Great Gooseberry Recipes (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Jacqueline Bellefontaine ·

Do you love gooseberries and are looking for great ways to use them? Or perhaps you have seen gooseberries in the shop and wondered what to do with them. Look no further I have gathered together the best gooseberry recipes I could find.

Great Gooseberry Recipes (1)

This delicious tart fruit had fallen out of favour and a few years ago it was said that the British gooseberry was in danger of disappearing from UK shops altogether, as it emerged that the demand for this soft fruit had reached its lowest level ever.

The gooseberry is one of the first fruits ever cultivated commercially in this country. The first farms began growing the fruit in the 1600s when there were 2,000 different varieties in the UK. In its heyday around the 1900s, they were grown by more than 100 UK farmers.

Now it is just a handful of farms still grow them and now just 20 varieties of gooseberry are grown in this country, and of these, only seven are cultivated by commercial farms.

Great Gooseberry Recipes (2)

Luckily I think the gooseberry is beginning to become a bit more popular again. Prized not least for the very fact that it is still very much a seasonal fruit. But it is still pitching for space on the supermarket shelves against the more colourful summer berries like raspberries, blueberries and strawberries that are at their best at the same time.

It would be such a shame to see the disappearance of this flavourful fruit as it can be used to make many delicious dishes.

So to do my bit for this underrated berry I have gathered together some great gooseberry recipes to share with you.

When are Gooseberries In Season

Gooseberries are in season from May through to August but reach their peak in July.

There are two kinds of gooseberries:the tart, cooking variety typically used for crumbles,and the sweet, dessert gooseberry, which can be eaten raw. Early in the season, they are bright green, with a veined effect on the skin, and quite hard and tart - they are best for cooking Later, the softer, sweeter varieties become available.

Choosing and Preparing Gooseberries

Great Gooseberry Recipes (3)

When choosing gooseberries to cook with look for slightly underripe - but not too hard - berries. If you want to eat them raw choose berries that yield to the touch.

To prepare them you need to top and tail the gooseberries, do this by pinching off the stem and flowers ends (or use a small pair of scissors to snip them off, then wash well. You can skip this step if you intend to purée and then sieve the gooseberries.

Gooseberries will keep for up to a week in the refrigerator.

Frozen Gooseberries

The season may be short but luckily gooseberries freeze well. Frozen gooseberries can also be used in most recipes in place of fresh.

To freeze, top tail and wash the gooseberries. Drain well and allow to dry. Spread on a baking sheet or tray and open freeze before transferring to a plastic bag of freezer container. Freeze for up to 12 months. Use straight from frozen.

12 Plus Gooseberry Recipes

Gooseberry Cake Recipes

Gooseberry Crumble Muffins

Juicy roasted gooseberries in a soft muffin topped with crumble


Great Gooseberry Recipes (4)

Gooseberry and Coconut Cake

I love the look of thisGooseberry and Coconut CakefromDragons and Fairy Dust.The moist coconut works well with the tart gooseberries and a sprinkle of flaked almonds is the perfect finishing touch for the cake.

Gooseberry coconut cake recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (5)

Red Gooseberry Cakes

Gooseberries make a great addition to cakes and these littleRed Gooseberry CakesfromTin and Thymecontain a single red gooseberry in the centre.

Red Gooseberry Cake Recipes

Great Gooseberry Recipes (6)

Gooseberry Upside Down Crumble Bars

TheseUpside Down Gooseberry Crumble BarsfromSneaky VegPacked with oats and nuts for energy and nutrition and refined sugar-free.

Gooseberry Bar Cake Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (7)

Gooseberry Desserts

Gooseberry Fool

Gooseberry foolis a classic English dessert, really easy to make and full of zingy fruit flavour. This Gooseberry Fool recipe is from my sister blogRecipes Made Easy. An optional splash of gin adds a little decadence which will have gin lovers coming back for more.

Easy Gooseberry Fool Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (8)

Gooseberry Tart

This easy to make open formedGooseberry TartfromRecipes Made Easyis simple to make. You don't need any special tins to make this tart, simply roll a large circle of pastry and fold over the edges to form the edges.

Easy Gooseberry Tart Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (10)

Gooseberry Ice Cream

As I write this post in my office while we are in the middle of a heatwave and its 30+℃ (86+°F) outside I can not begin to describe how tempting and delicious thisGooseberry Ice CreamfromSearching for Spicelooks and I can only imagine how good it would taste if I had some right now.

Gooseberry Ice Cream Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (11)

Slowcooker steamed Gooseberry Pudding

Searching for Spicehas also solved the problem of cooking a steamed pudding in the summer without filling the kitchen with extra heat and steam. Use a slow Cooker! Now you can enjoy thisSteamed Gooseberry Pudding.

Gooseberry Steamed Pudding Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (12)

Gooseberry Gin Jelly

For the big kids amongst us, what more could we want? I'm totally sold on theseGin and Gooseberry JelliesfromFamily Friends Food, you could go one step further and top them with gooseberry icecream. Made with Agar flakes they are suitable for Vegans and vegetarians.

Gooseberry Jelly Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (13)

Baked Gooseberry Elderflower Custards

Also fromFamily, Friends Foodare these littleBaked gooseberry and elderflower custardswhich would make a lovely light finish to a summer meal.

Gooseberry Elderflower Custard Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (14)

Vegan Gooseberry Crumble

Gooseberries make a particularly fine crumble, the tart fruit contrasting perfectly with the sweet crumble toppingVeggielicioushave thisVegan gooseberry crumblewith an almond topping.

Gooseberry Crumble Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (15)

Gooseberry Jams and Preserves

Easy Gooseberry Jam

Gooseberry jam is a great jam for beginners to make. Being naturally high in pectin it is really easy to get a good set.

The finished jam not only keeps well it tastes delicious and I find even those who claim to dislike gooseberries love the jam.

Recipe: Recipes Made Easy


Great Gooseberry Recipes (16)

Easy Gooseberry Chutney

This easy gooseberry chutney recipe lives up to its name as it is really simple to make. Delicious with cold meats and cheeses.

The preserve will keep for up to 12 months but truth be told unless you make several batches it will have been eaten long before then because it is delicious!

Easy Gooseberry Chutney Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (17)

Gooseberry Apple Mint Jelly

Fab Food for Allhas thisGooseberry Apple and Mint Jellyrecipe. The beauty of this jelly is its jewel-like clarity and the suspended chopped mint. Camilla gives hints on how to achieve this so yours will look and taste just as good. Try it next time you have roast lamb (It's also rather good with Cheddar cheese!)

Gooseberry Jelly Recipe

Great Gooseberry Recipes (18)

Don't miss out on these delicious berries. Try to get hold of some before the short season is over and try one of the recipes above. Look out for them in independent greengrocers, larger supermarkets or Farm shops.

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About Jacqueline Bellefontaine

Jacqueline is a member of the Guild of Food Writers and has been a cookery writer and food stylist for over 25 years. She has written over 15 cookery books, in addition to writing for several major magazines. She likes to champion good basic home cooking and as the daughter of a master baker, she is passionate about home baking.

Reader Interactions


    Rate and leave a comment - I love to get your feed back and will reply as soon as I can. Comments may be held for moderation before publishing.

  1. Cat | Curly's Cooking

    What an informative and delicious post for gooseberry beginners like me!


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      Thanks Cat, Hope you fully fall for the gooseberry charm 😉


  2. Midge @ Peachicks' Bakery

    What a fab collection of gooseberry recipes! They all look amazing - now to stop The Peas eating all the gooseberries before they disappear! Thanks for sharing #CookBlogShare


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      Does it really matter so long as they like them let the peas eat gooseberries 🙂


  3. Kat (The Baking Explorer)

    What a yummy selection, can I have one of everything please?!


  4. Choclette

    Ooh, what a fab post. I love gooseberries and not least because they grow well in our climate (or at least what our climate used to be). We've just taken on an allotment and although the whole thing is mostly covered in brambles and docks, there were a couple of red gooseberry bushes WITH gooseberries on them. So I'v just made a scrummy gooseberry cake - my first in a while.

    Thanks for including my gooseberry cakes here, roll on next year I say!


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      A new allotment How exciting. I have found the last couple of years gooseberries are a bit small i guess because of the warmer temps and being dryer so i tried to make sure i mine got plenty of water when the fruit was forming this year it helped a bit.


  5. Corina Blum

    I love gooseberries! Thank you so much for including my ice cream - I definitely wish I had some more of it left this week as we are sweltering!


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      I must try your icecream it looks lush luckily i stocked up on some icecream for this week.


  6. Alison

    I luckily have one gooseberry bush in my garden and managed to get enough for jam this year! I never see them in the shops which is sad. Such a great selection of recipes. Its given me lots of ideas for next years crop!


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      I agree it is sad that they are not more readily available but great that you grow your own.


  7. Mandy

    Thanks so much for linking to my recipes. I really love gooseberries and I’m so glad that they’re coming back into fashion.


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      me too but i still think they need all the help they can get or they will disappear from the shops completely.


  8. Camilla Hawkins

    I never liked gooseberries as a child but now I long to see them and rarely do sadly! Loving all these delicious recipes and could wolf a slice of that pudding down with custard no problem:-)


    • Jacqueline Bellefontaine

      I think I say on one of my posts how I didnt like them as a child either but now well I love them and there isn't a recipe in this batch that I wouldn't like to make. It's just a case of which one first.


Great Gooseberry Recipes (2024)


What is the best way to prepare gooseberries for eating? ›

How to cook gooseberries. Poach (10-15 minutes) and use to make crumbles or pies. Poach then purée to make gooseberry fool, ice cream, or a tart sauce for rich roasts like pork or goose.

Are gooseberries good for diabetics? ›

Though research on gooseberries specifically is limited, many of the nutrients in these berries have been linked to significant health benefits. These include lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels, as well as a reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and age-related illnesses of the brain.

Are gooseberries high in potassium? ›

Potassium is the mineral best represented in gooseberries as its content is equivalent to 9.35% of DRVs, i.e. 187 mg per 100 g.

Can you eat gooseberries off the bush? ›

In late June and July the berries ripen into gloriously sweet fruits, and are delicious eaten straight from the bush, or turned into classic desserts, such as gooseberry fool or sweet tarts and jams.

Do you have to top and tail gooseberries before cooking? ›

Gooseberries freeze well. 'Topping and tailing' fruit is not necessary, but many people prefer to.

What pairs well with gooseberries? ›

Gooseberries pair well with citrus fruits and elderflower. Make our gooseberry & mint lemonade for a refreshing summer drink or try adding a spoonful of the compote to elderflower cordial with a little fresh ginger.

Are gooseberries healthier than blueberries? ›

Leading the pack by a whopping margin (200 times the antioxidant content of blueberries!) were Indian gooseberries, also known as amla or amalika. As a Western-trained physician, I had never heard of amla, a common constituent of Ayurvedic herbal preparations.

What are the side effects of gooseberry? ›

Bleeding disorders: Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding or bruising in some people. If you have a bleeding disorder, use Indian gooseberry with caution. Surgery: Indian gooseberry might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.

How many gooseberries can I eat a day? ›

“It is usually recommended to eat about 1–2 Amla per day, or you can consume them according to your taste. Amla can be eate... Eating amla, or Indian gooseberry, is an age-old tradition that has been known to have many health benefits.

Why are gooseberry bushes illegal in some states? ›

In the early 1900s, the federal and state governments outlawed the growing of currants and gooseberries to prevent the spread white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola). This fungal disease attacks both Ribes and white pines, which must live in close proximity for the blister rust fungus to complete its life cycle.

Is it safe to eat raw gooseberries? ›

Consuming gooseberries as food is generally safe. Toxicological studies do not show adverse effects, even at high doses.

How to tell if a gooseberry is ripe? ›

When to Harvest. You can expect your first harvest in the third season. Gooseberries are ready to harvest in late June to mid July when the fruit is full size and soft. One-way to test if the berries are ripe is to squeeze gently between your fingers, they will be soft when they are ripe.

Can I eat gooseberries raw? ›

The small green cooking gooseberries are available early in the season; look for firm undamaged berries. Later season dessert gooseberries (often red, yellow or golden coloured) are sweeter and can be eaten raw. Select those with a plump, grape-like texture.

How are you supposed to eat gooseberries? ›

Before eating, make sure to rinse your gooseberry, and “tap and tail it”—that is, cut the hard stem off the berry with a paring knife. As a reminder, green berries are less ripe and therefore more tart, so if you want a tart snack, green is your go-to. For a sweeter flavor, go for purple or red.

What should a gooseberry taste like? ›

What Does a Gooseberry Taste Like? The flavor of gooseberries depends on how ripe they are, with green gooseberries being more sour and red/purple gooseberries being more sweet. Most describe them as similar in taste and texture to grapes, but more acidic.

Do you have to peel gooseberries? ›

Chances are many of you have not tasted this fruit.


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