back to look at Pixie. “I could really use a night to get my mind off of everything, and I suspect you could too If you’ll have me that is.” Hagrid abolished, thinking it would be nice having company for once.

They talked and eventually ate well into dinner time. Sharing joys and hardship, both unique and universal. “Thanks, Hagrid for dinner, you're a pretty good cook.”

“I well thank ye. I've always enjoyed working with my hands whether they be beast or food.”

“Same even with fighting, despite learning it for defense, just using my hand for something feels really good. It's actually why herbology is my favorite class so far.”

“Agreed, though plants are more Professor Sprouts' domain, there is still plenty of overlap to be found here and there. Now you really best be running along. Rules are still rules even if we let dinner slide.” Hagrid was grateful for Pixie's company. Having someone see him as something other than a halfbreed, the rumored murderer, or just the groundskeeper was nice for a change. The hug he received in turn was definitely on the extreme end of this, but one returned in kind.


Earlier in the dining hall. Harry was looking over his lesson plans, he was distraught, bitter to the point of being snippy in recent days. His hair was disheveled and could use a good soak. His eyes had heavy bags that lingered even after a full night of sleep. Actions lethargic and sluggish, with Pixie often helping guide him from class to class. Draco wasn’t much faring better, he was walking in with Professor Snape right behind him. He looked restless like he had been on edge for some time now. One could wager it was warranted by the black eye he was now sporting. As he approached Harry both looked at each other as they spoke in unison, “What happened to you?”

“Some of the other Slytherin started a heated discussion, which sadly a punch got in before I could intervene,” Snape answered as the two sat down across from Harry.

“And why hasn’t the faculty done more? Even I can see there has been an escalation on all sides. It is one thing to have our war of words let's say, but things have now gotten physical, and if the words have reached my ears correctly, hazing has occurred.” Harry said in an accusatory manner.

“It's not as simple as you would assume Carmine. I have no grounds to take preemptive measures; I am only reactionary in a sense. Not even Dumbledore has a say in it. We will have to wait for more built in measures to occur, let's say.”

Harry looked to Professor Snape now hoping that what was implied wasn’t the case. “Pardon me, professor, I know the castle can have a mind of its own at times, but are you inferring that it has more say than even its own headmaster?”

“As designed by the founders themselves.”

It was exactly what Harry feared and now confirmed. While an individual can be haggled, fought, and if need be replaced. But what the bloody hell do you do with a castle? Harry partially stood from his seat, looking towards the ceiling and pointing a finger squarely at it, “I swear if nothing is done about these revelations by Sinsmas, then I will personally see to it you are leveled.”

Snape made for an explanation but was stopped by Draco. “Now that you’re done threatening a building, back to my side of the same question.”

Sitting back down, “I am… taking things day by day as it were.”

“Keeping things to yourself like this will just send you straight to the infirmary. If need be I will personally strap you to the bed.”

“Apologies if I fear no army you lead in such a venture.” Harry turned as he saw his other students sitting down at the table. “Ah wonderful now that everyone is here, let's begin, and to do that we are now on to mixing things up. Does everyone have their notes ready for some sigils today?” Seeing that they did, Harry pulled out a small bag of paper leaflets and dumped them into his hat, before giving them a good mix. “What we will be doing from here on out is learning a single spell, learning the note-keeping that would go behind it, and then executing the exploration of said spell. If this were a normal school course it would last your entire schooling years. Which by the end you would have a grimoire vastly different from each other and unique to you, alone. For the spell in question, I thought we would let fate decide what you'll be learning as you’ll each be picking different things.” Harry started to pass the hat around as they began grabbing for spells. Once each of the students had a piece of paper in hand, Harry hovered the hat over to Professor Snape who hadn’t picked yet.

“You can’t be serious. I have my potions.” Snape said, but Harry just held the hat in place, giving it just the tempting shake. “Fine but only because I know you won’t relent.” He said as he grabbed one.

“Alright, what do we got?”

“Fire… um, I’m not sure if that is a good idea for me,” Ron said.

“With the progress you’re making you’ll control it fine, have faith Ron,” Harry said trying to be encouraging.

“Smoke. Alright, some variety can be used with that I guess.” Draco answered next.

“Polymorph? I'm not sure what you mean by this Harry.” Hermine asked.

“It's the category of changing one's self. Transfiguration would be considered a subcategory of this.” Harry explained. “By the end of school, you be transforming into animals.”

“That sounds close to an animagus, which is required to be registered with the ministry. I'd advise you to consult Minerva, who is one, before you get too far seeing as the process is normally a long and extenuous one.” Snape interjected.

“I have a feeling I really don't want to know, but fine we can start by transferring what has already been taught in transfiguration to sigil. Now what did you draw?”

“Ice. I can see its uses.”

“Alright let's get started.”


By the end of the tutoring session, everyone was getting their things together when Harry motioned them to quiet and listen. He tried specifically to get them to focus on some gossip from students who entered the hall early. “Did you hear about the students' bed that went up in flames?” A terrible feeling fell into the gut among them as they were hoping it was unrelated, “Yeah isn't it in Slytherin?” And that reinforced the feeling all the worse.

Snape took off running, muttering ‘Why wasn't I informed!?’ While Harry quickly turned to Draco. “Draco look at me. It's not yours. Repeat after me it's not yours. That's it just breathe. We’re going to get through dinner and things will be fine. Got it.” While Draco listened to Harry, Draco displayed almost a statue-like appearance, but this didn't mean he didn't need to hear these words far from it.

Much to Harry’s words dinner went as expected. Harry did note when halfway through Snape returned and whispered something in Draco's ear. His response was once dinner was over to invite Draco back to the Gryffindor Commons, which Draco Gladly accepted.

“Lips of an angel.” Hermione sang as she finished the song which came from an impromptu karaoke session. Things were a bit more cheerful, well as best as they could be considering the circ*mstances. They were all sitting on the couches in Harry’s suite as Hermione sat back down, handing the phone and makeshift mic back to Harry.

“It does make it a bit weird that your favorite song is about cheating on one's current girlfriend because they haven’t gotten over their ex yet,” Ron commented.

“Well, the chorus is really great and flows beautifully, as long as you don’t think of the lyrics too much.” Hermione countered, her cheeks puffing out in a huff.

“Speaking of weird something I’ve always been curious about, Harry if you have a private bath in here, then how do you and Pixie, since she is eighteen and you’re ten,” Draco asked.

“It is quite simple my dear Draco, we are nothing if not professional. We simply never think of such things and thus they never become an issue. Now for those who immediately jump to such conclusions, I ask were you looking for them?”

“Okay cut the sophistication, it’s, they don’t really care in hell, isn’t it?” Draco countered.

“Yeah pretty much.”

It was at this time that Percy stepped into the doorway, knocking on the frame, “Alright lights out folks.”

They started to get up and make their way out, but Draco gave some hesitation as if there was something giving him pause till he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning he saw that it belonged to Harry, “Draco, if you need to stay the night, I have spare couches?”

“That’s okay, I’ll be fine. Besides I’m sure it’s against the rules…” Draco tried to say but was stopped by Percy placing an arm across the door frame. “I can get you a blanket if you need one.”

“I’m not getting out of this am I?” With steeled looks from the two Draco resigned, knowing it was for his benefit. “Yes please.” He said as he turned back around and sat back down.

“Alright If you need me I’m out for the night,” Harry said as he walked over to his bed, and took a long drink from his flask before just falling face-first onto the bed. Caring nothing for decorum.

Draco looked to Pixie hoping for an answer, “Has he always been like this?”

“You have to remember I didn’t know Harry or his family till about two days after school started. But I will say someone his age really shouldn’t be drinking. However, it has gotten worse as of late, but with everything going on, I just don’t know if I should intercede or not since on the one hand he’s a sinner kinda and I’m just a hellhound. But then there's the whole Wizard World thing and I think a sip here and there might help.” Her tone then became very serious, “Also Draco I will warn you of this only once. Never take a sip of it, while to hellborn and Harry since he has already been corrupted by hell, it is harmless. It will condemn your very soul otherwise.”


“Meh, no idea. But it’s rumored to have mutated an earthfish once so there’s that?”

“Alright got it,” Draco said as he tried to take his mind off the sleeping drunk. He manifested three balls of dim light and started to juggle with them. He started doing a basic practice routine before turning it into a more moderate difficulty.

“Didn’t know you could juggle. You’re actually pretty good.” Pixie said as she began changing into sleeping wear.

“Yes well, I only started after Harry’s tutoring. I think it has something to do with my knack for deflection, but I’m not sure. Either way, I’m using it to help me focus on multiple objects at once. The other Slytherins find the act demeaning, but they look down on me regardless, so why not practice it.” Draco explained.

“I don’t think it’s something you should be ashamed of. In fact, several years ago a song about how juggling was cool went viral and while at first it was made fun of, a lot of demons ended up liking the song genuinely and got into juggling because of it. So it shall forever be known that juggling is cool.” This caused a light-hearted laugh the two shared.

Percy was pounding on Harry’s door frantically. It must have been important for the sun was just creeping over the horizon. “Damn it, I know you’re in there.” His fist almost made a hole as it unceremoniously fell inwards from Pixie opening the door. Looking inside he saw Pixie was wearing little more than underwear and a camisole, Draco was tangled in his blanket as he was trying to find his footing. Harry was just on the floor as if there was never an attempt. “Draco I have news of your sleeping arrangements.”

“I get it, probably in a sh*tstorm for not sleeping in Slytherin last night.”

“Actually, all your belongings were moved here during the night and there are new uniforms waiting for you on your bed. Congratulations and welcome to Gryffindor.” Percy said reaching out and shaking Draco’s hand.


Harry was sitting on a lone stool next to the front desk of the potions master. He had a sneaking suspicion of what he was being used for but chose to keep his voice silent for now. As the class began and everyone had taken their seats, Professor Snape came out of his office and stood behind his desk.

“Attention students. Today we’ve had to make a diversion from the normal teaching schedule, so we are going to be recreating Pamona Sprout's all-purpose pickup potion. The ingredients are on the board and if they look familiar, then they should. This specific potion hasn’t had one single name for most of wizarding history while still being the most common. It is also one of the few potions that has the most wiggle room, so I can safely bet over half if not most have actually taken some form of this potion by now in your life. Now why are we making this?” Snape explained.

“Because an example needs to be made, and I have the suspicion that I’m the example,” Harry commented.

“Precisely Carmine,” Snape said as he gave Harry a sideways glance. “Because while I am strict, I am still a teacher first and foremost. Thus if any of you think that you can get by by producing far more than your abilities, wouldn’t that be the day in my class.” Snape said with a demented smile. He then turned specifically to Harry “But you so much as do at the cost of your own well-being, I will fail you and I don’t care how well you are doing in my class do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal sir.”

“Which is why you’ll be the one tasting everyone's results of today,” Snape said quickly following Harry’s comment, which Harry could only give a stunned look. He now had to keep in mind that the Professor did have a bite behind the bark. The only thing was he knew how to hide it well. “Alright, all the ingredients are at your workstations and already in the correct amounts. The directions are on the board. Begin.”

Once all the potions were made and consumed, Harry felt like he had drank a gallon or more of the stuff, which might have very well been the case. Professor Snape had asked that he remained behind and that he wanted to talk to him in his office. Inside was a simple desk, very few possessions, and barely enough room for two chairs. It honestly was the image of a teacher's office if Harry was being frank. Being offered the chair in front of the desk Harry sat down as Snape took the one behind the desk.

“Am I to assume there is more to keeping me after than just to monitor my condition?” Harry asked.

“Indeed, although that is a very important part of it. There was something I’ve been meaning to discuss with you that I haven’t had the time for.” Snape then poured a glass of water, setting it before Harry, and pulled out a bottle of antacids. “Care for some I know that potion can do a number on the stomach. Feeling like concrete on fire after a while.”

Harry gladly took two and washed them down, finishing off half the glass. “Fruity, but I didn’t expect you to house such a muggle invention.”

“As low as I view much of the muggles world medical industry, such views are more on the business side. Where as, products such as antacids, you have to be a moron to mess up. Also, what is the origin of medicine if not alchemy itself?”

“The plants and home remedies that came before and inspired the alchemists?” Harry answered.

Professor Snape had to nod in agreeance since there was some truth to it, but that was a philosophical discussion for later. “Now I wanted to talk to you about your parents and I mean your birth parents. I actually went to school with them in the same year, but even before that I knew your mother since we were nine, having lived in close proximity to each other and we became friends because of it. Then later on in the early years, I became friends with a group that would later be called the marauders, but in those early days we were just friends, a bit rocky a relationship sure, but friends regardless.”

“I still don't understand these houses and I doubt I ever will,” Harry said with a defiant smirk but he had to clutch his head doing so.

“You have his smile.” Harry had to pause at this. He never really gave his human features much thought. His demon ones were always just more prominent in his life. “You also have her eyes,” Snape said with some longing in his voice.

“You loved her?”

“Still do, but we were starting to be guided in separate ways. For her, it was towards the arms of James. For me, it was to become a Death Eater.”

Harry had to look up at the professor, “You a Death Eater?”

“Indeed. In the later years of my schooling, being in Slytherin, I was swayed to the group and joined them. However, when the Dark Lord became set on killing you, I begged him to spare Lily. He did not and that was when I became a turncoat for Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. But all of this is public record that I'm sure you would have found eventually.” Snape explained.

Harry nodded taking in this information. “Am I to assume your tattoo from a different life, is from your time as a Death Eater?”

“Yes, but it only shows when the Dark Lord's presence…”

“Voldemort, just f*cking say the bastards' name. He can no longer do damage directly.” Harry said through more labored breaths.

“That may be but it still detects his influence whether it be him or his followers. Harry, are you alright?” Snape said, trying to finish his explanation.

“Fine. But now that's four groups of clucking hens. Me, Dumbledore, Quarrel, and Voldemort.”

“Quarrel? How is he involved?” Snape asked.

“He knows of Fluffy and whatever Dumbledore has hidden here, that should be in Gringotts. Prideful Albus thinks only he can defend the world…” Harry barely said as he lost consciousness and fell to the floor. He knocked his drink over but thankfully it didn't break.

Snape immediately sprang to action as he shouted “HARRY!!!”


Harry awoke sometime later in the infirmary. Looking around he noticed that he had been changed into a set of loungewear, most likely provided by Pixie. He was also noticeably strapped down to the bed. Seeing that in a chair next to him sat Draco reading the current edition of the Daily Prophet. It must be his work at play with the straps.

“Ah Carmine you're awake. See I told you I would make good on my comment. Although I have no doubt if need be you could easily snap out of those brittle things. Still, it's the thought that counts.” Draco said as he folded up the paper and tucked it beneath his arm. “Oh nurse, the patient has come to,” Draco said getting the nurse's attention.

The nurse was by Harry in a flash as she started checking on him, everything seemed fine from her reactions however. “Well I can tell you this, having overworked yourself like you have put you in a precarious position. What happened was your body was in such a hyper-attentive state that once you consumed the potions your body was finally able to let some of the tension go. Much like how a fever works. I'll have you on bed rest for the next couple of days and we’ll see from there.”

“Don't worry Carmine we’ll catch you up on everything that has happened, but really the only thing so far is Snape casting stupify on Dumbledore when he was explaining my transfer over dinner. It got the attention off of me a bit and seeing Dumbledore in a cheap devil's costume was hilarious.” Draco explained.

“Fascinating, really wish I could have seen it. Now that you know I'm awake can you unstrap me.” Harry said.

“Sleep tight, Harry.” Draco simply replied as he sauntered off now knowing Harry was fine. “Visiting hours start at nine am.” The nurse said to Draco as he was making his leave. “I’ll see about some dinner for you, but then it's back in the straps, you understand.” She said before taking her leave as well.

“Asshole,” Harry said, not believing the situation he was now in and thinking he might be rubbing off onto Draco.

Much later into the night, Harry awoke suddenly to the sight of Dumbledore sitting next to his bed. Harry almost wanted to snap the straps, but at the moment it might benefit him to show an appearance of weakness, depending on Dumbledore's reaction.

“Apologies for startling you Harry, I can understand that the situation with the troll can weigh heavy on the mind, especially for one so young,” Dumbledore said.

“And yet it's like you refuse to accept the fact that your world's mythical hero grew up in Hell.” Harry rebutted.

“I'm not quite sure what you infer has changed with such a factor.”

Harry shook his head, “Let's cut the fat, why are you really here?”

“Simply checking in on a student who became overwhelmed from staring down a troll. I wouldn't wish it upon any student, especially not a first-year.” Dumbledore said.

Harry thought that the man's sheer arrogance was astounding. “Or maybe it's because of a certain prophecy where neither I nor Lord Voldemort can live if the other does as well. Thus it is the single most crucial thing to you that I live.” This caused a reaction from the headmaster. It was subtle but Harry caught it. “You forget I'm a prominent member of the Wizengamot as well and have a representative do research while I'm here.” The headmaster didn't like being called out it seems. “Oh was I a mere student not supposed to know that? Wake up you fool, otherwise you'll be jumping at shadows. Regardless, you're too obsessed with silly mortal prophecies.”

Dumbledore stood and took his leave biting his tongue. Once he was out of earshot Harry muttered a quick good riddance before laying back down. Although he really didn't like to admit Dumbledore was right on one account. The threat of Voldemort was becoming very real, it just might not be in the form he was expecting which could be Dumbledore undoing. He really wished he could reach his flask right now.


It was early November, a Sunday after lunch when Harry was released from the infirmary and given a stern warning to tone it down from now on. He would have ignored this if it wasn’t for his friends monitoring him for the foreseeable future. So here he was in one of the courtyards hanging out not really focusing on much. Harry was sitting across from Draco on one of the banisters as the others were in various positions around them.

“So what exactly is the hierarchy in hell?” Draco asked.

“Well at the bottom it goes Imps are the lowest, followed by Hellhounds which both of those could be considered in the same tier, then the Cubis which are Succubis and Incubis, the Ethans which are a group of fish-like demons tied to the Envy ring, And next are the Bathomets which hail from Sloth, those three can be considered in the same group. Then we move on to the sinners with the overlords being the top sinners and are often separated into our own category. Above us are the Ars Goetia, followed by the Deadly Sins themselves. Next up are Princess Charlie and her Mother Lilith, although if the rumors are to be true, Charlie has grown in power far beyond Hell’s means, but she was never a physical fighter so I’m not sure how much credibility to give those rumors. And finally Lucifer himself. Does that answer your question?” Harry explained.

“There are also rumors you summoned Lucifer himself on your first day is any of that true?” Draco followed up on his question.

“All I did was simply move a date up, nothing more, but on the technicalities yes I summoned him,” Harry said with a sh*t-eating grin knowing it cost him very little do so, but was worth it for the story and claim. “Now are there any other questions?”

Ron spoke up next, “Yeah, we know your family makes weapons, but how involved were you…” Ron cut himself off as he saw the headmaster approaching.

“Afternoon students. I hope the day is treating you well.” Dumbledore.

“Keep walking,” Harry said almost demanding it.

“My not a very polite way to treat an elder now is it?”

“Says the man who has yet to earn any respect.” Harry countered as he stood to face Dumbledore.

The other students were quick to intervene as Pixie and Hermione went for Harry and Percy, Ron, and Draco were on Dumbledore. “Harry look at me, you need to calm down, we can handle this situation,” Hermione said trying to keep Harry’s attention.

“Sir I think it’s best if you go. It’s not in your best interest to antagonize a demon as it were.” Percy said trying to get Dumbledore to move along.

“I see no difference between him and any other student, so I haven’t the foggiest idea what you mean.” Percy was now physically guiding the headmaster away from the area, for he was failing to do so of his own accord.

“Then why don’t you come down to an overlord meeting and I’ll show you how I’m different,” Harry shouted till they were out of eyesight. He proceeded to pull out his flask and take a swig, something the others noted was happening more and more frequently as of late. “Actually that’s not a bad idea, take him somewhere to really show him what he is truly dealing with. Voldemort or whatever be damned, we can more than handle ourselves.”

“Harry calm down or you’ll just wind up back in the infirmary. Let us do what we can.” Hermione continued to try and help him only for him to turn on her with her back to a pillar and one of Harry’s hands mounted over her shoulder, he started to loom over her with their height difference. “And what exactly can you do for me that you haven’t already?” He said as his sickly sweet breath wafted over her. In a move that surprised the rest of the group, since Hermione had been a quieter type till now, she took an index finger, placing it squarely beneath Harry’s chin. In a move of counter dominance as it were. “First of all, we’re your friends, which means you should have faith in us no matter what we can do or not do. Secondly, we’ve currently been assigned to watch over you by several people, either directly or indirectly, and possibly fate itself, so I’m going to make sure we do just that. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal,” Harry said with a shaky voice.

“Good, now first things first you can apologize,” Hermione instructed as Harry was just then starting to realize he had threatened one of his close friends. “I’m sorry Hermione, I just wasn’t thinking and…f*ck I drank too much.”

“We know Harry this isn’t easy on any of us. Now why don’t you go back to your room, lie down or focus on other ventures. Ron, Draco can you see that he does just that.” Hermione gave them the order as they guided Harry in a direction opposite the headmaster and towards his suite. Hermione however was starting to feal the reality of the situation crash down on her as she realized what she had just done. Leaning on the railing, she was joined by Pixie. “Damn girl you just stood up to an overlords kid. Congrats on having bigger balls than like eighty percent of hell.”

“Thank you, say um do you have Odette or Clara on your phone I think I need to make a call.” Pixie punched in a number and handed it to Hermione. After a few rings Clara answered, “Hello Pixie, how may I help you?”

“Actually Clara it’s Hermione, I’m calling because well frankly Harry just threatened me kinda and I stood back up to him and there is nowayI’mthinkingclearlypleasehelpBAHHHH”

“Alright, breath thats it in and out. Now then did you say Harry THREATENED you!?” Hermione gave a brief run down of what happened as best she could given the situation. “Got it, firstly I just was to say I’m proud of you for standing your ground, most here in hell couldn’t say they would have done the same. I’ll pass this along to mama, now get something to calm down those nerves. I always suggest lavender tea, but that also makes people sleepy, so maybe something similar. Just try to hang in there okay.” Hermione said she would before giving her goodbye and handing it back to Pixie.

“Come on, lets get you some tea.”

Later on Percy entered the Gryffindor commons to the sight of his little group sitting facing Harry’s suite, which was currently being propped open by Pixie making sure that no privacy was achieved as the sounds of someone yelling, in spanish, over the phone could be heard from inside. “Well trying to get Dumbledore onto anything else was a nightmare, but what exactly is going on here?”

“Well, after you left, Harry lost it a little and threatened Hermione, but she turned it around and threatened him. You should have seen it!” Ron said.

Looking to Hermione, she was holding a cup of tea as she slowly sipped it. “You doing okay Hermione?”

“I think so. I feel this was good for me, like I needed it to happen.” She answered. Percy nodded, understanding that part of the conversation was taken care of. He turned to enjoy the earful Harry was currently getting from his mother about how he treats his friends, even if he didn't speak spanish.


Hermione was gathering her things once Transfiguration class ended. Stepping towards Harry’s seat before giving him a direct order, “Sit.” Pixie immediately sat down on instinct. “Oh sorry Pixie. Now then Professor McGonagall we have some questions.”

“Yes, what is it? I will warn you though if it has something to do with hell then I might not be able to answer.”

“Well you see during Harry’s most recent tutoring session, we started to specialize on a specific spell, or category of spells. I received polymorph and Professor Snape advised us to consult you because it sounded close to an animagus spell. He said you would be the best to talk to, being an animagus yourself.” Hermione explained.

“I'm not entirely sure what Mr. Carmine plans to teach for the process can take months to a year and even then things can go wrong. Let me explain. First a single mandrake must be kept in the students mouth for one month. It cannot be taken out or swallowed for any reason. Next on the following fullmoon of a clear sky they must spit the leaf into a crystal vial which then would receive the full moon's rays. Then they would need to add one of their hairs, a silver teaspoon of dew taken from someplace that has not seen light or has been touched by human feet for seven days, and finally add the chrysalis of a Deaths-Head Hawk Moth. Once that is done it must be placed in a dark quiet place and it cannot be touched until the next electrical storm. During that time they would need to chant an incantation at sunup and sundown without fail while holding the tip of their wand to their heart. Once a lightning storm arrives the student must retrieve the potion which if done correctly will have turned a blood red. They must then recite the incantation one final time before drinking the potion. If everything has been done correctly they will have become an animagus. I hope this explains why there are so few and why first years aren't taught it.” Minerva explained.

“Why is it so needlessly complicated.” Was all Harry could say.

“Harry, calm. We will work through this.” Hermione said.

“But why is it so needlessly complicated. All you need to understand is the base sigil of a polymorph spell and adjust from there depending the complexity of the change.” Harry tried to explain but gave pause when both Hermione and Pixie place a hand on each of his shoulders. “Fine I'm calm, I'm calm. But to proceed further I'm going to call my master and teacher Mr. Zestial.”

Pulling up his phone, he punched in the number and was thankful that it was answered immediately, placing it on speaker. “Ah young Harry, how fares the?”

“Unfortunately I'm in a bind. Currently I need your expertise while my hands are bound by those who care for me.”

“And what quandary does thy find themselves in?”

“I have taken on students of mine own. What I perceived was a safe lesson and thus a sensible route is perceived as long and arduous by the Wizarding World as it were. Could thou provide thy expertise in my stead for mine own well-being?” Harry explained.

“Though has taken students of thy own, truly!? Such a bountiful day hearing thy words. Thy remembers when thou was gifted their first grimoire.”

“Master please, thy task at hand. Sides tis simply tutoring. Nothing more.” Harry said, trying to get Zestial back on track. “I'm going to hand the phone over to the Hogwarts Transfiguration Teacher.”

Minerva, not exactly sure what to do with the device, started to speak into it. “Hello Mr. Zestial was it?”

“Tis, what be thy dilemma?” Minerva began to explain what an animagus was and all that was involved. “Thy would suggest ye cease such activities for thou sounds far closer to creating a soul than simply changing form.”

“While in some regards I can see it being compared to a homunculi, I fail to see what danger it could cause.” Minerva said.

“Does thou need be reminded Heaven and Hell exist and by extension, God, thou owns creator as well?”

“I have not weighed such an option before becoming an animagus myself.”

“Thou best pray for forgiveness of such a transgression that not even I would dare take.” Zestial advised darkly. “Now back to matter's at hand. Does thou have any means to change one's form outside of this animagus ritual?”

“There is a polyjuice potion that I know of that changes one's appearance.”

“Ah potions, a much safer route. All my apprentice will be doing then, is teaching the base sigil of the potion, which then will be expanded on from there” Zestial explained.

“But potions and magic are separate things from one another. Certainly, even you must know that. Besides some of us teachers are still uncomfortable knowing that wandless magic is being taught to first years. Such dangerous teachings could lead to injury or even death if not handled properly.” Minerva tried to argue.

“How ignorant does thou need to be to harm thy selves from such simple teachings!? Does thou see water and assume surely thy will drown!?”

“Well, it became restricted after several individuals had their arms dismembered from incorrectly performing such an act.”

“Thou needs to go no further, I have thy answer. Now back to the sigil, thou say that magic and potions are not of the same, but they are akin to math and nature. On thy surface thou are incompatible, but on closer inspection math is found throughout nature, is it not? Magic and potions are of the same. Now I grow tiresome of this, would you kindly hand the phone back to thy apprentice?” Not wanting to continue the conversation herself, Minerva did just that.

“Yes Master Zestial.” Harry asked.

“As thy understand thou has several friends who keep an eye on thous health, for thou family’s sake let them. My heart breaks whenever news of your endeavors reaches thy ears. I implore for you to savor the moments of youth when they present themselves, for they are indeed fleeting.” Zestial asked of Harry with hints of heartbreak at the edges of his words, as he said.

“My apologies mast-Zestial. I promise I’ll try going forward. It was good hearing your voice again.”

“The same for yours Harry.” The two exchanged goodbyes as Harry hung up the phone. Standing up he started to gather his things, a tear in his eye.

“Harry, are you going to be okay?” Hermione asked.

“Um yeah, it’s just. It feels like a lifetime ago since I heard his voice ya know, but it was the last days of September really. Feels longer.” Harry explained as the three of them exited the classroom. Minerva started to feel for Harry while both were often at odds with the divide of worlds it seemed somedays, she at least knew what a relationship between master and apprentice could mean especially if it was similar to a familial bond.

“In fact what we were discussing when the first acceptance letter came was a day out shopping. Nothing big, it was during a seasonal slump and the whole point was to get my mind away from studies. It would have been me, Mama, Clara, Odette, maybe Zestial, I don’t know if he would have come.” Harry explained as they turned a corner and saw a commotion happening at the end of the hallway. As they approached they could hear students chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” As they got to the edge, it was hard to see, for Hermione, but Pixie and Harry were having a better time. “What's happening, besides the obvious I mean?”

“Oh sh*t, it’s two teachers and one has the other in a headlock,” Pixie explained.

“You don’t think it has anything to do with Harry?” Hermione asked as both she and Pixie started to eye Harry.

“Don’t look at me, I am not at fault for any revolutionary-based conflicts that are spurred by my actions.” He said cheekily. They turned their attention back to the sight before them before they heard Professor Flitwick rushing towards the brawl to intervene. The crowd quickly departed to allow him a way in only for him to get launched backward by a well-placed punt from one of the teachers. “GOAL!” Harry shouted as he got looks from other students. “What I feel no remorse for him.” Most returned their attention back to the scuffle, just accepting it really.


The rest of November was relatively quiet, sure there were a few run-ins with Dumbledore, but at most Harry only had to see the nurse once for a pep-up potion, which he didn’t need to stay thankfully. Although Professor Snape did make him sit on a stool, as the ‘example’ but again thankfully he didn’t have to drink any potions. His friends, were being more active in other areas as well from making sure that he slept and ate, to making sure he did his ballet practice. As the month turned into December and a late snow began to cover the grounds, all weather reports were predicting a mild winter at best.

Percy was standing in line next to George and Fred. They were waiting patiently as the teacher finished and all the third-year students and higher were led to Hogsmeade. An event that happened once every one to two months and a needed break from school for most. “Alright, you two, obviously you’ll be at Zonko's the entire time, but no shenanigans. Do I make myself clear?”

“Us, set so low,” Fred said.

“As to cause shenanigans.” George continued.

“What do you take us for, hooligans?” Harry finished. The other three turned to look at the surprise addition. “What, I have business in Hogsmeade, and what if I never told any of the teachers.” He said as he held up a folded newspaper.

“You best know what you're doing because we still have the straps,” but Percy ended up rubbing his head despite trying to settle ground terms, “Who am I kidding, of course, you know what you're doing and yet I still feel the need to advise you on it.” Harry gave his thanks as the students started moving towards Hogsmead. As they approached the edge of the town Harry sensed he was being watched, looking around as best he could he spotted a large black shaggy dog, staring directly at him. He stepped a few paces ahead so that he was next to Percy. “Large black dog ahead has eyes on me. Keep calm.”

Percy did his best not to raise the attention of the animal, “I see it, but I don’t want to think of what it could be other than a dog.”

“So you have an idea then, but I will say it feels too human if that makes sense.”

“I know of no animagus fitting that description, but my knowledge is limited.”

“I’ll pull the twins to the tavern. My business is there. If it still follows us to Zonkos then I’ll know it is a threat.” Harry said.

“It might be a threat regardless. Ask them about a grim type omen.” Percy instructed him.

Harry nodded in understanding as he moved back to the twins, once they reached the edge of the town, Harry placed his hands on the backs of the twins trying to guide them. “Say I’m Partch from that walking, let’s hit up the pub for a drink before we do some shopping?”

“But we were…” Fred tried to argue.

“Thinking the same thing, well drinks are on me.” Once they had entered the pub Harry sat down next to A gray-haired girl who looked like she had just graduated the year prior, but wore more modern muggle attire. He placed the paper down between them as he hailed the bartender. “Three black cherry colas my good sir.” The bartender placed the drinks on the bar as Harry traded the correct coinage for them. Before the barkeep could collect the coinage he was drawn to a commotion from the other end of the pub, “Hey, what have I told you about causing a ruckus!?”

“See, I keep warning you, sir.”

“Can it Mox!”

Harry took the twist cap off of his drink before turning to the twins, “Alright Percy said to ask what a grim omen was?”

“Thanks for the drink, now it is considered an omen of death,” George started.

“Most often seen as a black shaggy dog. Wait why are we discussing this?” Fred questioned.

“Because I saw one with its eyes on me coming up here, but it didn’t feel as you described. Regardless my business here is done on to Zonko’s.” He guided the twins out of the bar as the grey-haired girl placed her hand on the paper feeling the hard drive hidden within. The drop had been made.

Making their way to Zonko’s Harry saw the dog once again as it stood in an alley across the street from the jokes shop. Harry quickly guided the twins inside as the dog never took its eyes off Harry.


The dog was startled as it jumped, turning around in place to see the demonic Harry standing behind him, but he was sure he had seen him go into the shop so how?

“My, my, isn't this something an animagus in the form of a grim. Now don’t tell me who you are let me guess…” Harry said as if putting on a show for the hound as if this was some kind of act for him. “Oh, I just don’t know. Aren’t these just fun games we play?” The hound was still trying to catch its breath as it was having trouble comprehending what was happening. “Now tell me, was it Albus who sent you?” The dog nodded without thinking. Harry’s smile became more crooked, sinister almost, “Of course it was. Now you can pass this message along, stop while you're ahead before your arrogance gets the best of you. Not like he even listens but it’s the roles we play. You can do this for me can’t you puppy?” Harry said as he booped the dog's nose before leaving him and returning to the jokes shop. The dog just continued to look on very confused by the actions that just occurred.


Upon their arrival back at Hogwarts a head count was done to ensure all the students made it back safely. Professor McGonagall walked down the line listing off names. “Percy Weasley.”

“Fred Weasley.”


“George Weasley.”


“Harry–” Minerva had to stop as she stared at the student who wasn’t supposed to be there.


“Detention tonight after dinner. Hagrids hut.” Minerva said quickly before she continued down the line of students. Perfect exactly as Harry wanted.

Later after dinner, Harry stood outside Hagrid's hut as the groundskeeper locked the door behind him as he exited. “Now then, what did you do to get in trouble on such short notice? I mean normally whenever trouble brews around you it is political as opposed to breaken school rules and whatnot.”

“Simple really, I had business in Hogsmeade and I needed an excuse to meet with you. I do apologize for not meeting with you earlier, exhaustion finally got to me, I'm sure you've heard the rest, and well my friends were making sure I was taking better care of myself.” Harry explained.

“As it right should be. Can't fault them for that. Now then, we will be going into the forbidden forest. You see something has been killing off unicorns for some time now, but I have yet to find what be doing it.”

“Wait, unicorns are real!?”

“Of course. I thought you would know of them, they're mentioned in Christian scripture if I remember correctly.”

Harry shook his hand to indicate it was iffy. “While yes I know what you're referring to. Not all of it lines up. In fact, two of the four times unicorns are mentioned it's actually referring to rhinos, not unicorns. It was a coin toss if unicorns were even in heaven or not. Also keep in mind I've only ever been in hell, where even our dragons are just animatronic attractions since they don't actually exist… right?”

“Uuuuuuuuhhhh” was all Hagrid could say, having handled dragons himself and knowing full well that the oldest Weasley went to work in a dragon sanctuary in Romania. How this got past Harry, Hagrid would never know.

“Into the woods?” Harry offered after an awkward moment.

“Right into woods we go.”

Nearly an hour later they spotted something in a clearing. It was the fresh corpse of a unicorn and a ghastly humanoid feasting on it. Hagrid pulled Harry behind him. “It's a dementor, very deadly. But what's it doing here of all places? We best turn back Harry… Harry!?” Hagrid tried to say when he saw Harry walk, in a trance, closer to the being, but was stopped when he saw Harry start to transform. As Harry got closer he started to float, a cloak forming over him. He was almost the image of a dementor himself sans his head being a faceless serpentine, to a dementor's human-like face, and he sported long bladed fingers.

Hagrid watched in fear and amazement by the sight before him. As Harry entered the clearing the dementor looked up in confusion, not expecting to see another and one who looked decidedly different. It motioned as if to offer a part of its kill to Harry but Harry did not take.

Then Harry began to speak in a snake-like tone, “Archangel Jophael, angel of beauty, light of God, illuminate my mind to see the gifts in everything. To accept peacefully, easily and fully the loving lessons of life.

Open my eyes to realize the grace, beauty and love in all that I see with my eyes and my inner vision.

Open my ears so that I may deeply experience the joy of all I hear; the simple beauty of silence, the laughter of children, the song of the birds or a whispered prayer.

Open my feelings that I may profoundly acknowledge the love in all I encounter. As we are all God’s children, help me to see the beauty and good in everyone and everything.

Open my heart to feel the love of God, in myself, and in every experience. Help me to find joy and wonder in every aspect of daily life.

And so it is!”

At first, the dementor became confused by the sight of another speaking but then it began to take great pain as the words continued. Before Harry could finish, it took off clutching its head in severe pain. But Harry did not stop till the prayer was finished. Hagrid ran out into the clearing as Harry, still transformed, stared off into the distance. “Harry, are you alright!?”

“Tis not a true dementor, but an avatar. A guise spawning from an ill spirit. The Dark Lord's presence is with us at Hogwarts.” Harry said hissing the dire warning before returning to his normal demon form. “What just happened?” He asked.

“Do you not remember lad?”

“No, I remember and in vivid detail but I only have more questions than answers. Also, I now have an empowered form I guess. Let's return to your hut, now knowing what we face to some degree.”

Once back inside the hut, Hagrid got to work re-stoking the fire. Harry started to speak as he did this. “Firstly just to get it out of the way, an empowered form is what a sinner looks like at max strength oftentimes taking on a different, yet similar form of what they look like normally. I guess I now know what mine looks like despite never actually dying.”

“Well I can say you'll put the fear of death into any witch or wizard, that's for sure,” Hagrid said as he struck a match and tossed it into the fireplace hoping it would help.

“Next I said a prayer to Jophael of all beings. The first is the fact that a prayer would affect something in the wizarding world so strongly when up till now neither had affected the other outside of direct being to being. Second, why Jophael, if one were to choose a prayer of protection, why not to the heavenly Father himself or Michael, the father's right hand and sword, if you were to go with an Archangel? Jophael is the Archangel of wisdom. None of it makes sense.” Harry said, rambling.

With the fire finally going Hagrid sat down on his bed. “Beats me, the lot of this is beyond the Wizarding World let alone my expertise. Though it looked like you were going on instinct.”

“In a way I was. It just felt like kin till I got close and wrongness fell over it. And I tested it with the prayer. Once it recoiled in pain and fled, I knew in me it was a false kin, but why would I even find a dementor kin anyway?”

Hagrid shook his head, “I fear the answer to that question. Now Pixie said you wanted information in exchange for helping me.”

“That I did at one time, but I already know everything I want to know short of what Dumbledore is hiding here.”

“And that's the one thing I'm afraid I can't tell you.”

Harry waved it off. “Don't worry about it Hagrid, I have enough information. Now it's just waiting for others to make the next move.” the both of them sat in silence till it was time for Harry's detention to end.


Harry was in the middle of a nightmare if it could be called that, but it fell closer to an omen or cry for help. He was in his dementor form as he watched angels fall from the heavens being turned into dementors by cloaked wizards. They were calling out to him. “You are not our saviors, but you are kin. Please aid them if you can. Free us, Free us, Free us.” They called out over and over again.

These plagued Harry till the beginning of the winter Halls.


Carmilla Carmine, Clara, Odette, and Rosie stepped out of a portal in front of Hogwarts. Many families were about to see their Children or heading to the great hall where they could meet the teachers, they were also giving them some distance for this was the first time some were seeing them. Fear could be tasted in the air, especially towards Rosie.

As they started to make their way inside, Percy walked up to them. “Odette, Clara, Miss Carmine, and Miss Rosie I believe. Apologies but I've only seen a picture of you. I’m Percy Weasley,” He gave his greetings, but his handshake was stopped as Clara and Odette chose to hug him instead.

“Mom, Rosie, this is one of Harry’s friends and one of the Weasley clan of one hundred,” Odette said.

“Not a clan of one hundred. Yes, two parents and six kids is a lot, but that's it.” Percy said, trying to shut down the idea.

“You are correct girls, Asmodious would love this family. It's a pleasure to meet you, Percy.” Carmilla said, shaking Percy’s hand.

“Um, isn't he the Sin of Lust?”

“Oh absolutely, but he is also a family man in a committed relationship himself. It may not seem like it, but he is protective over all kinds of family types. And greetings by the way.” Rosie explained as she shook Percy’s hand.

“I'll keep that in mind.”

“Now Percy, I believe Harry is under the weather as it were. Could you take us to him?” Carmilla asked.

“Unfortunately, Harry has instructed me to introduce you to the teachers, and in Rosie’s case show her the castle. If I were to take you to him, the others would not get done. Worry not he said for Pixie is dutifully watching over him.” Percy explained.

“Why must you do this to me, Harry?” Carmilla asked more to herself. “Fine, where to first?”

The group started to make their way to the great hall, Rosie in shear aw of the architecture. “They don’t make them like this anymore that’s for sure. But I still prefer my simple cannibal town.” She commented. They were halfway towards the front of the dining hall when they spotted Hermione and her parents in their path. “Hermione!” Clara and Odette called getting the girl’s attention.

“Clara, Odette, it’s so good to see you again.” Hermione said as they gave each other hugs, “And this must be your mother, Miss Carmine I believe. And apologies…”

“Call me Rosie sweety, everyone does.”

“Well, it's wonderful to meet you. Now I’d like to introduce my parents.” Hermione said as her dad stepped forward cautiously.

“Mr. and Mrs. Granger. It’s a pleasure I believe. Though we were not aware the Wizarding world held such… individuals as yourselves. Apologies, we live mostly in the muggle world so we are not always up-to-date on things.” He said, trying to keep his composure.

“No apologies needed for you see we are not from the Wizarding World, we are from Hell,” Carmilla explained.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Heaven and Hell are very real and before you stands very real demons. Fear not, we don't plan on anything uncivilized. In fact, we knew nothing of this world till my son Harry received an acceptance letter to Hogwarts.” Mr and Mrs Granger were like many trying to process that such places were very real. “Speaking of Harry, Hermione, I must apologize for Harry threatening you. It was most unbecoming of him and certainly not how I raised him.”

“Wait, your son threatened our daughter!?”

“Dad stop, I can handle this.” Hermione almost commanded of her dad. A tone that neither had seen in their daughter before. “Now then, Miss Carmilla, you will not hold this against Harry, for we’ve seen first-hand what Dumbledore's antagonization against Harry does to him. And while it is not pretty, to say the least, we are doing our best to defuse any situations that arise.”

“There are very few who have the gull to command overlords such as ourselves. Have you no fear of what your actions may bring?” Carmilla questioned the child before her.

“In this situation, none for we are allies in this war. Which, we both care for the well-being of
Harry. And being on the front lines of it, currently, I feel as though I fear very little.” Hermione stated firmly.

“Excuse me war!? Hermione, what are you talking about?” Her mother asked growing concerned.

“She’ll make a great leader one day,” Rosie commented as Carmilla followed suit. “What she is referring to is the actions of Albus Dumbledore against my son, which started with his overabundance of acceptance letters that left both him and I open to assassination attempts. Understand we are high-ranking members of Hell so this is a very real threat we consider amongst our own. But for it to come from an outside source, and the human realm no less, was unprecedented. It would have been an all-out conflict if it wasn’t for the fact we had no knowledge of the Wizarding World. From there Dumbledore has made numerous attempts to, let's say groom Harry, for lack of a better term. But Harry like any of us is not to be fooled easily. I don’t like any of this that is happening, especially not as a parent seeing our children tackle the direct conflicts of this war of words. However it is a conflict between two nations and my hands are bound by diplomatic red tape.” Carmilla explained.

The Grangers were in disbelief even more than being told that Heaven and Hell exist, “What could have provoked all of this.”

“Simple, Dumbldores arrogance knows now bounds, and he cares little for what casualties he may cause.” Carmilla answered.

Across the room Mr. Weasly was entering the dining hall before he was stopped by Draco Malfoy. “Mr. Weasley a word if you will.” He wasn’t sure what the son of Lucious Malfoy would want with him, but he begrudgingly followed to the side of the dining hall. “Could you cast a notice-me-not spell? Just something so that we have a bit more privacy if you will.” He casting the spell as he was asked. “Now then, I’m sure word has spread that I’m becoming something… quite different than my parents and I’ve seen the need to start making connections of my own. Now would you care for a deal, I’m sure there is something that can benefit the both of us.” Draco said as he offered his hand out to shake. There were several moments of silence before Draco gave up, “sh*t, how does Harry make this look so easy?”

“Apologies, I did not know you were acquainted with Mr. Carmine.”

“We’re friends infact, I’m also friends with your sons as well but that’s besides the point. It was due to Harry’s actions that I was able to safely transfer from Slytherin to Gryffindor.”

“Excuse me, but transfer of houses and a Malfoy in Gryffindor. I’m sorry, I’m very out of the loop on events here, being tied up with the banks and what not.” Mr. Weasley said showing his confusion.

“Then I do not envy you for much has happened over these few months, things haven’t been going well for me here and my transfer happened after my bed ‘accidently’ caught fire. Harry saw to it I was transferred, since the Gryffindor students were already used to my presence and frankly treated me much better. Take a gander towards the head of the room. You can see his family.” Mr. Weasly did and immediately the hairs on the back of his neck stood up at the sight of Rosie. “Scary right, but it’s Harry’s family and he couldn’t ask for more. His place is in Hell not here, so that’s why I tried to make a deal or something to make a business relation, because one day Harry will return and I’ll be standing on my own. Best make connections now before that happens, right?”

“I understand what you mean and I agree, best make such connections now rather than later. We’ll be on our own in this changed world. Here’s to a brighter future, hopefully, Mr. Malfoy.” Mr. Weasley said sticking his hand out.

“Please, calm me Draco.” Draco said shaking his hand.

“Only if you’ll call me Arthur.”

Carmilla and company said their holiday blessings as they left the Grangers as they made their way to the front of the hall, where the teachers stood. Once there, Percy first introduced them to Professor Snape. “This is our Potions teacher Professor Snape. Professor this is Miss Carmine as you know, her daughters, Clara and Odette, who you’ve seen before, and finally this is Rosie Carmilla’s Partner as it were.”

“Welcome back Miss Carmine. It has been a pleasure seeing Harry work and also being a student under him.” Snape said.

“Why thank you, but what do you mean by a student of Harry’s?” Carmilla asked.

“Well you see, Harry’s former teacher, his methods were called into question and in response Harry established a tutoring group so that he could teach the way he was taught, proving it was superior. This required the oversight of a teacher, thus me and Harry would not let me go without participation. Frankly it’s been very enlightening to work under him.”

“Again thank you, but I must ask who was it that questioned Zestial’s teaching methods?”

Snape leaned in to whisper so as not to give himself away, “While most teachers have questioned, it was Professor Flitwick who did so directly. The short one.” Carmilla took note as she gave holiday wishes to the Professor before moving on to the other teachers.

“Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore.” Carmilla said not even trying to hide her disdain for the headmaster. “These are my daughters Clara and Odette, whom I’m sure you’ve met already. And this is Rosie, she was the one who supplies the sinners blood.”

“A pleasure. It is always wonderful to see a student such as Harry strive for excellence.” Dumbledore said.

“Wow, so little words and I can already tell he’s a bad cut of meat.” Rosie commented.

“Really now, I’ve always considered myself a porter house.” Dumbledore replied showing no consideration for the slight against him.

“Albus, maybe it’s best not to antagonize the cannibal.” Minerva said trying to get Dumbledore to show some decorum.

“That’s quite alright, Professor McGonagall, we’ve made our pleasantries, now we’ll be going to see my son.” Carmilla said before guiding her group away from the teachers.

“Yikes, Milla I knew you said he was bad from what you’ve told me, but you were sugar coating it.” Rosie said. Once at the door she assured Percy that she remembered the way to the Gryffindor commons and that he was free to join his family. The path was mostly clear until they reached the stairs, for the one they happened to be on decided to move at the worst possible time. “I swear I will kill whomever designed these accursed things!”

“Come on Milla, don’t be such a spoil sport, these things are fun.”

“Finally something we can disagree on!”

They made it to the commons with only Carmilla the one worse for wear. Where upon entering Harry’s suite her heart broke at the sight of Harry in bed as Pixie placed a cold washcloth on his head. “My apologies Miss Carmine. Harry wanted to save you from this sight but he has fallen into another sleeping spell. He has been suffering nightmares as of late and unfortunatly they have led to him taking ill, it has caused such a toll.”

“It’s alright Pixie do you know of what the nightmares are about?”

“He won’t say, not even to me. They only started up after he went into the forbidden forrest as part of detention.” Pixie explained.

“Wait a minute, Harry had detention and second, the forbidden forrest, which they explicitly tell the students never to go into unless they want to die, they send in the students anyway as part of detention!?” Carmilla asked trying to get a grasp of the situation.

“Alright, the detention was intentional and done so after he made the drop in Hogsmeade, secondly… yeah, no I have no way to justify their logic. Regardless these are things to discuss later, Please make yourselves at home. I’ll continue to watch over Harry for now.”

“Thank you Pixie.” Carmilla said.

A small portal was open so that they could retrieve an assortment of Sinsmas decorations. As much as they didn't like to admit, Harry not being able to be moved was foreseeable and thus it was chosen to spend the holiday at Hogwarts, where they knew they at least had a private suit to themselves. The next several hours were spent placing decorations, setting up a tree and placing presents underneath it. By the time they were done, Harry had awoken to the wonderous site. This was how it went for the next several days as Harry would be in and out sleep due to the fever. Food was served by the house elves for every meal in the suite so they didn’t have to worry about leaving to go to the dining hall.

On Sinsmas morning Harry awoke before everyone else, but he was in a feverish fog running mostly on auto pilot. Clara and Odette hand been sleeping in Pixie’s bed, which they were currently tucked under each of her arms. Carmilla was currently entangled with Rosie on one of the couches, her head resing on her stomach. Harry sat down on the empty couch as he pulled up his projection for the banks and got to work.

Carmilla slowly opened her eyes as she started to hear movement, as her senses started to clear, she looked upon what Harry was working on, only for her mind to explode as she realized what it was. “HARRY!?!?!?” She screamed, waking everyone else. Getting to her feet and out of Rosie’s embrace, she started to move around the coffee table. “Mi hijo, what are you doing!?”

“Working on the banks, gotta keep ahead of Dumbledore.” He said groggily.

“No Harry not now you are not only on break you are sick,” Carmilla said as she grabbed one of Harry’s arms and started to physically pull him away from the table. He was struggling fiercely as he demanded to be let go. Carmilla pulled him as far away from the table as she could, wrapping her arms around Harry as best she could till he tired himself out. Harry certainly was a lot stronger than Carmilla was expecting, but then she felt something she would have never expected. Harry’s fingers dug deep into her side as he clawed her, leaving deep gashes in his wake. She clutched her side as she pressed her back against the wall, slowly sliding down. Harry now free walked back to the table but was decked across the face by Pixie, knocking him out cold.

Golden blood ran down Carmilla’s side as Rosie was immediately on her to bandage the wound so that it wouldn’t become infected. Clara and Pixie were dragging Harry back to bed as Odette started to look over what Harry was working on. Receiving the all-clear from Rosie that her bandages were secure she was aided back to her seat. “Odette, I’m truly scared to ask, but I think I already know. What was Harry working on?”

“His notes list it as a restructuring for Gringotts, but this looks more like infrastructure for a small nation. Yes, there is the data storage bank and the upfront for the bank, but Harry has five geothermal power plants finished and he has started the foundation for a workers' town. How big are these banks!?”

“I don’t know myself, while I know they were stored in mines, I was too big for the minecart so I never saw,” Carmilla explained. “I was only told that he was giving computer literacy classes to the goblins, not… this!”

“Boy, can redo all of Pride to make it more efficient, going by this and benefit not only all sinners but Imps and Hellhounds to boot,” Rosie added.

Carmilla was reminded that Pixie was probably the one around Harry the most, “Pixie did you know about this?”

Pixie stiffened as she and Odette finished getting Harry back in bed and returned to the group. “Yes mam, I did indeed. Please understand the position I’m in, while yes, I’m a Hellhound, I can only do so much against those of higher positions, thus orders from both of you can conflict. Personally, having seen the effects of Dumbledore's actions, I understand the lengths Harry feels he needs to go. At best I try to make sure Harry eats, gets some sleep, and gets to his classes on time.”

Carmilla shook her head, “Then thank you Pixie for at least doing that. This was not how I thought this holiday would go.” But before she could go further, there was a knock at the door. Pixie, who was still standing answered the door to find Draco standing on the other side.

“Morning Pixie, is Harry up? I wanted to wish both of you a Merry Christmas, oh um I didn’t realize your family was staying over the halls. Well Merry Christmas, I’ll leave you to it.” Draco said as he turned to leave.

“Draco wait! I know they left you here. We made an agreement. You help with Dumbledore and I show you what the Wizarding World can’t. Well, here it is, a loving family.” Harry shouted in a feverish fit.

“I thought I knocked you out!?” Pixie shouted.

Draco ignored this as he stood in the doorway with his back turned to the group, unsure of what to do. Till he felt a hand on his shoulder, he saw that it was Carmilla standing there clutching her side. “Draco was it? Won’t you join us no one should be alone on Sinsmas.” For some reason, Draco couldn’t place, there was a warmth to her that felt welcoming, something he was not used to. Draco nodded as he stepped back inside, Pixie shutting the door behind him after quickly whispering a warning to not mention the flask under any circ*mstance. She returned to Harry’s side making sure he was well.

Keeping that in mind, he tried to focus on other subjects. “Miss Carmine, I’ve noticed you are injured. I do apologize in it was the doing of the Wizarding World.”

“Worry not, Harry caused it in a feverish pitch this morning as I tried to pull him away from his work on the banks,” Carmilla said as she motioned to the paperwork and display still scattered on the table. “And please feel free to drop formalities, It's a time to celebrate being around friends and family, well as best as we can celebrate anyway.”

“It sounds like Harry alright, good thing we still have those straps on standby, right Pixie?” Receiving a thumbs up, Draco realized he hadn’t introduced himself. “Apologies again, I’m Draco Malfoy.” He said offering a hand.

“Carmilla Carmine, Harry’s mom obviously and this is Rosie,” Carmilla said as Draco gently kissed each of their hands.

“My what a gentleman. I see Harry keeps such kind friends.” Rosie commented.

“Indeed, but Draco your father wouldn’t happen to be Lucious would it.” Draco confirmed that it was. This caused thoughts to enter her mind that she rather not entertain. Whispering to Rosie that Lucious was not a pleasant man, so that she understood, why Draco had been left at Hogwarts to some degree. “Now Draco please feel free to sit and, what did you mean by straps?” Draco wasn’t sure how much he wanted to tell them, but he did give them the basics of Harry being overworked and how the medicine affected him. “And so once Harry was awake and I made sure he was fine, I may have left him strapped to the infirmary bed overnight. I mean he could easily break them, but it’s the thought that counts.” Draco explained. Odette and Clara were in hysterics, with Rosie trying to stifle her own laughter. Carmilla just sighed. While she didn’t like hearing Harry overwork himself, she was now glad that his friends were looking after him and understood him.

As they regained their composure, they cleared off the coffee table for it was just about time for breakfast. As the elves arrived with carts holding the food, they helped place the food onto the table much to the annoyance of the house elves. Harry was still out of things so Clara asked Pixie what she would like, before filling a plate and bringing it over to her. Making sure someone was always by Harry’s side.

Draco noticed Rosie pull out a cooler with her own food that she added to a stack of waffles. It looked like raw meat to Draco, but he was more curious about it than he was fearful. “Rosie, sorry for asking, but what is that you’re eating?”

“Sinner flesh, I am a cannibal after all, while yes we sometimes cook the meat, we more often than not just eat it raw right off the freshly killed corpse. It’s also why part of the dress code of my little town of cannibals is for clothes to be in shades of red and black. It hides the blood wonderfully.”

“That’s actually pretty smart of you.”

“Why thank you, I’ve tried my best to get my cannibals to where they are today.” Draco and Rosie continued to talk of the sinful act, surprising the others with how comfortable he was hearing about it. Once they had finished breakfast, Carmilla walked over and swapped out with Pixie so that she could partake in the festivities, returning to the group, she sat down on the floor as Clara started to suggest a game, “Say why don’t we play a board game? I have one in mind that has been known to ruin friendships, destroy families, and some say can take hours if not days to finish.”

“Um, I’m not sure if I want to play a game from hell if it can do all that,” Draco said with uncertainty in his voice.

“She’s talking about monopoly.” Clara clarified.

“Why the f*ck would you describe it like that!? It’s monopoly! Of course, I’ll play.” Draco said as they re-positioned themselves so that they had even space. Carmilla kept watch over Harry but grew a smile from hearing her daughters and two friends become more relaxed. Rosie began to browse her phone and keep up with messages concerning her town, but thankfully things seemed quiet over the holidays.

“Okay, I’ll be willing to trade the Doomsday District set, for your freeway cards, Clara. Do we have a deal?” Draco asked as he held out his hand.

“Okay first of all, yes.” She said as she guided Draco’s hand back down with a single finger, “Second don’t ever make such a statement to a demon willy-nilly. Our society is literally made on deals, so it is not something to be taken lightly.”

Draco looked down at his hand. “Then what did me and Harry shake on?” All eyes were now on Draco, with confusion by this statement.

“Um, what happened exactly? We know you and Harry have a thing, but a verbal agreement is significantly different than a physical handshake. Do you know if any magic was involved?” Odette asked for clarification.

“Well yes, magic was involved. I mean there was a blue liquid metal that manifested and solidified into a handcuff of sorts.”

Rosie turned Draco towards her taking on a serious tone. “What specifically was said, because an agreement like the one you two did is eternally binding and has been abused by more powerful demons since the beginning of Hell,” Draco explained the wizard duel, the musical numbers, and finally, their agreement on ten percent, though not really sure of what. Rosie face-palmed at this. “Okay, so it’s not as bad as it seems. From what Harry said earlier, the trade is you helping him in exchange for him showing you things outside of the wizarding world. How that boils down to percentages is beyond me, but it could be so much worse.”

“Well, at least it’s not as bad as when you three had to kill the troll that got into Hogwarts.” Draco let slip as Clara, Odette, and Pixie tried and failed to stop him before the others heard.

“EXCUSE ME!?” Carmilla shouted as she stood and started walking over to the group. This was the last thing she wanted to hear. Clara was quick to intercede though. “Mama it’s not like that, I mean yes we fought a troll, but we were able to subdue it until Aurors arrived.”


Clara took in a deep breath, “On the night when we were visiting Harry, someone let a troll into the basem*nt. Dumbledore gave orders to send the students back to their common rooms instead of the fortified dining room. Harry interceded this and laid down the law with him. Unfortunately, Hermione wasn’t at dinner and was last seen… in the basem*nt, so we had to take action before authorities could arrive. Mama, we need you to understand that every single moment of you training us, was worth it because we were able to subdue it flawlessly just like you showed us. It’s fine, we didn’t take a life that night.”

Carmilla moved to wrap her daughters in her embrace, “Forgive me if I do not find comfort in this, for I had wished for you to never be in the situation in the first place.” Carmilla said as she held her daughters all the tighter. The moment was soured though as shouting could be heard from the main common room, “What now?”

“Where is Harry!? I demand to see him!” a voice shouted.

Carmilla opened the door to see a grungy-haired man moving toward her. “Where’s Harry!?

“And who are you?”

“Serious Black. His rightful godfather and I demand to see him so that I know you aren’t corrupting him.” He said, but before Carmilla could respond he tried to make his way into the room, only for Carmilla to pin his arm against the frame. In response he gave a solid punch to Carmillas fresh wound, it stunned her briefly but she was quicker to block a follow-up and return one of her own to his face. Sirius staggered back clutching his nose as he began to draw his wand. Carmilla was prepared as she swung a bladed foot, slicing his hand and making Sirous drop his wand. Grabbing the top of the frame, Carmilla swung herself forward and was able to plunge them into his chest, albeit shallowly. Not giving him time to recover, Carmilla grabbed his head and swiped at his feet, causing him to lose his balance and plunge face-first into the floor. She followed by picking him up by his clothing and flinging him against the far wall.

“Don’t f*ck with a Carmine,” She said staggering back to the suite her injuries now heavily taking their toll. Sirius made it back to his feet but decided to run and lick his wounds instead of continuing the fight. Carmilla was swiftly attended to by her daughter checking to see if she needed more treatment. Rosie walked over and picked up the now bloodied wand, giving it a good whiff before heading for the door. “Rosie, where are you going?” Carmilla asked.

“For a walk.”


“You said they were weak in comparison to us! Does this look weak to you?” Sirius asked shouting at the headmaster.

“I can assure you that I had no idea they would take such actions,” Dumbledore said.

“What else did you have no idea about!?”

Their attention was drawn to the spiral staircase that led up into the office, by the sound of stone being shattered, “Oh Sirius I know you’re in there. I can smell your blood.” A voice said ominously. As it drew closer they could see a hand with long-bladed fingers grip the entranceway, followed by the face of Rosie on a long serpentine-like body. Her mouth agape and now resembling that of a boa’s “And Albus, what a treat. Mind explaining why we were just assaulted?” The two said nothing as Rosie moved closer to Sirius. Now merely an inch away. “I really don’t like it when people threaten Harry, but I especially despise it when my Milla is injured.” She said as she ran a claw gently down Sirouse’s cheek.

As Siriouse gazed into Rosie’s deep black eyes, he saw something he wasn’t expecting. “Those eyes, I’ve seen them before.”


“No, Lily’s.” Rosie returned to her normal form not expecting that response. She knew Lily was the name of Harry’s birth mother so for him to see they shared the same eyes said a lot. “And if you think my eyes are full of love for him, Carmilla is tenfold.”

“Albus you lied to me. You said they were using him and wanting to corrupt him for their own gains. That they showed no love for Harry.” Rosie’s clawed hand re-manifested in a flash and came down on the headmaster's desk slicing it to pieces. Dumbledore stood less than an inch from one of the fingers.

“How very interesting. Now Albus this should make things nice and clear for what we can do if you act in such a manner again. Sirius, I believe you dropped this.” Rosie held up his wand before snapping it in her hand and letting it fall to the floor. She almost turned to leave before she remembered something, “Oh, and Sirius this is for hurting my Milla!”


Back in Harry’s suit, Carmilla was given the all-clear for her injuries. How they were not worse was anyone's guess but small blessings. She sat back down to watch over Harry, whose fever had gone down some. After several moments she was surprised to see Harry stir before regaining consciousness. “Mama?” He said as Carmilla was the first thing he saw. The next was her wound.

“It's okay mi hijo I am here.”

“Mama you're injured.”

“Don't worry about it, it's nothing I assure you.”

“No, if you're injured because of something here I need to kno…” Harry froze, despite Carmilla's best efforts, once Harry’s hand got close to the wound he realized the gash marks matched his hand. In that moment it was like a dam had burst as Harry was brought to tears. Carmilla heard him and tried to comfort him as best she could. But as it went on she knew there was a lot more built up than just this little moment, Harry needed to release.

As the tears slowed, both just held each other, finding comfort and security in the embrace. Carmilla saw Rosie return from her ‘walk’ and when asked, she said not to worry about it and then she would tell Carmilla later, but that Serious had several new lacerations covering his body. In time, lunch was brought to them and Carmilla and Harry joined the others around the coffee table.

It was a simple affair of sandwiches, but Harry saw Draco had glanced several times towards the sinner flesh that he and Rosie were having alongside the meal. “Come on Draco, I can tell you're curious.”

“I don't know what you mean, Carmine.”

“Come now even I can tell when the desire is building,” Rosie said jokingly.

“Remember that partaking in cannibalism just once condemns a soul to Hell,” Carmilla interjected.

“With a lovely town waiting on the other side.” Draco countered.

“Alright fine, it's your decision. Just don’t hold me accountable if things go awry.”

Rosie handed a fork, holding a raw strip of sinner flesh on the end. Draco slowly took the piece in whole as he slowly began chewing. “It’s… actually flavorful.” He said. Rosie then offered him some blood, which Draco also found very lovely. Carmilla began to wonder what action she took in Hell that made her attract so many cannibals. A question for another day she supposed.

With lunch out of the way, they gathered into smaller groups. Clara, Odette, and Pixie were watching a movie on a tablet. Draco and Rosie were in a lively discussion about town structuring and how she achieved what she did. He was even taking notes on it.

Harry and Carmilla were sitting on one of the couches taking in everything, idly chatting. “So mama, how much trouble am I in?”

“Satan is a kitten compared to the fury I have inside me. You should rightfully be grounded till your final days. But I'll let it slide this time. I'm just glad I can hold you in my arms again.” They stayed like that for some time, till the movie finished and Odette suggested they open presents before dinner arrived.

They gathered around the tree, sitting on the floor as Rosie began to pass a present around, making sure each person had a present till she arrived at the last present of the first round, “And one for Draco.” Draco's head almost snapped from whiplash. He wasn't expecting it seeing that joining the group had been a spur-of-the-moment decision.

They each opened their gifts in turn, till it was Draco's turn. “To Draco from Zestial.” Draco had heard that name a few times now and knew it was Harry’s teacher before he came to Hogwarts. Removing the wrapping paper, he became confused upon seeing a leather-bound book. Opening it up, he saw that all the pages were blank. He wasn’t even sure what to make of it.

“Congratulations Draco,” Harry said. “Your first official grimoire. Made from the best hell beast leather money could buy.” Draco was stunned, Harry had explained during his classes the significance of a grimoire, but having one this nice, Draco wasn't sure of. And so another round came and once again Draco found himself with a present In his lap. Once it was his turn, he read the tag saying it was from Carmilla. She herself raised an eyebrow at this because she didn't remember buying the gift. Inside was a small jewelry box that held a beaded metal necklace. Carmilla's heart stopped because she now remembered Harry requesting such an item the month prior, but didn't know what it was for.

“Here Draco, let me put that on you.” Once she made sure the Necklace was in place, she looked him in the eye, “Now listen Draco, never tell anyone what this necklace is made of, and Never take it off. It is made of angelic steel. I know that means nothing in the wizarding world, but in Heaven and Hell, it means everything. Understand?” Draco nodded in that he did before Carmilla returned to her original position.

On things went. Draco received a Hellphone and a tablet from Clara and Odette respectively. Pixie had given him a small digital camera saying she thought he would make a good photographer, he didn’t know but was grateful for the gift. At some point, Harry had fallen back asleep so they placed his gifts to the side for him to open later. The next package was from Rosie, inside was a full suit and pants sets. The shirt was almost a dove white, while the pants and accompanying blazer were of a candy apple red. Now that Draco had to think of it, Harry had described his favorite dress shirt as ruby, and thinking back, it did in a way have geometric lines sewn into it, just like a gem. Now Draco’s almost seemed like they had a gloss to them, fitting a candy apple look.

“Now Draco I’m sure you’ve probably caught on that Harry wrote our names in for us. Well this set, I hand-made myself as per Harry’s instructions, yes but I do hope you enjoy it. As you’ve learned I don’t normally work in whites, so it was a challenge, but who doesn’t love a challenge here and there?” Rosie explained. Draco thanked her for the outfit and promised to call her if it ever needed to be refitted.

It was the last round and everyone's gifts had been opened, sans a sleeping Harry. Draco’s final gift lay before him and it was rather big. This one read from Harry himself, removing the wrapping paper revealed it to be a briefcase of sorts. He became even more confused upon opening it and revealing its contents. Draco spun it around to show the others.

“Strange, Odette aren’t these the set of wine glasses you made last month?” Carmilla asked

“Yeah, I know we don’t normally make glassware, but when Harry asked for a set with an angelic steal design and stem, I took him up on the offer. Didn’t know it would wind up here.” She replied.

“We also have a deck of cards, a cup and dice, a set of poker chips, and not cigars but tributes for a sin.” Picking one up Carmilla sniffed it to see if it was flavored. “Apple? Where in all of hell did Harry get these?”

Rosie gasped, “I think I know what this could be and if I’m right it’s the only one of its kind. Back in the day, and I mean really back in the day. People cared around these kits in briefcases similar to this as they traveled. They came in all kinds from medical, vampire killing, and even gambling. I think this is a deal-maker’s kit. Think about it. Deals are made over the cards and dice. The glasses are used to celebrate a deal going through and the tributes are for Lucifer, the ultimate deal maker.”

Carmilla’s eyes went wide as she had to agree that Rosie was right. “Draco Harry is making a call on your future as it were.”

“Then he made the right call, for I’ve already started making deals and connections for when he inevitably returns to Hell. But I so want to raise the bet he placed.” Draco smirked.


It was much later in the night, long after the presents had been opened and dinner had been served. Things were as best described, jovial was the word. It was something Draco deeply needed to experience for himself that he never even realized up to this point. He lay awake on one of the couches as all the others were fast asleep, but Carmilla said she wanted to stay up and watch over Harry. Draco was on the verge of sleep he thought when he felt a surge of magic fill the room. He knew it was this for it was the same tingly feeling that he felt back when he and Harry made their deal. Then he heard Carmilla start to sing.

[Soldatino (Nico’s Lullaby) by Paola Bennet - Youtube]

Close your eyes, I know what you see

The darkness is high and you’re in ten feet deep

But we’ve survived more terrible monsters than sleep

And you know I will be here to tell you to breath

Tu sei il mio soldatino, la ragione per cui vivo

Non ti scordar di me, io veglierò su di te

Stumbling lost, the last coice of all that you meet

It’s the cost of ruling those ‘neath your feet

Paths you’ve crossed and trusts youre trying to keep

You’re exhausted listening for a voice that can’t speak
(ma harry, mio caro)

Tu sei il mio soldatino, la ragione ho vissuto

Non ti scordar de me, io veglierò su di te

So you run through shadows you roam

Seems undone by the love you thought you could own

But he’s just one of many that you might call home

And maybe some day the bitter will fade from your bones

Fade from your bones

Eri il mio soldatino, ora un principe oscuro

Ma anche per te, c’è una luce

Che ad un’altra vita ti conduce

As the song ended and the magic began to fade, Draco stood up and began to stretch his limbs. “Draco, I’m sorry if my song woke you. I was trying to be quiet.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He replied as he walked over and sat against the wall. “No, the apologies should be mine for pointing out that song is Italian, not Spanish,” Draco said with a wide grin, trying to calm any tension. Carmilla chuckled at the comment, but it fell as she thought about her next question.

“Draco what did Harry mean, by leaving you here and that he was showing you a loving family?”

“Exactly as it sounds. My parents left me here over the halls. In fact, it’s been some time since I’ve had any communication with them. I mean I get it, I’m a disgrace to the family name especially after I transferred to Gryffindor. The first in the school's history and the worst name to be associated with it.”

“What do you mean?” Carmilla asked now becoming deeply concerned.

“You’ve met my dad, so you know he is not a ‘pleasant’ man. He is a pureblood purist and my family has been staunchly Slytherin for generations. But since the school year began and maybe before I’ve been looked down on by the other students, like I’m a piece of machinery that never fit with the others.” Carmilla took it all in and glanced at Harry before deciding he would be safe without her by his side for a bit. Moving over and sitting down next to Draco, she continued the questions.

“And you’re home life before Hogwarts?”

“I was always just a piece of a family unit I guess, because that’s what you do. Feeling like I was seen but never heard. Or more like forgotten. I was never sure, but there were times when I thought I saw my parents react in surprise to see me before remembering that I was their child. I never understood it, but I think I just learned to ignore it. We never even celebrated holidays. This was my first one actually. Just a decoration to be forgotten I guess. I’m sorry I'm not even sure if I’m coherent at this point. I’ve never talked about this with anyone.” Draco explained. It was worse than Carmilla thought, did he never celebrate his birthday either, she wondered. The worst thought was of Draco’s life cord. If a single cut affects many strands in a tapestry, does that mean the cut to Harry’s cord affected others as well, even removing a child almost fully from his family?

“Draco while I can’t speak for all mothers, with situations being vastly different, would you like to hear what I’ve done for my children?” Draco nodded a little curious what a mother from hell was like. “Well, first you must promise to keep this a secret, because while those in this room know this, few outside of it do. You see I’m not really a Demon, I’m an Angel.”

“But you’re an arms dealer and as violent as they come. You certainly don’t look like one.”

Carmilla chuckled before a sad feeling came over her. “I know, but you must understand Heaven is not as perfect as they claim and for some, it was even a form of Hell. Up until three years ago Heaven would send angels called exorcists down to Hell and kill as many sinners as they could. And with angelic steel weapons, it was, at the time permanent. Over one thousand years ago, I was one of these exorcists, a recon agent if you will.”

“So what changed?”

“I fell in love with a Hell-born and had Clara and Odette. Once the other exorcists found out they sought out my love and slew him before casting my children into Hell. Knowing that my newborns would never have survived such a place, in an act of defiance I cut off my own wings and willingly fell into Hell after them. From there, I fought tooth and nail for everything I now wield and I would do it all over again every single day for them. But I can only speak for what I have done and am willing to do?” Carmilla explained

“You’re a miracle,” Draco said as tears filled his eyes. He didn’t want to think of what little he truly had, but after hearing what another mother had done for her own children, Draco couldn’t take it. Before he could think arms began to embrace him. “It’s okay to cry Draco, but remember you have now found people who care for you just as much as they do for each other. And that makes a real family.”


Gun Powdered Wands Book 1: War of Words (Formerly Harry Potter Carmine) - Chapter 5 - MissNaughtyVixen (2024)


What happened in chapter 5 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? ›

Summary: Chapter 5

The two set off to London to shop for Harry's school supplies. Harry is concerned about the money required, but Hagrid assures him that his parents left behind plenty of funds for him at Gringotts, the wizards' bank run by goblins.

Who was the pale boy that Harry met for a second time at the train station? ›

He met Draco Malfoy. Why did everyone at the train station stare at and want to meet Harry? He was famous, and they had already heard of him.

What task does Hagrid need to complete at Gringotts Bank? ›

In 1991, the Philosopher's Stone became the target of Lord Voldemort due to its potent ability to return him to full power. Suspecting danger, Albus Dumbledore set out Rubeus Hagrid to retrieve the Stone from Vault 713 at Gringotts Wizarding Bank the same day he took Harry Potter to Diagon Alley.

What happens in chapter 6 of The Sorcerer's Stone? ›

Chapter 6. On the train to Hogwarts, Harry meets the twins Fred and George Weasley and their brother Ron, who is also starting Hogwarts and introduces Harry to some details of wizard life, an overachieving girl named Hermione Granger, and the unpleasant boy from the uniform shop, Draco Malfoy.

Who gave Harry Hedwig? ›

Hedwig was an eleventh birthday gift from Rubeus Hagrid to Harry. Hagrid purchased her at the Eeylops Owl Emporium. In addition to delivering mail, the typical use owls are put to, Hedwig was also a close companion to Harry.

Who is the pale boy in Diagon Alley? ›

A pivotal moment from Harry's first visit to Diagon Alley saw him meet his first fellow Hogwarts student. Upon bumping into this blond, pale drawling boy (who he would later learn to be called Draco Malfoy) in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Harry was greeted with the opportunity to make his first friend.

Who is the blonde guy from Harry? ›

Film portrayal. Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy in all of the Harry Potter films.

Who was the boy who almost was Harry Potter? ›

Maddog Runner Liam Aiken almost got—was apparently offered—the role, but Rowling insisting on a British actor. Based on filmography, he seems to be doing pretty well for himself though, and I couldn't find a memoir from him. Maddog Runner You're welcome! Glad you found it!

Who owns Vault 713? ›

It is unknown whom exactly the Vault belongs to but it could be assumed that it belongs to either Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore or Nicolas Flamel. The vault's number can be separated to have 7 and 13, the two of the most well known lucky (7) and unlucky (13) numbers.

Who broke into vault 713? ›

This break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank on 31 July 1991, was an attempt by Quirinus Quirrell (at the time Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry), under orders from Lord Voldemort, to steal the Philosopher's Stone, which was being kept in Vault 713 of Gringotts Wizarding ...

What's inside vault 713? ›

At the beginning of the first book, Gringotts Vault 713, a higher-security vault, held a small grubby bag, which we later learn contains the Philosopher's Stone. Albus Dumbledore sends Hagrid to retrieve it while he escorts Harry to Diagon Alley.

Who betrayed the 7 Potters? ›

So, Snape was telling Voldemort that Harry was being transfered earlier. Making him the betrayer.

What is Chapter 13 about in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? ›

Summary: Chapter 13

After Christmas break, Harry, Ron, and Hermione resume their search for Nicolas Flamel, though Harry's time is increasingly consumed by Quidditch practice. At practice one day, Harry learns that Snape will be refereeing the next game.

What is chapter 14 about in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? ›

Harry, Ron, and Hermione decide to go down to Hagrid's hut. They start to ask Hagrid more about the other enchantments guarding the Stone, revealing that they know what Fluffy is hiding. Hagrid doesn't tell them, but he does tell them who is helping protect the Stone, including Dumbledore, Quirrell, and Snape.

What happened in Harry Potter 5 Chapter 1? ›

Summary: Chapter 1

Suddenly, a thunderous crack rips through the neighborhood, and Harry leaps up so quickly that he smashes his head on the window, alerting his aunt and uncle to his hiding place in the garden.

What happens in part 5 of Harry Potter? ›

At Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge is appointed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but she is also spying on the school for the Ministry. Because they are not learning anything under Umbridge's tutelage, Harry, Hermione and Ron form a student group, Dumbledore's Army, to prepare for the return of Voldemort.

What happened in Harry Potter 5? ›

The Hogwarts group fight the Death Eaters and evade them. Order of the Phoenix members (tipped off by Professor Snape) arrive and battle the Death Eaters. Harry and Neville accidentally drop the prophecy sphere, destroying it. Later during the battle, Bellatrix Lestrange kills Sirius.

What happens in the 5th Harry Potter movie? ›

As Umbridge gains more control over the school, Ron and Hermione help Harry form "Dumbledore's Army", a secret group to teach students defensive spells. Umbridge recruits Slytherins for an Inquisitorial Squad to spy on the other students. Meanwhile, Harry and Cho Chang develop romantic feelings for each other.


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