Fourth for Fourth Firefighters, Law (2024)


Monday, July 6, 2015 $1 YOURThe NEWSPAPER [emailprotected] Courier • Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 Herald • 272-5522 Volume 101, No. 147, Pub. No 161860 Fantastic Quiet Fourth for Fourth firefighters, law

Clear skies and good weather enforcement provided a perfect backdrop for Saturday's July 4th festivities at By JASON od. HALCOMBE Southern Pines, which included With this weekend mark- an array of morning and after- The rumble of thunder ing the first year of expand- noon events leading up to the from afternoon storm ed firework sales in Geor- clouds and the "BOOM!" gia, local fire officials were evening's fireworks show. Sev- from fireworks overhead at on full alert for the possibil- eral hundred runners and walk- night were the only noises ity of higher call volumes ers turned out at 10 a.m. to take made this weekend, as offi- tied to the increase in fire- part in the event's first-ever col- cials reported an otherwise work ignition by residents. or fun run, and tried to see how quiet and safe turn of Instead, thanks to an af- much paint and colored powder events for the 78-hour their white T-shirts could soak Fourth of July holiday peri- See FOURTH page 3a up over the course of a 5K race (Look for scenes from the color run in Tuesdayʼs edition). After a shower, many came back out later in the afternoon for family Dublin RISING opens picnics and cookouts around the park, which broke into im- Lonnie Woodum Park promptu games of kickball, cornhole and frisbee. The Miss- in' Links Band provided some during weekend event late-afternoon entertainment By SANDY ALDRIDGE rier U.S.S. Bennington. around the park's Ag and Expo This Fourth of July was a The private park is the Center, as the parking lots special one for the Oconee product of three years of grow- around it filled with spectators High School National Alumni ing involvement of residents for the main event, dressed in Association (OHSNAA), the of Dublin committed to creat- patriotic attire featuring every- descendants of Lonnie Gene ing a pleasant and convenient thing from American flag em- Woodum, and residents of recreation area with a com- blems to Captain America's South Rowe Street in Dublin. munity service focus. It covers shield. The fireworks began At 11 a.m., a ceremony be- three acres of land and in- lighting up the sky as the last gan to officially dedicate the cludes a community garden as gleams of dark blue on the hori- Lonnie Gene Woodum Neigh- well as a pavillion and play- zon started to dissipate, moving borhood Park. The park is lo- ground. It began with a 5k many to draw out their phones cated at the corner of Rowe 'Race to Build a Park' in 2012 which raised the initial funds. and photographically document and Cherry Streets in Dublin. The project is a community The Dublin Rotary Club, the colorful aerial blasts. The park built on land donated by Dublin Construction, T Lake display didn't stop when the Dublin RiSING and named in Environmental, Genie Con- show concluded. Traffic on its honor of this Korean War vet- struction,Louie Curry, the way out of the park got an en- eran from Dublin who died in City of Dublin, Living Faith core presentation from many 1954 after hostilities had Baptist Church, Washington who took to shooting their own ceased, in a catapult explo- fireworks, now legal in Georgia sion aboard the Aircraft Car- See PARK page 3a for the first time in over 40 years. The Dublin-Laurens County Recreation Authority sponsored the event. For more scenes from the event, see 8a. Library teaming with (Photos by Clay Reynolds) The Courier Herald on Oral History Project The Courier Herald All ages are welcome to On Saturday, July 18, the interview a friend, a relative Laurens County Library, in or just someone they really partnership with the Lau- admire to help capture some rens County Historical Soci- of the many stories of our ety and The Courier-Herald, community’s history. The in- invites everyone to the li- terviews will be recorded and brary to interview their per- preserved for future genera- sonal hero for a new local oral history project. See PROJECT page 3a

Knight likes producing hunting shows, Christian films

By PAYTON for the last 12 years. Shannon, 22, and Shae, 15. TCH: How did you get in- TOWNS III As a member of Rentz Bap- volved in this? Steve Knight knows what it tist Church, Knight got in- TCH: How long have you Knight: Growing up, I had means to work on a deadline. volved in filming three Christ- been doing outdoor television? an uncle who worked at Chan- That's what he had to do on ian movies for their wildgame Knight: I've been doing nel 13 in Macon. I would go his last Christian-themed supper. Knight, who works for that for the past 12 years, pro- hang out with him. I guess I movie two years ago. Trophy Quest, credits his ducing hunting, fishing and just kind of got interested in Knight has been working work in TV to his success with outdoor adventures. In those it. In 1983, I asked for a video on outdoor television shows the Christian movies. 12 years we've been on several camera for Christmas and we Knight was born and different channels like the did our own thing. My brother reared in Rentz before going Outdoor Channel, the Pursuit and I and friends would get to- off to college. When he got Channel, Sportsmans Chan- gether on the weekend and married to his wife Sherri, he nel, FOX Sports South, Sports make little music videos. Nat- lived in Dudley a couple of South and several of those. I urally that led me to major in years and in Dublin for two produce shows that involve journalism when I went to col- years. filming and editing. Photo by Payton Towns III They have two daughters - See KNIGHT page 3a Knight shoots footage during “The Soul Hunt.”

Obituaries ...... 2a Index Editorial ...... 4a Sports...... 1b,2b Weather...... 5a Classifieds...... 3b “The Only Dealer You Will Ever Need” 50 Years Ago...... 6a Fun Page ...... 4b 1-877-275-2660 • 2042 Veterans Blvd. (Across from the Mall) Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald

(Dommie) Williams of Augusta, Mr. Sapp, a lifelong resident Obituaries Vera (Tommy) Billups of Cincin- of Laurens County, was a mem- nati, Ohio, Laura (Leroy) ber of Bethlehem Baptist Strange of Toomsboro, Rosetta Church. He was a veteran of Woodruff of Danville, Ephriam the U. S. Army and retired mail (Mary) Williams Sr. of Allen- carrier. town, Nelson Williams of Mr. Sapp was preceded in Danville, Danny (Betty) death by his parents, Hilliard Williams of Macon, and Her- W. and Daisy Couey Sapp; son, bert (Marie) Williams of Irwin- Doyace Sapp; sister, Jeannette ton; and one brother-in-law, S. Paul; and brother, Willis Primus Simmons Sr., of Sapp. Danville. She also leaves twen- Survivors include his wife, The father ofThe psychoanaly- thrillal or hormonal is back problems, reac- (sortproves HSDD of) is unknown. Un- ty-six devoted grandchildren, Gena Stewart Sapp, of East sis Sigmund Freud once asked, tions to medications, medical fortunately, it's only 10 percent thirty-nine great grandchil- Dublin; children, Stacey (Holly) "What does a woman want?" conditions or procedures. more effective than a placebo. dren, nine great-great grand- Sapp, Chad (Shana) Sapp, both The pioneering sex researcher Current treatment consists So if it's ultimately approved, children, a host of nieces, of Dublin, Joel (Joanna) Sapp, Alfred Kinsey puzzled over of a hit-or-miss collection of it's just a baby step in the right nephews, and cousins, and her of Lexington, S.C., Lynn (Ben) women's desires. Well, lately, if suggested lifestyle changes direction. caregiver, Kim Butler. Brantley of Dublin, and Rhon- online bloggers are to be be- (drink less, exercise more, If you have HSDD, don't The family is receiving da (Bobby) Wood of Cadwell; lieved, one possible answer to shed extra weight, avoid sim- wait for flibanserin: Talk to friends at 56 Old Macon Road, numerous grandchildren and both is: "A version of men's lit- ple sugars and saturated fats, your gynecologist about possi- Danville. great grandchildren; sisters, tle blue pill to help ease sexual get enough sleep), treatment of ble causes and ways to ease Services by Dudley Funeral Betty (Luther) Hooks and Ruby dysfunction!" medical or psychiatric issues, your distress. Everyone de- Essie M. Ivery Home of Dublin Watson, both of Dublin. There are no medications hormone therapy and/or mari- serves to enjoy intimacy and Wright Please post condolences at Eric Shepard, Matt Shepard, approved by the Food and tal counseling. the physical and emotional Scott Shepard, Josh Dykes, Drug Administration to relieve That may be changing: On benefits it bestows. Funeral services for Ms. ——— Mark Ward and Blake Ward hypoactive sexual desire disor- its third review of a medica- Essie M. Ivery Wright, 81, of William Gordon will serve as pallbearers. Hon- der in women. HSDD is de- tion for HSDD called — Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host Dublin, will be held on Tuesday, McLees orary pallbearers will be mem- fined as a deficiency or ab- flibanserin, the FDA's adviso- of "The Dr. Oz Show," and July 7, 2015 at noon at the bers of the F. A. Josey Sunday sence of sexual fantasies and ry committee recommended Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Pinehill Christian Church, School Class of Bethlehem Bap- lack of sexual desire that trig- approval. It's not a new drug; Wellness Officer and Chair of 2908 Fountain Road, Cadwell. William Gordon McLees, 95, of Dublin, Ga., went to be with tist Church. gers distress or relationship it was originally used to treat Wellness Institute at Cleveland Pastor Belinda Faye Mitchell In lieu of flowers, the family problems. Yet it affects about depression by acting on the Clinic. To live your healthiest, will officiate. Burial will follow his Lord, Jesus Christ, Satur- day, July 4, 2015. requests donations be made to 33 percent of women, perhaps brain's dopamine and sero- tune into "The Dr. Oz Show" or in the Pinehill Christian Serenity Hospice, 520 Hillcrest because of childbirth, emotion- tonin receptors. How it im- visit Church Cemetery, Cadwell. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 2 p.m. Wednes- Parkway, Dublin, GA 31021. Better known to her family Please visit as Auntie, Ms. Wright was born day, July 8. Dr. Cliff Morris will be officiating. Members of the on April 27, 1934 to the late m to sign the online memorial Marcellus C. and Mary Wynn Townsend-Smith Sunday School Class will serve as hon- register. Ivery in Dodge County, Ga. She ——— Aftermath of sonʼs affair puts passed away on Friday, July 3, orary pall bearers. Burial will follow at Northview Cemetery Mabel Davis 2015. DEAR ABBY: My son had abreast of the baby's ongoing Ms. Wright was an Avon rep- in Dublin. The family will re- Thomas grandmother in awkward spot medical condition and needs. resentative for several years. ceive visitors in the sanctuary an affair that resulted in the She was also employed at Hill- at 1 p.m. until the time of the Mrs. Mabel Davis Thomas, birth of a child outside his She confided to me that she crest Cleaners, Modern Clean- service. In lieu of flowers, of East Dublin, passed away on marriage. The baby is ex- got pregnant hoping that my ers, and Shamrock Shirt Facto- memorials may be made to the Friday, July 3, 2015. Funeral son would finally leave his First Baptist Church, Dublin, tremely ill. My daughter-in- ry. She was a member of Pine- arrangements are incomplete family. or the Promise of Hope ministry and will be announced later. law has forgiven my son for hill Christian Church. his infidelity, and along with My question is: How do I She was preceded in death in Dudley. The family will receive friends Bill was born Oct. 29, 1919 at 325 Pace Lane, East Dublin. my two grandchildren, the handle the relationship we by her husband, the Rev. Ben- have been forced into with nie Wright; five sisters, Mary in Greenwood, S.C. to James Services by Dudley Funeral little family is trying to re- Lee Harris, Vera Mason, Addie Maxie and Daisy Sullivan Home of Dublin build and also do right by the the baby's mother? I need McLees. He graduated from Lee Moss, Georgella Thomas baby. moral guidance, and some Furman University and the ——— kind of etiquette guidance as and Mildred Washington; and The baby's mother stays in by four brothers, Eudellas Emory School of Dentistry. He Millie Reeves well. -- MORAL DILEMMA served his country in World contact with us, although she Ivery, John Henry Ivery, Lamar INGEORGIA War II as a member of the 12th is bitter and unpleasant to Ivery, and Milas Ivery. Mrs. Millie Reeves, of DEAR M.D.: Don't blame Ms. Wright leaves behind Armored Division. On Decem- Dublin, passed away on Thurs- my son because he would not ber 11, 1954, he married the the woman for feeling bitter. two sisters-in-law, Letha Ivery day, July 2, 2015. Funeral leave his family for her. How- former Barbara Faye Hogan, Her attempt to force your son and Mary Ann Ivery; three arrangements are incomplete ever, she does keep us Dear Abby nephews she raised, Fred daughter of Rubert and Gladys and will be announced later. (Tonya) Ivery, Leon (Vanessa) Hogan of Dudley. Like his fa- The family will receive friends ther and brother, Bill practiced at 706 South Church Street, Horton of Westville, Fla. 1930, in Baxley, Ga to Dan Gay Ivery, and Melvin (Martha) into leaving his family failed, dentistry in Greenwood, S.C. Dublin. Services were held in Poplar and Matilda Gay. He was a Washington; and several and she's now responsible for nieces, nephews and friends. In 1968, Bill and his family ——— Springs United Methodist member of Calvary Baptist The family will receive moved to Dublin where Bill en- Shirley Ann Kimble Church at 11 a.m. Saturday, Church and was retired from a very sick child. However, friends at the church on Tues- gaged his interest in timber July 4 with Reverend Mark Georgia Power. Mr. Gay was that doesn't change the fact day, July 7, 11 a.m. until noon. farming. He also served on the Mrs. Shirley Ann Kimble, of Hardin officiating. Burial was preceded in death by his wife, that the baby is your grand- Services by Dudley Funeral Board of Directors of the Bank Miami, passed away on Tuesday, at the church cemetery with Sabra Gay; his granddaughter, child, and she is your grand- Home of Dublin. of Dudley. He was an active June 30, 2015. Funeral arrange- military honors provided by the Rita Gay; and daughter-in-law member of First Baptist child's mother. Treat her with Please post condolences at ments are incomplete and will be Robins Air Force Base Honor Sharon (Pixie) Gay. kindness. Don't make things Church for over 40 years, and Guard. Sammons Funeral Survivors include four sons, announced later. The family will more difficult than they are ——— he was a longtime member of receive friends at 1325 North Home was in charge of Gary (Teenie) Gay of East the Dublin Rotary Club. He en- Franklin Street, Lot 87, Dublin. arrangements. Dublin, Neal (Donna) Gay of by being hostile or judgmen- joyed growing blueberries, Services by Dudley Funeral Pallbearers were Randy Si- Wrightsville, Dale (Gail) Gay of tal. She's paying for this af- tomatoes, and other fruits and Home of Dublin mons, Ricky Simons, Andy Si- Baxley,and Glenn (Kim) Gay of fair and will for many years vegetables. He also enjoyed mons, Wayne Sumner, Jeff Baxley; one sister, Ines Var- to come. Remember always spending time with his wife ——— Sumner and Randy Webb. nadore of Winter Haven, Fla. Barbara and his children and that she is manipulative, but James H. “Jimmy” A visitation was held at the and one brother, J.L. Gay of treat her with compassion. grandchildren. Horton funeral home Friday from 6 to 8 Baxley; five grandchildren, Bill is survived by his two p.m. Reggie Gay, Mandy Gay, Jason sons, William Gordon McLees Birthdays Mr. James H. “Jimmy” Hor- In lieu of flowers the family Gay, Dana Olvera, and Bryan Jr. (Jo Ellen) of Macon, and Ru- requests donations be made to Gay; nine great grandchildren, bert Hogan McLees (Carol) of ton, age 78 of Adrian, died Thursday, July 2, 2015. Poplar Springs Cemetery two great-great grandchildren Peachtree Corners; six grand- Fund, P.O. Box 165,Adrian, Ga. and several nieces and Tristian Grubbs daughters, two great grand- Mr. Horton was born in John- son County, where he lived most 31002. nephews. He is also survived by daughters, and several nieces An online register book may two sisters-in-law, Kathy Gay Janice Ball and nephews. He was preceded of his life. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward be signed at of Lake Alfred, Fla., and Janet in death by his parents, James Hutcheson of Baxley. Special and Daisy, his brother James and Christine Smith Horton and a brother, Edsel Horton. He m. friends Dewayne and Zella Mae McLees Jr., and his sister Mary ——— Waters of Garden City, Ga. al- McLees Bell. He was also pre- served in the U.S. Air Force for twenty-three years including the Thelmage "Buddy" so survive Mr. Gay. Thank ceded in death by his wife of Funeral services will be held over 50 years, Barbara Hogan Vietnam War where he received Gay Callie Peck Williams the Bronze Star. He was a re- at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, 2015, McLees, in 2012. from the Chapel of Swain Fu- You Please visit tired mail carrier with the Funeral services for Mrs. Dublin Post Office. He was a Thelmage "Buddy" Gay, age neral Home with the Rev. 84, of Baxley died Saturday Ju- Roger LaRoach and the Rev. Callie Peck Williams, 97, of m to sign the online memorial member of Poplar Springs Unit- We the family of Danville, Ga., will be held at 1 ed Methodist Church, Adrian, ly 4, 2015. Phillip O'Steen officiating. register. Mr. Gay was born Dec. 29, Interment will follow in Cal- p.m. on Wednesday, July 8, Townsend Brothers Funeral where he had served as Sunday the late 2015, at the New Providence Home is in charge of arrange- School Superintendent and Sun- Mr. Patrick V. Missionary Baptist Church, Ga. ments. day School teacher. 96 E., Jeffersonville. Pastor ——— Survivors include his wife of McGirt would Jamie Pittman will deliver the fifty-seven years, Mary Alice eulogy. Burial will follow in the Baxter Horton; two daughters, like to thank church cemetery. Jan Bonagurio and husband Dublin, GA, Mrs. Williams, who passed Gregg, of Houston, Texas, and 24 HR REPAIR away on July 4, 2015, was born Becky Horton of Perry; a grand- GUARANTEED ON MOST Macon, GA, COMPUTER REPAIRS on July 21, 1917, in Danville, son, Nathan Flanders of States- Gainesville, FL, to the late William and Grace boro; two sisters, Edwina Hester SAME DAY REPAIR ON SELECT Peck. She was educated in of Soperton and Glenda Fraley of iPADS & iPHONE MODELS Atlanta, GA Wilkinson County where she Grovetown; and brother, Gary and attended The Providence School. 1213 Telfair St. | Dublin, GA 31021 | 478-246-7576 Stockbridge, GA Mrs. Williams was preceded New Generation Cell Phone Repair, Computer Repair & IT Support for helping us in death by her parents, and by her beloved husband of forty- Gospel Peace Church during the time three years, Mr. Herman Lee of his illness Williams Sr. In this union, she was blessed with eleven devot- Companion Care and ed children; three of them, ...Caring For Those You Love bereavement. Franklin Williams, Herman In-Home Care Lee Williams, Jr. and Gilbert • Personal Care • Companion Sitting Williams, preceded her in We are The Little Angels. • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation death. We work very hard to get Genial McGirt & • Errands, Shopping, Appointments, Mrs. Williams took great joy Dewey Doyace Sapp a good reward. It’s not so Medication Reminders & More Family in being a homemaker, an ex- easy. Sometimes it seems cellent cook and a master gar- Services for Dewey Doyace a little tough, but we won’t Service available 478-275-0006 dener. She enjoyed fishing and Sapp, age 81, of Dublin, will be stop now until God says, 24 Hours a Day 2015 travelling. She also served as held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Ju- 7 Days a Week 510-B Bellevue Avenue • Dublin, GA 31021 the family historian sharing ly 8, 2015, in the chapel of “That’s enough.” stories and her legacy as the Townsend Brothers Funeral oldest living member, and recit- Home. Burial will follow at ing birthdays of all her chil- Dublin Memorial Gardens. dren, grandchildren and great- Rev. Tommy Pulliam will offici- grandchildren. ate. The family will receive IF...Itʼs all about the CONVERSATION William L. Brown Farm Market Mrs. Williams leaves to cher- friends for one hour prior to the ish her memories five sons and service beginning at 10 a.m. Mr. Caregivers R U Ready? three daughters: Obbie Lee Sapp died Sunday, July 5, 2015. ConverseOptions can help caregivers of older adults and persons Red Globe PEACHES with disabilities start the conversation, create an action plan, and VINE RIPENED TOMATOES understand what options are available. Knowing your options before a “We grow our fruits and vegetables” CRISIS can greatly reduce your stress and provide for a smoother transition. Home Made Frozen Squash Casseroles 126C West Madison Street Peach Ice You don’t have to go it alone. We are here to help you. Cream Frozen Peach Cobbler Dublin, GA 31021 1-888-367-9913 • Lynn Joyner Shelled Peas & Butter Beans, Peppers, Eggplant, Squash Cell: (912) 660-7719 ConverseOptions is a private pay program providing a conversation around aging George Best and disability topics, benefits, and resources. ConversOptions sessions begin at Other Fruits and Vegetables... picked fresh daily! ® Office: (478) 274-1606 REALTOR $50. For more information or to purchase a Converse Options session, go to: 478-472-8767 E-mail: [emailprotected] Fax: (478) 274-1640 1 mile North of Montezuma, Hwy 49 • Mon.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun: 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 3a The Courier Herald

Park Continued from 1a “We'llKnight let the Lord lead lege. I graduated from the Uni- versity of Georgia and went to work for Gil Gillis, who was in us. If something comes the process of starting up a TV station in Dublin. I worked there for 13 years. John Wilson up we'll do it.” came along and was starting — Steve Knight up Trophy Quest, which was a program outdoor TV. That was on the possibility of another “Soul Hunt” film going to give me a chance to travel the world. It was a TCH: chance to not only be on TV in was doing stuff for somebody With that movie you Dublin, but all over the U.S. else. I kind of wanted to try a had to film it, edit it and put short movie. The year we did the music in for it. Knight: TCH: I know you attend "The Soul Hunt" seemed to That last one was a Rentz Baptist Church. For a have been an appropriate time killer. I had to do it all on the period of three straight years, to try it. We were just having side because it wasn't my day- your brotherhood did three fun with it. It was something time job. movies. that wasn't work. TCH: Knight: We started out If I remember right, TCH: with "The Soul Hunt" and the When you finished you were working on it right "The TallTale Talent." Those with that, many asked you up to the last minute? Knight: were based on some skits that about a part two. The wild game sup- Knight: I found. We just turned them Part two didn't ex- per was at 6 that evening and I Photo by ???f into a screenplay. ist. People were wondering think I finished around 11 or what happened to those char- 11:30 the morning of the pre- (Above) The Dublin RISING board. (Below) Wooddum, for whom the park was named. members who pay Dublin RIS- TCH: Both were well re- acters. Our pastor Tom Vance miere. Continued from 1a ING a token rent for the utili- ceived, especially "The Soul and brotherhood director Keith TCH: ties. Hunt." Collins, who was in all of the The problem was you Street Presyterian Church, These meetings have grown Knight: movies, sort of tackled it and had already announced the Henry Memorial Presbyterian Yes it was. We had so popular that Dublin RISING no expectations. We were came up with the story line for date. You couldn't push it back. Church, a Savannah Presbytery is building a larger facility by the third one. Knight: That's the toughest grant, an Oconee EMC grant, mainly doing it for fun. We converting and upgrading an- were basically doing it for our part of it - the deadline. I'm and many other local residents TCH: other dilapidated building next wild game supper. The first one The beginning of the used to it with TV. And you and businesses have con- door. It is their plan to donate third movie started with a know how that is too. I knew I tributed the funding and volun- was really successful and that this rebuilt structure to a ‘Club’ made us want to do another wreck scene that was filmed on would make it. Some of it was I teer efforts to make the park a which will take over ownership Nathaniel Drive. How was was being picky about some of reality. one the next year. The third and the responsibility of renting one, "The Soul Hunt 2: For- that? the stuff. According to the Rev. Ricky Knight: and maintaining the entire giveness," was made from I had a lot of help. Porter, one of the executive di- meeting facility. Porter says A lot of people graciously gave TCH: The last movie your rectors of Dublin RISING, Lon- scratch. We had several people this is a common practice in of their resources. church did was in 2013. Are nie Gene Woodum was an alum- working on that. We had to larger cities like Macon where there plans for more in the fu- nus of Oconee High School who take a break after that. more than one group uses a TCH: Of course it took al- ture? wrote the very spiritual lyrics of building. most three hours to film that. Knight: Right now it's wait the school’s alma mater, joined TCH: When you started Porter emphasizes that The scene is only a few min- and see. You never say never. the United States Navy after working on these movies, was Dublin RISING is a faith-based utes in the final product. We aren't going to rush into it. high school and died in a hy- rent payments, transportation it good to have all of that back- organization with a strong affil- Knight: A sure enough Hol- I don't want to put something draulic catapult explosion to doctor appointments, and ground in TV? connection with legal assis- iation with veterans. Four of the Knight: Oh yeah. I couldn't lywood production team may out there just for the sake of aboard the USS Bennington in seven board members are veter- 1954 that also killed 103 of his tance. have done it without that. I'm have spent two days doing putting something out there. SSOS helps in other ways, al- ans or spouses of veterans. As sure some could jump right in that. But, it's very time con- We'll let the Lord lead us. If fellow sailors. His obituary in mentioned earlier, the Narcotics the New York Times listed his so, such as in the case of unfair and do it. All of those years suming and fun. something comes up we'll do it. eviction, judicial system confu- Anonymous program was start- working for Gil and John, I address as Rowe Street, Dublin, ed and is still run primarily by Ga. His brief life was memori- sion, critical medical service needs, and conflict resolution. veterans, most of whom went alized in a short article written through recovery programs at by Scott Thompson and view- Currently, core funding for Dublin RISING is the Emer- the local Carl Vinson Medical able online at ident's home but "nothing The Laurens County Sher- gency Shelter Grant which last Center. Continued from 1a Fourth http://laurenscountyafricaname Dublin RISING works close- like what we had a couple iff's Office also reported a rel- ricanhisto- year was $1500 and this year has increased to $3500. In addi- ly with the social workers at ternoon thunderstorm that weeks ago." atively quiet weekend, with Carl Vinson to place any home- soaked the county, they had "The rain was probably a no major calls tied to Fourth woodum-story.html. tion, the organization is helped financially by a community of less veterans in temporary or no calls tied to fireworks and significant reason for our low- of July revelry. "It is fitting that his memor- long-term shelter. They current- only light damage caused by er call volume," he said. The Georgia Department ial should be on that street," churches. Porter says that Dublin RIS- ly have four veterans that are the thundershower. Dublin Fire chief Pat Bal- of Public Safety reported a to- adds Porter. leasing their facilities. One of "We had a few wrecks, a lard concurred, saying his de- tal of six fatalities across the The neighborhood has had ING's administrative helpers spend countless hours in one- these was an emergency home- few fires and a few trees partment also had no calls state, with the closest report- cook-outs and neighborhood less case taken in May. down," said Laurens County tied to firework ignition. ed fatality taking place in watch meetings at the park on-one assistance in some of the Porter said, "The park is a Rural Fire chief Don Bryant. "The storm came through Statesboro. Three fatalities pavilion since its completion. more tragic cases. "Our vetting process is very memorial to a very special "We didn't have any tied to that day and downed several were reported by Dekalb po- Partly funded by United Way fireworks. I'm sure some of trees," Ballard said. "Be- lice and one each by the GSP grants, Dublin RISING works thorough," Porter says, "and we veteran whose memory will make sure that chronic welfare live on in the beautiful gar- the noise might have had a tween those and a few power post in Villa Rica and in Dou- with people who need counsel- few folks on edge but none di- outages that was it. Nothing glas. ing and mentoring to help them abusers and those who have re- dens and planned walking sources to help themselves, but paths of this park." rectly tied to fireworks." major. I rode all night Satur- Local crash statistics were own their own homes. Founded Bryant said the storm day with the radio in hand not available as of press time by Doug and Jean Wolf, the or- are looking for an easy way out Porter thanked the mayor of trouble, are turned away." and city council for their hard caused several downed trees, but nothing came across. We Monday. ganization has been working including one falling on a res- came out really well." since 2007 to restore and refur- This facility in which Dublin work and efforts. On behalf of bish several dilapidated houses, RISING now holds its meetings Dublin RISING, he proposed preparing them for low-income is one of those purchased and in that meeting to increase residency in the Rowe-Cherry- remodeled by the group. In partnership with the city to 2009, the aforementioned group auditorium from 10 a.m - 1:30 Hero Has a Story.” We are ea- Garner street neighborhood of provide shared resources for Continued from 1a Project the city. of veterans were looking for a community development and p.m. Participants will be pro- ger to capture and share the According to Cherise Black- place to meet that was closer to renaissance, emergent hous- tions to enjoy. Participants will vided assistance with the stories of our local heroes! well, administrator for the the core of the addiction prob- ing needs/shelter and urgent also receive a free copy of the recording equipment and a list To register for this event or group, Dublin RISING partners lem in Dublin. Dublin RISING survival resources for indi- interview on CD. of suggested questions for the for more information about provided the facility in the for- with the City of Dublin to reju- gent citizens, provide assis- Registration for this event interview. this project, please visit the li- merly run-down neighborhood venate and develop the neglect- tance and counseling with 12- is strongly encouraged. Inter- This program is inspired by brary’s website at, call on Rowe Street, and the vets did ed neighborhood. According to step meetings as a venue, en- views will be scheduled as 30 the theme of this year’s Sum- them at 478-272-5710, or email Blackwell, this was a former all the renovations. minute sessions in the library mer Reading Program: “Every us at [emailprotected]. Today three Narcotics courage unity and safety by drug hangout area. organizing and supporting a The group's core mission is to Anonymous groups meet there. One group meets seven days a neighborhood watch, and giv- mentor and encourage low in- ing priority to assisting veter- come residents to improve their week. Another meets six days a ans coming out of recovery social and economic conditions. week, and the newest meets programs at Carl Vinson Med- Their motto is "Rebuilding twice a week. The meetings are Dublin One Home at a Time." organized and managed by the ical Center. They gain spiritual inspiration from Isaiah 60:1, "Arise...your light has come." According to a presentation given by the group to the Dublin City Council, the first home con- verted in this area was one Roofing owned by the Wolfs. A group of Shingle or Metal Roof veterans, many from recovery programs at Carl Vinson Med- Replacement ical Center, converted the first housing unit to a 12-step drug Windows rehabilitation support facility. Dublin RISING purchased additional dilapidated units and 478-272-8138 stopped their use as drug hang- outs by either tearing the build- ings down or converting them to relatively high grade rental QUALITY AFFORDABLE housing to support their grow- ing investment. HEALTH INSURANCE South Side One-Stop is Group and Individual Dublin RISING’s outreach to residents experiencing financial Clements & Keen and social emergencies. It was Insurance founded by Porter in 2012. 503 Bellevue Ave., Dublin, Ga. SSOS helps people who find themselves suddenly homeless Call 272-8019 as well as those who need help BlueCross BlueShield with water and heating bills, Marcus Clements of Georgia Darin Keen

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Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 4a The Courier Herald The Courier Herald GRIFFIN LOVETT, Publisher DUBOSE PORTER, Executive Editor JASON HALCOMBE, Managing Editor PAM BURNEY, Advertising Director CHERYL GAY, Circulation Manager Published by Courier Herald Publishing Company Insight and viewpoints from our editorial board and our readers 115 S. Jefferson St., Dublin, Georgia 31021-5146 In OurEmail us Opinion at [emailprotected] to share your opinions W.H. LOVETT President and Chairman, 1934-1978 DUBOSE PORTER Chairman GRIFFIN LOVETT Adams’Dr. Michael Adams, former returnpoint here.) to Malibu was bestAthens. for Some members all President president of the University of Little did I know that thought the president spent Periodicals Postage Paid at Dublin, Georgia Georgia, has announced he is Adams wasn’t drinking from donor money more irresponsi- (USPS 161-860) - Daily except Sunday and select holidays returning to Pepperdine my fount of knowledge. bly than a drunken sailor and University, in the wilds of Somewhere along the way, he commissioned a study by POSTMASTER: Send address change to: Malibu, Calif., to become chan- decided either to become his Deloitte & Touche that was The Courier Herald, Drawer B, CSS, Dublin, GA 31040 cellor Aug. 1. He had once been own external counselor or to highly critical of Adams. (I had that institution’s vice presi- get his advice from a grape- recently resigned from the SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: dent of university affairs. fruit. I was never quite sure UGA Foundation. I saw this Print Edition - $10/month Adams stated he will “focus which. one coming. It was one of my Digital Edition - $10/month on strengthening the universi- After calling several of my wiser moves.) ty’s endowment, raising funds newspapers and urging them Several members of the This newspaper is committed to the idea that the press should for new projects including a to not run a column of mine foundation wanted the man tell the truth without prejudice and spread knowledge new events center with a bas- pooh-poohing his being consid- fired. Instead, the Board of without malicious intent. ketball arena, and advising ered a candidate for president Regents, composed mostly of Pepperdine President Andrew of the NCAA, and after a snit- big contributors beholden to Benton and other young fit over learning that my por- the governor, fired the founda- administrators.” He says he trait was to be hung at the uni- Dick tion for mucking around in will be gone three years and versity, I am inclined to blame Yarbrough what they considered their Our Take will then “re-evaluate the it on the grapefruit. purview. That episode caused school’s needs.” One influential legislator, a serious split in the Bulldog I know all of this because I upon hearing the news of then-head football coach Jim Nation that has been slow to U.S. Women show read it in the paper. Suffice it Adams’ departure, recalled Donnan to pay him a bunch of heal. to say that I didn’t hear it first- having been dressed down by money if he ever got fired, and I sometimes wonder why hand. Adams and I don’t Adams, who seemed to have then having Donnan fired. American girls that they, howdy much. forgotten that the legislature That one I am still trying to our relationship soured but, When Adams first arrived allocates funds to the figure out. Maybe it was that hey, stuff happens. Adams is in Athens in 1997, we had University System, including darned grapefruit again. headed back to Malibu and too, can be a champion lunch and hit it off well, or so I UGA. He is also the guy who both he and the folks at thought. He invited me to The legislator said he won- brought in his good buddy Pepperdine seem excited Within the first 16 minutes, the U.S. speak to a group of college dered at the time if the presi- from Pepperdine, Jim Harrick about his return. As for me, Womens National Soccer Team had all presidents about how to deal dent really had a doctorate in (remember that name?) to the new administration at the with external issues and then political science and, if so, had coach UGA basketball, and we University of Georgia has gone but sealed a victory in their title later asked me to talk to a he remembered anything he all know how that turned out. out of its way to make my fam- gathering of UGA deans and had learned. One thing he (Please God: Don’t let Adams ily and I feel like we are once rematch with Japan. vice presidents on the same should have learned is that come back to Georgia with again a part of the university’s subject. legislators don’t like to be lec- another basketball coach from family. Four goals, three by Carli Lloyd, gave I had practiced what I tured by college presidents. Pepperdine. At least not in my preached well enough over my Controversy will always be lifetime or Yours.) —You can reach Dick the Americans a 4-0 lead enroute to a 5- career to have been recognized a part of Adams’ legacy at Adams’ management style Yarbrough at as one of the “100 Most UGA, beginning with his alienated many longtime vol- [emailprotected]; at 2 win and the nation’s third World Cup Influential Public Relations clumsy handling of his refusal unteers in the UGA P.O. Box 725373, Atlanta, GA People of the 20th Century.” to extend the contract of Foundation, the group that 31139; online at dick- victory; the most in the sport. (OK, maybe it was a slow cen- Athletic Director Vince Dooley. raises private dollars for the or on Facebook tury for public relations peo- And who can forget Adams university and had been doing a t It was an unbelievable ending to a ple, but I’m trying to make a making a secret deal with so long before he showed up in stunning run for the Americans, but the win offers our young girls much more than the fleeting exhilaration that comes with watching their favorite play- ers hoist a trophy. This win serves as a reminder to all those young girls in our nation that hard work, determination and the right amount of luck can put them in position to be champions. And not just champions in sports. Not all will be blessed with the physi- cal talents to make them successes on the field of play, but their individual gifts, paired with effort and energy, could one day make them lawyers, doc- tors or even the leader of the free world. Congratulations to the U.S. Women. And “thank you” for proving to girls all over the nation that they have every reason to believe they, too, can become a champion in life one day.

— Jason Halcombe Georgia – Not Greek to me

As Georgians were cele- battle flag. Greece’s financial prob- most directly affects our brating our country’s 239th For the most part, one lem, at its root, is that their overall economic condition. birthday this weekend, the can look at the relatively Charlie national debt is 175% of Through the good times people of Greece were vot- uniform surrender of the their GDP. They have a and bad, we are who we are ing in a referendum that stars and bars on most gov- bloated pension system, primarily because we as a will likely force the question ernment property as a sign Harper’s don’t collect many of the people have been united for if they will remain part of of American unity. One taxes they assess, and can’t 239 years and counting. We the European Union. The that says we of different pay for the many govern- have been divided before, image of a country only backgrounds are of one ment programs and make many times over much slightly larger than our nation. There was a clear payments on their growing more serious items than state deciding if it wants winner in the war between debts as well. As such, their we’ve faced the last few independence was a bit the states and it was us, bond ratings are abysmal, weeks. more interesting given that America. The country we GA with Standard and Poor’s We got through it, and those on our side of the are now all a part of. The downgrading them last we’ll get through our cur- Atlantic have been having a one that celebrated her week to CCC minus. We rent differences as well. We very public grappling with birthday as a united coun- Politics Georgians are a bit more do this because we’re our Southern history and try this weekend. fortunate. We have a AAA Americans. That means the symbols of a former But still, there is this bond rating with all three despite our current differ- attempt at independence. somewhat troubling com- rating agencies. ences or short-sighted The truth is, it’s been parison with Greece and gram of fiscal austerity as International Monetary We Georgians now have thoughts that current frus- three weeks of intense their relationship with the demanded by the EU, and Fund that have been large- a strong national identity, trations would like us to do imagery and public discus- EU as a backdrop to our cel- “no” was to signify Greek ly funding Greek deficits which we celebrated this something similar to the sion about who we are as ebration. Greek voters independence. have finally said “enough.” weekend. We unite under Greeks, we’re still the envy Americans. We’ve had the went to the polls Sunday The EU has always acted It will be an interesting the stars and stripes as that other countries wish Supreme Court decide cases and voted “no” to accepting like more of a confederation week as the next moves Americans. Being a they could be. on gay marriage and a financing deal with terms than a single country. Each unfold. Greece and its 11 Georgian determines a lot That’s still worth a lot. Obamacare that revealed set by the European nation has largely main- million people have a Gross of what I eat, and what me Happy birthday to us. and perhaps expanded Commission and European tained its own identity, only Domestic Product of 242 bil- and many of my neighbors divides between many of us. Central Bank. While the uniting on major issues lion dollars. Our state of sound like. But our nation- These cases came at a time offer they were voting on such as trade, regulation, Georgia and its 10 million ality is that of one nation. — Got a question for when brutal murders in a was technically no longer and fiscal and monetary residents, by comparison, is It’s the one whose currency Charlie Harper? Email him Charleston church had on the table, the referen- policy. And many, like estimated to have a Gross I carry and spend. It’s the directly at harper- many southerners no longer dum was widely interpreted Greece, have taken great State Product of 472 billion one that can decide if we go [emailprotected]. Comments to willing to defend the public as “yes” meant the Greeks liberties with the latter. by the U.S. Bureau of to war or not. It’s the one The Courier Herald may be display of the confederate would continue on a pro- The EU and the Economic Analysis. that sets rules for trade and directed to Jason Halcombe at [emailprotected] Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 5a The Courier Herald Out of the abundance of the Tell It! heart, his mouth speaketh." - YOUR COURIER Luke 6:45. When we read Tell HERALD It!, we're seeing what's in your Tackle box among items LOCAL 7-DAY heart. When we all stand before stolenLaurens Countyfrom Rentz home THE NEXT 24 HOURS God, we all have to answer to Him. You have no right to Sheriff's Office TODAY TONIGHT TOMORROW judge. There's only one and A white 1995 Honda mo- that's the good Lord himself. torcycle was found in a ditch Police What you lack whenever you on Payne Road near Shan- Beat stand before Him is all you non Lane in Rentz on June Call 272-0375 need to worry about. 20. A deputy was traveling on Dublin between June 18 and I think it’s time to ban Obama has never said Payne Road toward Rentz 19. Sunrise 6:27 a.m. Sunset 8:43 p.m. Sunrise 6:27 a.m. th e fireworks in Georgia chur ches have to accept gay when he saw a motorcycle ly- - A deputy talked with an 92° 69° 89° again.....I havent slept in three marriage. You have to decide ing in the ditch. The motor- East Dublin woman in refer- An afternoon Partly cloudy and A t-storm nights! that you'd rather be a Christ- cycle was towed due to it be- ence to a burglary on Holly t-storm humid in the area ian or tell lies about Obama. ing abandoned on the road- Lane in East Dublin on June Congratulations to the You can't have it both ways. side with no valid insurance 19. U.S. Women! Way to go, ladies! and suspended registration. - A four wheeler was I'm old enough to re- - An orange child's bicycle Rivers Ocmulgee ...... 9.28” member when most people stolen on Ga. 126 on June 21. Latest observed value U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! was stolen on Buckeye Road Ocone ...... 4.27” thought the saddest day in in East Dublin between June Jesus will win, not Satan. America was when the Dublin Police TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 18 and 19. Read and study your Bible, I Supreme Court made interra- Department beg you. Especially read Reve- cial marriage legal. - A deputy responded to - A cell phone was stolen at lation, and if you don't under- Old Hawkinsville Road in Shamrock Park Apartments on stand it, get a Bible that trans- When w ill the city of reference to damage to prop- South Jefferson Street on June lates it. Jesus will win, not all Dublin be buying new, green erty that had occurred be- 19. these lies and things Satan is garbage cans for customers to tween June 19 and 21. - A phone was thrown against Hi 89 Hi 95 Hi 93 - Someone entered a house Lo 66 Lo 70 Lo 71 doing. put trash in? We've had these the wall in a house on Woodrow Sunrise 6:27 a.m. Sunrise 6:28 a.m. Sunrise 6:28 a.m. cans for over a decade. As on J.T. Lane in East Dublin, Avenue on June 19. NBC makes a hero out of much as people pay for while the homeowner was at Editor's note: This infor- Mostly sunny Increasing Some sun with Brian Williams for lying, but sewage, water and garbage, work on June 21. mation is public record and and humid cloudiness a stray t-storm Donald Trump can tell the the city can afford to pay for - Someone caused damage was taken from reports of truth and they ridicule him. cans for its customers to put to water pump at a house on the Dublin Police Depart- Highs in the mid 90s Highs in the mid 90s Highs in the mid 90s Vote Donald Trump. their garbage in at least once a U.S. 80 E. in East Dublin on ment and the Laurens Coun- Lows in the low 70s Lows in the low 70s Lows in the low 70s decade. June 19. ty Sheriff's Office. These re- You've got at least four - Two five gallon buckets The Ku Klux Klan is plan- ports do not reflect on the FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY countries with millions of peo- of Kiltz and red Milwaukee ple on the U.S. taxpayers' pay- ning a rally in Columbia, S.C. guilt or innocence. An "ar- grinder were stolen at a loca- roll. If you want to stop entitle- because they're "removing the rest" does not always indi- tion on Rex Miller Road in ment, stop that. Don't touch flag for all the wrong reasons." cate incarceration. Readers my social security, medicaid Are you kidding me? They're a East Dublin between June 9 are cautioned that people and medicare. perfect example of why you and 19. may have similar names. Po- Hi 95 need to remove it. - A cell phone, DVDs, deb- lice Beat does not identify Hi 95 Hi 96 it cards and a fishing tackle Lo 69 Lo 71 Lo 70 Afganistan has received minor children, victims of Sunrise 6:28 a.m. Sunrise 6:29 a.m. Sunrise 6:29 a.m. well over $1.5 trillion since box were stolen from a loca- sexual assault, suicide at- Bush invaded it. You know No sin is so bad Jesus tion on Reedy Springs tempts or medical condi- Partly sunny Humid with clouds and Mostly sunny, warm how many teachers' salaries wo n't forgive it. I pray for Church Road in Rentz on tions. Cases dismissed do with a t-storm sun and humid could be paid, how many roads David Sweat, escaped convict June 21. not appear if the newspaper can be paved, bridges & from New York. He's a bad per- - Someone keyed a car on Highs in the mid 90s is notified before deadline. Highs in the low 90s Highs in the mid 90s schools built with that kind of son, but Jesus came to save Salter Square Road in East Lows in the high 60s Lows in the low 70s Lows in the low 70s money here in the U.S.? That's that kind of person. I pray for your entitlement program his soul and his dear old moth- right there. er who was on TV. God bless COMMUNITY CALENDAR her. We are a Christian na- Spain's weather stations Okay, get over it, all you Monday tion. I'm Christian. Many are. gay-bashers. God destroyed •Dublin-Laurens FVSU Alumni Chapter at 6:30 p.m. in We’re not going to let a presi- warn of extended heat wave dent or a depraved people - two Sodom and Gomorrah about East Dublin Plummer’s Square. MADRID (AP) — Spain's parade sweltered in 36 C (97 percent of the population - and their hom*osexuality. Leave •AA I Am Responsible Group, Contact 272-5244 or 275-8259, meteorological agency on Sat- F) heat on Saturday while old- the un-Supreme Court tell us this alone. When God gets 1515 Rice Ave., 8 p.m. urday warned people to brace er residents looked on, bear- what marriage is. One man. ready to get rid of something, •AA 24 Hour Group, contact 279-0839, 629 Broad Street, East for high temperatures across ing the heat stoically. One woman. Everything else is he'll get rid of it. So just live Dublin, Ga. 8 p.m. much of the country over the "As Madrid-dwellers, we an abomination. with it. When God gets ready, coming days, amid a lingering are used to high tempera- •NA We Surrender, Contact 275-9531, 6:30 p.m. at 629 Broad he'll destroy it. Street, East Dublin. European heat wave. tures," said Ines Zurdo, 78. We must cut entitle- •Dublin Gamblers Anonymous Group, Contact 304-1033, The agency said "tempera- "But you can tell it's unusual- ment, social security, etc. to Donald Trump told the Carl Vinson VA Medical Center, Building 1, Room 1B (upstairs tures will be significantly ly hot because the trees are the bone. That money could be truth. higher in much of the penin- beginning to shed their conference room), 6:30 p.m. going to the Shiite militias or •Lunch Bunch Al-Anon sula and the Balearic Is- leaves," she said, brushing meet each Tuesday at noon at First the Sunni rebels holding the See the editorial page for Baptist Church. Enter through double doors across from Fire- lands," exceeding 35 degrees aside a little pile of dry, brittle Middle East. instructions on how to send a Celsius (95 F) and reaching 40 plane tree leaves from the stone. Call 290-1322 for further information. letter to the editor of The •Dublin-Laurens County NAACP meets every 3rd Monday C (104 F) in much of the seat at a bus stop. They had their little ral- Courier Herald. southern and eastern parts of Across the border, Portugal at 6:30 p.m. Mary Howard, President. For more information, ly def ending the Sheriff's please call 478-275-2649. the country. also braced for fires after an Dept. The Sheriff's Dept.'s a I have gone through The forecast predicted exceptionally dry winter and Tuesday good place to be since when? many municipalities like Dud- •Dublin Ladies Golf Association at Dublin Country Club be- some respite in the form of the hottest and driest June for And besides that, they're dis- ley, Dexter and Rentz, and showers and thunderstorms 12 years. Almost 54 percent of ginning at 10 a.m. (every fourth Tuesday of the month except they have American flags respectful. They have no re- on July 10-11. mainland Portugal is endur- for June, July and December). hanging. Why doesn't Cadwell spect for their citizens. Many European countries, ing severe drought. •Dublin Kiwanis Club at 12:15 p.m. at The Dublin Country have at least one or two? including Spain, France and Even in Denmark in north- Club. The clock's ticking. Hos- Britain, have struggled to find ern Europe, scores of people •AA I Am Responsible Group Contact, 272-5244 or 275-8259, pitals are closing and people I'm proud of the Dairy relief from unusually high flocked to beaches to cool 1515 Rice Ave., 5:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. are dying. I guess what is a Queen man for standing up temperatures in the past down as temperatures •NA We Surrender, contact 275-9531, 629 Broad Street, East few dead bodies when it comes when he could lose business. week, although the U.N. climbed above 30 C (86 F) Sat- Dublin, 6:30 p.m. to politics? Expand medicaid weather agency said the conti- •Unity House (Family Recovery Support Group) at Johnson now. urday. Lane on VA Grounds, Bldg. 8; 6-8 p.m. Contact: Dublin-Laurens nent is better prepared than At the Roskilde Festival, Want to Tell It? County Chamber of Commerce (478) 272-5546 or Linda Bailey If you believe in the ever to avoid major heat casu- the largest music event in the at CSB of Middle GA (478) 272-1190. Keep it 37 words alties. Nordic region, Ida Kristensen Bible, you can't be gay, be- or fewer. •Overeaters Anonymous meet at 6:45 at 912 Bellevue Ave. cause it's a sin. Last week, weather sta- told the TV2 channel that she Contact 279-3808. Keep it clean. tions across Spain warned was skipping the Saturday Keep it real. •TOPS meeting 6 p.m. at Pine Forest UMC, 400 Woods Ave. "A good man out of the people to take extra precau- evening concert with former Contact info 275-7505. Call 272-0375 tions because high tempera- Beatle Paul McCartney, con- good tre asures of his heart tel [emailprotected] •South-Central GSRA Chapter of the Georgia State Retirees brings forth good. And the evil tures increase the risk of dev- sidered one of the eight-day Association will meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the or Tell It! at astating wildfires. event's biggest names, to re- man, out of the evil treasures Laurens County Library Auditorium, 11 a.m. We invite all re- of his heart brings forth evil. Many scantily-clad partici- turn home, saying "the sun tired and soon to retire state employees to join us. Please con- pants in Madrid's Gay Pride has won." tact Tommy Craft at 272-7820 for more information.


Today is Monday, July 6, Hartford, Connecticut. the 187th day of 2015. There In 1957, Althea Gibson be- are 178 days left in the year. came the first black tennis play- Today's Highlight in er to win a Wimbledon singles History: title as she defeated fellow On July 6, 1945, President American Darlene Hard 6-3, 6- Harry S. Truman signed an ex- 2. ecutive order establishing the In 1964, the movie "A Hard Medal of Freedom. Nicaragua Day's Night," starring The Bea- became the first nation to ratify tles, had its world premiere in the United Nations Charter. London. The British colony Nyasaland became the indepen- On this date: dent country of Malawi. In 1415, Czech church re- In 1971, jazz trumpeter and former Jan Hus (yahn hoos), singer Louis Armstrong died in condemned for heresy, was New York at age 69. burned at the stake in Konstanz In 1988, 167 North Sea oil in present-day Germany. workers were killed when explo- In 1535, Sir Thomas More sions and fires destroyed a was executed in England for drilling platform. Medical waste high treason. and other debris began washing In 1777, during the Ameri- up on New York City-area can Revolution, British forces seashores, forcing the closing of captured Fort Ticonderoga. several popular beaches. In 1865, the weekly publica- In 1994, 14 firefighters were tion "The Nation," the self-de- killed while battling a several- scribed "flagship of the left," days-old blaze on Storm King made its debut. Mountain in Colorado. In 1917, during World War I, Ten years ago: New York Arab forces led by T.E. Times reporter Judith Miller Lawrence and Auda Abu Tayi was jailed after refusing to testi- captured the port ofAqaba (AH'- fy before a grand jury investi- kah-buh) from the Turks. gating the leak of undercover In 1933, the first All-Star CIA operative Valerie Plame's baseball game was played at identity (Miller was jailed for 85 Chicago's Comiskey Park; the days before agreeing to testify). American League defeated the London was selected to host the National League, 4-2. 2012 Olympics. The Group of In 1944, an estimated 168 Eight summit opened in Gle- people died in a fire that broke neagles, Scotland. L. Patrick out during a performance in the Gray, the acting FBI director main tent of the Ringling Bros. during Watergate, died in At- and Barnum & Bailey Circus in lantic Beach, Fla., at age 88. Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 6a The Courier Herald

LOOKING BACK...50 ing ourselves to God and Coun- W.T. Berry present a moving and Mrs. A.L. Curry, Lynn, and AlamoYEARS try stops so that Justice, Freedom and Crackers 8-1 intalk league on the place of the Bible in Al game Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. JULY 6, 1965 Democracy may survive." the home. Also taking part in Payne, David, Jerry, and Lisa DUBLIN COURIER HER- the ceremony were Miss Carla Payne, Mrs. G.W. Bedingfield, ALD STEVENS & CO., Holt, Denise Daniell, Sherlyn Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Tipton all of INC. DISBURSES Mullis, Joyce McCullough, Dublin and A.H. Hanson of the GEORGIA POWER VACATION PAY Marie Williams, Pamela Colter, Dublin V.A. Center; FRANCHISE EXTENSION The J.P.Stevens Co., Inc. has Mrs. Edward Colter, Mrs. W.T. Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Dominy, WINS 4-2 VOTE announced that $3,375,000 will Berry, Mrs. Roscoe Rowe and Jack and Vinnee Dominy, Mr. Residents of Dublin will go to be disbursed to employees for Mrs. Kennon Smith. As a bene- and Mrs. James A. Dominy and the polls on July 28 to vote on an vacation pay this week. Em- diction, Miss Sandra Bading- Miss Pat Maybee of ordinance adopted by the City ployees in the Georgia plants field sang "Bless This House." Milledgeville; Council on Tuesday night ex- will share $432,000, with the lo- Mrs. Edward Colter is the Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gibson, tending the present franchise of cal Nathaniel Plant employees Counselor of the YWA group; Jr., Donna, Danny, Dennis, the Georgia Power Company an receiving $142,000. Employees Mrs. W.T. Berry is Youth Direc- Nancy, and Stephanie Gibson additional 10 years from the with one year service are eligible tor; Mrs. L.K. Smith is WMS of Sarasota, Florida; Mr. and time of the expiration of the pre- for 2 percent vacation pay while Representative; and Mrs. Ken- Mrs. James Kushon of Fort My- sent contract in 1975. The action those with more than one year non Smith is WMU President. ers, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. was taken by a vote of four to will receive 4 percent. Geroyle Beasley, Kenny, Gayle, two, and Mayor L.R. Price de- CIVITAN CLUB ELECTS Bonnie, Steve, and Scotty clared the motion for adoption of MISS HOPE cloth, Mrs. E.F. Simmons, Mrs. thrown out at first, and scored NEW OFFICERS Beasley of Aiken, South Caroli- the ordinance carried. Those CHAVOUS FETED John Owens and Mrs. George on Tom Perry's single into left. Dublin City Manager Arthur na; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny God- voting for it were Clifford M. The members of the Bertha Rountree. But though Chan Beasley also Lane was the speaker at the win, Gwen, Gaye, and Gina Warren, Wendell Smith, Harold Hart Sunday School Class of the Music for the afternoon was singled before the inning was Tuesday meeting of the Civitan Godwin of Raleigh, North Car- Jones and Tyrus F. Gaillard. First Baptist Church enter- rendered by Miss Caroline over, that was all the scoring for Club. Introduced by outgoing olina and Mr. and Mrs. Elden Those against were M. H. tained on Tuesday afternoon at Rountree and Mrs. Ben Crain. the Crackers. President Herb Arnett, he spoke Watson and Darlene Watson of Hogan and James H. Perry. the church with a seated tea for Calhoun whiffed 13 Crax on the need for a water treat- Columbus. The meeting was an open seventy-five honoring their WILLIAMS — KEENE batters and walked none while ment and sewage disposal plant hearing on the proposal of the teacher, Miss Hope Chavous. A WEDDING recording his second victory in Dublin. MARIEBAPTIST Georgia Power Company's re- welcome was expressed by Mrs. Mr.and Mrs. Curtis O. against one loss against the New officers were elected CHURCHCONSTITUTED quest for an extension of the George Rountree, president of Williams of Dexter, announce young Dublin nine. L.E. Farr and are W.P. Denny, President; IN 1899 franchise with an increase of the class, to the active members, the marriage of their daughter, started for the Crackers and Wallace Miller, Vice President; The Rev. R.E. Neighbors, from 3 percent to 4 percent on to those who have been mem- Betty Jane Williams, to Edward was greeted in the fourth by Hubert Sears, Sergeant at who was pastor of the First gross receipts. Ben Williams, bers of the class but are now Keene, son of Mr. L.L. Keene Calhoun's hit down the left field Arms; Wayne Christian, Secre- Baptist Church in Dublin, in- head of the company in this sec- teaching in other departments, and the late Mrs. Keene. The line that rolled through a fence tary- Treasurer; James Hudson, spired the establishment of the tion, reviewed the action taken to those on the visitation list and wedding was performed by Mrs. in foul territory and allowed Chaplain; and Scott McCord, Marie Baptist Church. Records in 1955 by the people of Dublin to the pastor's wife, Mrs. Stan- Hill G. Thomas, J.P., at her Calhoun to score before Beasley Publicity Chairman. show that during the summer who voted for a 20 years fran- ley R. Hahn. home on July 3. could retrieve the ball and get it of 1899 the Rev. Mr. Neighbors chise which is now in its 11th Miss Hope was given a lovely Mrs. Keene attended Dexter back into the infield. Tom Perry DOMINY FAMILY EN- went to the Marie Community year. He pointed out that with arrangement of pink roses and High School and is employed at relieved Farr in the fourth and JOYS JULY 4th WEEKEND and preached in a dilapidated, the increase in the percentage snapdragons as an expression of the Dublin Garment Co. Mr. finished up but was reached for The past week end, mem- unsealed, unpainted, school Dublin will receive an estimated thanks from the class. Mrs. Keene is a graduate of Jeff 5 runs in the seventh on two bers of the Dominy family house to a group of unorganized $351,000 in the next ten years Louie Curry then gave a most Davis High School and is em- walks, 3 hits, including Cal- joined to celebrate the Fourth people. He preached at the and under the new franchise, interesting talk on the begin- ployed at Shamrock of Dublin, houn's base-loaded triple, and of July at a cook out at the morning hour to his own con- $467,000. He urged that the ning of the Bertha Hart Sunday Ltd. two Cracker errors. Farr gave home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. gregation at the First Baptist people be given a chance to ex- School Class, its teachers and up 7 hits and 3 runs in his 4- Dominy Jr. on the McRae Road Church in Dublin and then press themselves. various locations for meetings. ALAMO STOPS plus innings, struck out 4, on Saturday night; then on went to Marie in the afternoon. She said that the class was be- CRACKERS 8-1 walked one and hit one batter. Sunday morning a large num- According to Church FLAG DISPLAY gun in 1948 with only five mem- IN LEAGUE GAME ber of the family attended the records, the little school house URGED HERE bers and Mrs. George Madray, Alamo took the victory in BIBLE GIVEN BRIDE - morning worship service at the soon overflowed, and he stood Mrs. Walter J. Burnham, now of Jesup, Georgia, as the Laurens County Baseball ELECT AT CADWELL Mount Zion Baptist Church. in the door way and preached to Americanism Chairman of the first teacher. The original mem- League action last night, stop- In a simple, but impressive Following the services, they those inside and out. During American Legion Auxiliary, bers were Mesdames Herbert ping the Dublin Crackers 8-1 at candlelight ceremony on Sun- had their dinner in the social that summer he took a tent, urged business houses and resi- Ervin, J.W. Zwtterower, Alfred Dublin's Babe Ruth Field. Jerry day evening, June 27th, Miss Al- hall of the church with the pas- lights, and song books from dences to display the American Eubanks, Ben Crain and Calhoun wasn't the entire show ice McCullough of Cadwell, tor, Ray Thompkins, as a spe- Dublin First and held a revival Flag, especially on July 4. This, Madray. They had talked with at Alamo, but he almost was, for bride-elect of Jimmy Mullis, was cial guest. Two of the group cel- for three weeks with services she said, is to "Ring the bell of Mrs. Hart, asking her permis- it was his 4-hit pitching that presented a white Bible by the ebrated their July birthdays three times a week. He was freedom to the world by our sion to name their class for her. held the Crackers to one run, WMU of Cadwell Baptist and had "Happy Birthday" furnished with a horse and every act and deed so that the The class now enrolls 73 mem- and it was his controversial Church. The church was beauti- sung to them. They are Mrs. buggy by his Church, and at Liberty Bell has the same melo- bers on the active roll. home run in the fourth that fully decorated in the YWA col- J.A. Dominy, Sr. and her son, the close of afternoon services, dious tone and meaningful pur- An arrangement of pink car- gave Alamo a 2-1 lead, and ors of green and white, and the J.A. Dominy, Jr. That afternoon he drove back to visit his needy poses as it did in 1776 when the nations and gladiolas was used his bases-loaded triple in the 7th altar was draped in white fea- a number of the family enjoyed members. Bell thundered to the world in a on the tea table, which held that spelled out the fifth defeat turing an open Bible accented a swim in the pool at the home Converts were received into loud clarion tone the challenge sandwiches, cheese straws, for the Crackers, who dropped to by trailing ivy and four- of Mr. and Mrs. Dominy, Jr., fol- the Dublin church during the of a new nation's Declaration of cakes and punch, served by Mrs. third place in the standings. branched silver candelabras, lowed by an old-fashioned wa- tent meeting, and on Septem- Independence. Irving Montford, Mrs Donna The Crackers started off as if which were lit by Miss Ann termelon cutting. ber 21, 1899, the Marie Baptist "As Americans, we are be- Cox, Mrs. J.F Ellington, Mrs. they were going to get to Cal- Sikes. Among those present were Church was constituted with hooved to accept our responsibil- Tom Walker, Miss Elizabeth houn, for Chuck Frost singled to Before a large audience of Mr. and Ms. J.A. Dominy, Sr, 27 charter members, some from ity to keep our America by dis- Lanier, Mrs. Luther Cooke, Mrs. center, stole second, went to family and friends, Miss McCul- Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Dominy Jr., Poplar Springs North Baptist playing our flag and re-dedicat- E.E. Cook, Mrs. Marian Fair- third as Bill Perry was being lough and Mr. Mullis heard Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Dominy, Mr. Church and some from Dublin. Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 7a The Courier Herald Hometown News

Mail to: Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 Submit online at • Email: [emailprotected] • Phone: 272-5522 Scenes from the Lonnie Gene Woodum Park dedication Special photos

THE CHOURIER ERALD PRINTPRINT SHOP!SHOP! WE’RE MORE THAN A NEWSPAPER... We can handle all your print needs! Full Color Glossy, Brilliant White Paper Booklets, Magazines, Flyers, Inserts, Brochures, Calendars, Postcards, Banners, Posters and So Much More! Call for Your Free Quote Today! Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 8a The Courier Herald Jones urges citizens to be proactive in protecting homes from thieves By SANDY ALDRIDGE election in as Dublin's new city siastically when the council gotten them all up, another owner that puts in a good, ef- tention was that the police de- Dublin City Manager Lance manager. finished the vote that cinched storm comes and blows a fective camera system helps partment's new red Polaris Jones wants citizens to install Jones has been serving for his placement as city manager. bunch down again," he added. our law enforcement tremen- Ranger has arrived to replace effective camera systems on several months as the city's in- "I will do my best to do a Jones said citizens should dously to keep crime down." the worn-out 4-wheeler which their properties to protect terim manager since longtime good job. I also want to tell cit- always call City Hall and let In other action, Police Chief Cpl. Josh "Joddie" Edge uses to them against burglars and city manager George Roussel izens of Dublin that we are them know if they have limbs Wayne Cain was present to re- patrol downtown. Edge has thieves. This request came in retired in 2014. Prior to that, getting up the fallen limbs as that need to be picked up. ceive praise from council mem- been serving the downtown comments offered at the end of Jones was the city's attorney. fast as we can, and we apolo- Then Jones asked that all bers for his department's lat- area for seven years. He said Thursday's mid-day city coun- "Thank you for your trust in gize if we haven't gotten citizens consider putting effec- est work in catching thieves citizens will have to get used to cil meeting at City Hall almost me. It means a lot," Jones told around to everyone's house," tive camera systems on their and burglars who have been seeing him on his new red directly on the heels of his be- the mayor, council and many he said. property. active in the city. Ranger rather than the old 4- ing official and unanimous citizens who applauded enthu- "As soon as we think we've "Every home and business Also brought to the city's at- wheeler. Scenes from the Fourth of July fireworks celebration Photos by Clay Reynolds Monday, July 6, 2015 The Courier Herald Section B

NASCAR: •Scoreboard ...... 2b Juniorʼs win •On The Air ...... 2b marred by crash •Sports Briefs ...... 2b -2b Sports Lloyd hat trick leads US to World Cup crown

Americans roll by Japan, 5-2, Rodney to take record third world title Manley

VANCOUVER, British While winning the last three Columbia (AP) — Carli Lloyd lives Olympic gold medals, the U.S. had for the big moment. She had her struggled in the World Cup since biggest on Sunday night — and taking the title at the inaugural gave the United States its record tournament in 1991 and then third Women's World Cup title. again at the Rose Bowl eight years America Lloyd scored three times as later. the U.S. jumped to a four-goal lead Christie Rampone, the only in the first 16 minutes, and the holdover from the 1999 team, needed Americans overwhelmed defend- lifted the trophy with Wambach, ing champion Japan 5-2 for the the 35-year-old former FIFA team's first World Cup champi- Player of the Year who has said onship since 1999. this will be her last World Cup. thatThings seemed one all in place A sellout crowd of 53,341 that Wambach was among the most for the U.S. women to win the included U.S. Vice President Joe vocal opponents of FIFA's deci- FIFA World Cup. Biden roared in approval for sion to play the tournament on Sunday night’s final was Lloyd's hat trick, the first in a artificial turf. the day after Independence Women's World Cup final. With FIFA President Sepp Day. The host was our neigh- "It's been a long journey, my Blatter staying away from Canada bor to the north, where the career. I've had a lot of people during a U.S. criminal investiga- crowd in Vancouver was believe in me, in my corner, from tion of soccer corruption, the tro- draped in red, white and blue day one," said the midfielder, who phy was presented by FIFA Senior and at least 90 percent turns 33 on July 16. "I've dedicat- Vice President Issa Hayatou of American. ed my whole life to this. Cameroon, the head of African And the U.S. women had Everything else comes second. soccer's governing body. Carli Lloyd. But I wouldn't want to do it any Hope Solo won her second other way." straight Golden Glove as top goal- Lloyd had emerged as a When it was over, Lloyd col- keeper of the tournament. She star throughout the tourna- lapsed to her knees and pumped played despite critics who urged ment. She left as THE star. her fists. Forward Abby Wambach the U.S. Soccer Federation to Lloyd ended all suspense bear-hugged teary-eyed coach Jill drop her after she initially faced early in the contest with the Ellis, lifting her off the ground. two misdemeanor counts of fastest hat trick in World Cup Lloyd, awarded the Golden domestic violence from a June history — men or women — Ball as player of the tournament, 2014 altercation at her half-sis- with her third goal putting the scored twice in a span of about ter's house, charges that were Americans up 4-0 just 16 min- 135 seconds as the U.S. led 2-0 by dismissed earlier this year. utes into the match. the fifth minute. Solo, who hasn't spoken to the Coming up big in big Lauren Holiday boosted the media for most of the tourna- moments is nothing new for lead in the 14th, and two minutes ment, proclaimed simply: "We her. Lloyd scored the gold- later Lloyd made it 4-0 with an did it! Awesome!" medal winning goals in both audacious 54-yard, right-footed The title, which adds a covet- the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. shot from midfield that sailed ed third star to the American uni- AP photo But let’s be real — the world over goalkeeper Ayumi Kaihori. form, also vindicated the USSF for wasn’t watching then. Japan closed on Yuki Ogimi's its decision in April 2014 to fire Despite the weight it car- goal in the 27th and an own goal coach Tom Sermanni, who had FAST START by Julie Johnston on an errant replaced Pia Sundhage the previ- Lloyd (10) celebrates second goal with Megan Rapinoe (left) and Lauren Holiday. ries in other countries, the header in the 52nd. Tobin Heath ous year, and replace him with World Cup is still just a game. scored two minutes later, the Ellis, the British-born American Still, the United States needed third goal off a restart for the who had been an assistant on the this. Americans.Braves shacoachingke staff.up bullpen after 4-0 loss in 10 innings It’s difficult to imagine a more divisive past few weeks for this country with the Charleston shootings and then high court rulings on Obamacare and gay marriage. Sunday night gave us all a ATLANTA (AP) — A 10th- into left field for his third hit. chance to celebrate together inning meltdown set the stage Masset walked Mikael Franco, again. for a postgame shake-up of loading the bases, and Howard's FIFA needed this. No one Atlanta's bullpen. fly ball to right field off Eveland, Nick Masset allowed three a left-hander, scored Herrera. knows where or how the cor- runs without getting any outs as "I knew they were going to ruption investigation into the the Braves wasted another bring in a lefty in that situation," international soccer’s govern- strong start by Shelby Miller in Howard said. "I just wanted to ing body will end. The tourna- Sunday's 4-0, 10-inning loss to hit a pitch up and try to put it in ment — and the US — served the Philadelphia Phillies. play, hopefully to the outfield." as a nice distraction from that Dana Eveland replaced Carlos Ruiz hit a two-run double ugliness. Masset with the bases loaded to off rookie Jake Brigham and And soccer, particularly and gave up Ryan Howard's scored on a single by Freddy women’s soccer, needed this. tiebreaking sacrifice fly. Galvis. When I was a kid growing Following the game, Masset Luis Garcia (3-3) pitched out up here, I’m not sure we even and Eveland were designated of a first-and-third, one-out jam had soccer balls around here. for assignment. The Braves in the ninth. With left fielder If we did, it probably got used recalled right-hander Arodys Cody Asche positioned beside for dodgeball. The sport has Vizcaino from Gwinnett and second base in a five-man grown exponentially since selected the contract of right- infield, Pedro Ciriaco flied to then. All six of my kids have hander David Carpenter from Herrera in shallow center. played organized soccer in the Triple-A farm team. Asche returned to his normal Laurens County. This marked only the 10th position, and pinch-hitter Juan We had some fine local time since the Braves moved to Uribe struck out. Atlanta for the 1966 season that "The bottom of the ninth was high school soccer teams last the team did not score in an the key to the whole game," season. Yet, the unlevel play- extra-inning game. Gonzalez said. ing fields between public and "He did his job," Braves man- Philadelphia's Cole Hamels private schools in Georgia sur- ager Fredi Gonzalez said of allowed six hits in seven innings AP photo face once our teams got deep Miller. "Nine times out of 10, we with no walks and six strike- in the playoffs. win that game. ... There's always outs. STRANDED U.S. coach Jill Ellis one guy on the staff that doesn't Franco singled leading off the summed up her feelings after get any run support." eighth and was running from Bravesʼ Cameron Maybin (25) reacts after diving safely back into third base dur- Sunday’s match as “pure ela- Miller gave up seven hits and second base when right fielder ing the first inning of Sundayʼs loss to the Phillies. tion.” struck out eight in 6 1-3 innings, Nick Markakis charged toward “I’m just so proud of them, lowering his ERA to 2.07. He is the infield to make a diving and so happy for every 0-3 in eight starts since a May catch of a weak fly ball hit by American girl who dreams 17 win at Miami despite a 2.80 Carlos Ruiz off Jim Johnson. about this,” she said. ERA in that span. Franco scrambled back to sec- Now, American girls have "Obviously a tough loss," ond base before Asche ground- for Monday night's game at acquired from the Chicago Cubs 2012-14. Milwaukee. in an offseason trade for 2B TRAINER'SROOM something lofty to dream, and Miller said. "Would have loved ed out to Simmons. in Lloyd, they have their hero. to have had this one." HELPFORBULLPEN The hard-throwing Vizcaino Tommy La Stella. Braves: LHP Manny Odubel Herrera singled off Atlanta closed its clubhouse was suspended for the first 80 Carpenter signed as a minor Banuelos, who left his last start Masset (2-2) leading off the following the game to make the games for a positive test for the league free agent on Jan. 17. He with cramping and dehydration, 10th and broke for second when roster moves. Vizcaino and performance-enhancing sub- was 1-2 with a 5.23 ERA in 30 is expected to take his next turn Cesar Hernandez lined a single Carpenter will be with the team stance Stanozolol. He was games with the Angels from Tuesday at Milwaukee. Serena tops Venus in two sets at Wimbledonʼs fourth round

LONDON (AP) — Serena Williams extended her When Venus hit a backhand long on break point straight sets, and just put this behind me and just in the draw at 35. mastery over big sister Venus, and kept alive her to end the match, Serena showed no emotion and move forward," Serena said. "It definitely doesn't get easier," Serena said. bid for Grand Slam history. did not celebrate. She walked slowly to the net, Monday's victory improved her career record "But today I was out there and I just thought, 'Wow, In the 26th career meeting between the siblings, where the two sisters hugged. They walked against Venus to 15-11, including 8-5 in Grand I'm 33, and she just turned 35, I don't know how Serena dominated with her steady serve and big off the court together. Slams and 4-2 at Wimbledon. This was the sisters' many more moments like this we'll have.' hitting from the back of the court to win 6-4, 6-3 on "It's hard to feel excited about (beating) some- first meeting at a major since the 2009 Wimbledon "I plan on playing for years but you never know Centre Court in 1 hour, 8 minutes, extending her one you root for all the time no matter what and final, which was won by Serena. if we'll have the opportunity to face each other. I Grand Slam winning streak to 25 matches. who you love so much and she's your best friend in Serena broke twice in each set and lost serve just took the moment in and I thought, 'We're at The win sent the top-ranked Serena into the the world," Serena said. "It's never easy but you just once. She had 10 aces, as well as a total of 26 Wimbledon.' I remember when I was 8 years old, Wimbledon quarterfinals as she bids for a fourth just play for the competition and enjoy the winners and 13 unforced errors. we dreamed of this moment and it was kind of sur- straight Grand Slam title, a feat last accomplished moment." "I think I served well today," she said. "I didn't real for a minute there." by the younger Williams in 2003. Both sisters have won Wimbledon five times, hit huge serves, I hit one big serve, but other than Still looking for a second Wimbledon title, Maria If Serena can triumph again, only the U.S. Open but Serena also has a total of 20 Grand Slam titles. that I think I just was really consistent with my Sharapova has reached the quarterfinals at the All would stand in her way of becoming the first play- Another Wimbledon title will put her just one serve. She was playing really well, so at the end I England Club. er to complete a calendar-year Grand Slam — a behind Graf, who holds the Open era record with was able to come through." The fourth-seeded Russian beat Zarina Diyas of sweep of all four majors in the same season — 22. Venus Williams was playing in her 18th Kazakhstan 6-4, 6-4 Monday on Court 1 and will since Steffi Graf in 1988. "It was really good for me to get it done in Wimbledon. She was the oldest remaining woman next face unseeded American CoCo Vandeweghe. Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 2b The Courier Herald Earnhardt wins ahead of crash

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A horrific last-lap accident that ELMS to hold softball left drivers fearing for Austin tryouts Aug. 3, 4 Dillon's safety muted Dale East Laurens Middle School will TODAY Earnhardt Jr.'s victory in the hold softball tryouts Aug. 3 and 4 at CYCLING rain-delayed race at Daytona the middle school softball field. For 7 a.m. International Speedway. more information contact coach Dwayne Lowther at edward- NBCSN — Tour de France, Earnhardt crossed the finish Stage 3, Antwerp to Huy, [emailprotected] or (478) 279- line at 2:41 am Monday morning 1299. Belgium filled with dread after Dillon's car MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL sailed upside down into the fence 7 p.m. then shot back onto the track. DLCRA to host ʻOut ESPN — All-Star Selection The car was on its roof and man- Show, reserves, at Bristol, gled when it was hit hard by Brad of the Parkʼ Baseball Conn. Keselowski. Camp July 13-17 8 p.m. The car tore down a section of The Dublin-Laurens County ESPN — St. Louis at Chicago Recreation Authority will host the Out Cubs fencing, debris scattered into the grandstands, and crew members of the Park Baseball Camp on July TENNIS 13-17 from 9 a.m. to noon each day. from several teams raced to 7 a.m. Registration fee is $20. The camp is ESPN2 — Wimbledon, round of check on Dillon. for ages 8-16. Former professional 16, at London A stunned Earnhardt seemed baseball player Matt Smith and staff 8 a.m. speechless as he crossed the fin- will teach the fundamentals of pitch- ESPN — Wimbledon, round of ish line. ing, hitting and catching, as well as 16, at London "Oh My God. That looked hold structured games to help devel- TUESDAY awful," Earnhardt yelled into his op player instincts for the game. T- CYCLING radio. He followed with a string shirts will be given out at the end of the camp. Staff also includes current 8 a.m. of expletives as he tried to com- AP photo NBCSN — Tour de France, prehend the frightening accident. and former college and pro baseball stage 4, Seraing, Belgium to Crew chief Greg Ives immedi- SCARY MOMENT players. Visit or call 277- Cambrai, France ately radioed his team to not pull 5060 for more information. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Dillon from the car. Austin Dillonʼs car crashes into fence at end of race in Daytona. 1 p.m. "Whoever is in that window, if MLB — St. Louis at Chicago he's OK, do not touch him. Tell Tiny Tikes Baseball Cubs him to stay in there," Ives said. Camp July 20-24 8 p.m. Earnhardt continued to The Dublin-Laurens County MLB — Regional coverage, St. inquire about Dillon, who earned Recreation Authority will host the Louis at Chicago Cubs or wreck. attended to in the grandstands. into the stands that injured 28 Tiny Tikes Baseball Camp for ages Tampa Bay at Kansas City his first career win at Daytona in "You are just on the verge of Eight declined treatment, four fans. Larson's car was destroyed 4-7 on July 20-24. The camp runs SOCCER Friday night's Xfinity Series race tears," Earnhardt said. "I saw were seen at the track and one as it ricocheted back onto the from 9 to 11 a.m. each day. 9:30 p.m. and has been close with the everything in the mirror pretty was taken to a local hospital in track. Registration fee is $20. This camp FS1 — CONCACAF, Gold Cup, Earnhardt family his entire life. clearly ... I just was very scared stable condition. Jimmie Johnson, who finished focuses solely on learning the very group stage, United States vs. The late Dale Earnhardt won 34 for whoever that car was. I didn't Dillon was seen and released second to Hendrick Motorsports basics and core of hitting, fielding Honduras, at Dallas races at Daytona and Dillon was care about anything except figur- in Daytona's infield care center teammate Earnhardt, said and throwing. Drills, games and TENNIS present for many of them as he ing out who was OK. and said he had a bruised arm Dillon's wreck was one of the instruction will be done daily, as well as a supervised game at the end of 8 a.m. grew up watching The "The racing doesn't matter and tailbone. worst he's ever seen. Intimidator drive for his grandfa- the camp to showcase what the ESPN — Wimbledon, women's anymore." "''I am just going to be really "I'm shocked that Austin campers have learned. Visit quarterfinals, at London ther, Richard Childress. The outcome was never in sore; it got my tailbone pretty Dillon is even alive," said or call 277-5060 for more ESPN2 — Wimbledon, Earnhardt was killed in a doubt as Earnhardt dominated good and my arm," he said. "But Johnson. "I expected the worst information. women's quarterfinals, at 2001 crash on the final lap of the the entire race. But as the pack of just thank the good Lord for tak- when I came back around." London Daytona 500. cars chased him on a two-lap ing care of me and for what The accident overshadowed WNBA BASKETBALL Earnhardt Jr. said after the overtime sprint to the finish, con- NASCAR has done to make the Earnhardt's second win of the Demaryius Thomas 8 p.m. race he had no idea who was in tact in the train sent Dillon's car sport this much safer." season — his first was in May at Camp is July 11 ESPN2 — Tulsa at Atlanta the car — it was torn nearly in sailing upside down into the The accident was similar to a Talladega — and his first in this The Demaryius Thomas Football half, its engine ripped from under fence. 2013 crash in the Xfinity Series race since 2001. It was his fourth Camp for ages 8-17 will be held from the hood — but admitted to Daytona President Joie when Kyle Larson's car sailed Sprint Cup Series win at 9 a.m. to noon July 11 at West being genuinely scared after the Chitwood said 13 fans were into the fence, sending debris Daytona. Laurens High School. Registration will be from 8:15-9 a.m. Danny Lee wins Greenbrier Classic in 4-man playoff The link to register in advance is: Maconʼs Henley, https://fundamentals2015.ezwaiver.c om/Demaryius-Thomas-Football- Tiger Woods both Camp. after Kevin Kisner and Robert it," Lee said. tional team for the Presidents pened. And so I said, well, let's finish up strong Streb faltered on the first playoff By then, Lee had his focus Cup in October in South Korea. see what we can do with a hole. back. He was 47th in the standings wedge." Ben Smith "I kind of felt like I was play- "I felt ready," he said. "I felt after The Greenbrier Classic. He three-putted No. 17 for Basketball Camp July ing good but not good enough to like I could really win this thing." "I never get tired of playing bogey, but got in the playoff with 13-17 WHITESULPHURSPRINGS, win a golf tournament," Lee said. The South Korean-born New golf," Lee said. "I mean, it's my a 6-foot birdie at No. 18. The fourth annual Ben Smith Youth Basketball Camp for ages 7-16 will W.Va. (AP) — A week ago at the "But this week for some reason I Zealander earned $1.2 million job, and I just love doing it, and Streb was allowed a replace- just felt right. I was hitting my and became the ninth first-time I'm just happy to be out here ment putter for the playoff, but be held July 13-17 at the Dublin High Travelers Championship, Danny School gymnasium from 9 a.m. to Lee became so disappointed driver really good, my irons real- winner on the tour this season. every week." he never got to use it after miss- noon each day. The cost of the camp with his driver that he gave it to ly good." He jumped from 57th to 15th in Kisner shot a 6-under 64 to ing the green. is $40 per player. Group rates are a young fan in the middle of the Lee, Hearn, Kisner and Streb this week's FedEx Cup points get to the clubhouse first at 13 Macon's Russell Henley shot available. Forms to pre-register may final round and walked away. were tied at 13 after four rounds race. under. Hearn (67) and Lee (67) 63 and finished fifth at 12 under. be obtained at the Dublin Housing On Sunday, his new one on the Old White TPC course. Lee, Hearn, James Hahn and birdied the par-5 17th to join the Tiger Woods started the day Authority or by calling (478) 278- worked pretty well. And Lee admits he suddenly Greg Owen earned spots in next playoff. seven shots behind the leaders, 3303. Nearly eight years after became nervous. week's British Open at St. Streb shot 65 by making five shot a bogey-free 67 and said he becoming a U.S. Amateur cham- "My head was blank, and I Andrews. There also were four birdie putts on the back nine made some "nice strides" head- Contact us pion at age 18, Lee earned his was just trying to breathe." spots handed out a week ago at with a 56-degree wedge after ing into the British Open. To submit information, call 272- first PGA Tour win at The For good measure, Lee said the Travelers Championship and breaking his putter on the ninth "Best I've hit it in a long, long, 5522, ext. 223, fax 478-272-2189 or e- Greenbrier Classic in a four-man his caddie, Kurt Kowaluk, put the one more is available this week hole when he tossed it at his bag long time," Woods said. mail [emailprotected] playoff. piece of paper indicating his at the John Deere Classic. next to the green. Woods broke a streak of 55 or [emailprotected]. Lee won in his 98th tour playoff starting position into a Lee was competing in his "It hit the bottom of the bag consecutive rounds with at least event when he parred the second mock wishing well on the par-3 27th event this season, including and the (putter) head went fly- one bogey. It was his first time hole of Sunday's sudden-death 18th tee. his eighth in nine weeks. He is ing," Streb said. "It was not my under par in a final round since playoff, eliminating David Hearn "He put it in there so I can win trying to qualify for the interna- intent, but that was what hap- the 2013 Tour Championship.

Seattle 38 44 .463 9 Cosart to New Orleans (PCL). Reinstated J.J. Henry (54), $107,944 68-66-69- Jhonattan Vegas (26), $22,85166-65-76- 10. (3) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 161, 35, Oakland 38 47 .447 10½ 1B Michael Morse from the 15-day DL. 67—270 67—274 $149,028. MLB Saturday PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Traded RHP Morgan Hoffmann (54), $107,94468-67-69- Sangmoon Bae (15), $15,209 68-67-71- 11. (15) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 161, 33, N.Y. Yankees 3, Tampa Bay 2 Chris Oliver and LHP Josh Taylor to Arizona 66—270 69—275 $139,343. Detroit 8, Toronto 3 for the 2015-16 No. 1 international signing Scott Langley (54), $107,944 62-69-74- Mark Hubbard (15), $15,209 70-65-71- 12. (8) David Ragan, Toyota, 161, 32, NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 6, Houston 1 slot. 65—270 69—275 $139,049. East Division Chicago White Sox 3, Baltimore 2 PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Claimed 1B Jason Bohn (54), $107,944 69-69-61- John Huh (15), $15,209 66-71-72- 13. (22) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 161, 0, W L Pct GB Pittsburgh 1, Cleveland 0 Travis Ishikawa off waivers from San 71—270 66—275 $110,960. Washington 46 36 .561 — Oakland 2, Seattle 0 Francisco. Steven Bowditch (54), $107,94468-68-67- Jason Kokrak (15), $15,209 69-69-68- 14. (31) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 161, 30, New York 42 41 .506 4½ Minnesota 5, Kansas City 3 ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Placed LIHP 67—270 69—275 $137,874. Atlanta 40 42 .488 6 L.A. Angels 13, Texas 0 Jaime Garcia on the 15-day DL, retroactive Sean O'Hair (54), $107,944 66-67-66- Davis Love III (15), $15,209 68-69-69- 15. (9) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 161, Miami 35 48 .422 11½ Sunday to Saturday. Recalled LHP Tim Cooney 71—270 69—275 29, $139,701. Philadelphia 28 56 .333 19 Tampa Bay 8, N.Y. Yankees 1 from Peoria (MWL). Shawn Stefani (54), $107,944 69-67-67- Justin Thomas (15), $15,209 67-67-66- 16. (4) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 161, 28, Central Division Toronto 10, Detroit 5 SAN DIEGO PADRES — Sent RHP Dale 67—270 75—275 $116,235. WLPct GB Pittsburgh 5, Cleveland 3 Thayer to San Antonio (TL) for a rehab Bubba Watson (54), $107,94467-68-68- Alex Cejka (8), $14,405 68-70-71- 17. (13) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 161, 27, St. Louis 53 28 .654 — Boston 5, Houston 4 assignment. 67—270 67—276 $154,176. Pittsburgh 47 34 .580 6 Baltimore 9, Chicago White Sox 1 WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Placed Ryan Armour (46), $60,396 69-69-68- Brendon de Jonge (8), $14,40570-66-70- 18. (21) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 161, 26, Chicago 44 36 .550 8½ Kansas City 3, Minnesota 2 RHP Stephen Strasburg on the 15-day DL. 65—271 70—276 $130,818. Cincinnati 36 44 .450 16½ Seattle 2, Oakland 1 Recalled RHP Taylor Jordan from Syracuse Derek Ernst (46), $60,396 67-71-68- Cameron Percy (8), $14,405 68-66-69- 19. (30) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 161, 25, Milwaukee 36 48 .429 18½ L.A. Angels 12, Texas 6 (IL). 65—271 73—276 $113,810. West Division Monday American Association Chez Reavie (46), $60,396 68-70-67- Michael Putnam (8), $14,405 73-65-69- 20. (25) Greg Biffle, Ford, 161, 24, WLPct GB Houston (Keuchel 10-3) at Cleveland GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS — 66—271 69—276 $136,493. Los Angeles 46 37 .554 — (Carrasco 10-6), 7:10 p.m. Released LHP Chris Cummins. Jonathan Byrd (46), $60,396 63-69-69- Patrick Rodgers, $14,405 68-65-69- 21. (7) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 161, 23, San Francisco 42 41 .506 4 Baltimore (W.Chen 4-4) at Minnesota GRAND PRAIRIE AIR HOGS — Released 70—271 74—276 $132,868. Arizona 40 42 .488 5½ (P.Hughes 7-6), 8:10 p.m. C Brandon Cummings. J.B. Holmes (46), $60,396 67-69-69- Byron Smith (8), $14,405 66-71-69- 22. (33) Joey Logano, Ford, 161, 22, San Diego 39 45 .464 7½ Tampa Bay (Colome 3-4) at Kansas City SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS — Signed INF 66—271 70—276 $147,293. Colorado 35 47 .427 10½ (Volquez 8-4), 8:10 p.m. Austin Stubbs. George McNeill (46), $60,396 67-68-68- a-Maverick McNealy 67-68-68- 23. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 161, 22, Saturday Toronto (Buehrle 9-4) at Chicago White Can-Am League 68—271 73—276 $139,746. Washington 9, San Francisco 3 Sox (Sale 6-4), 8:10 p.m. QUEBEC CAPITALES — Signed INF Pat Perez (46), $60,396 67-68-68- Ricky Barnes (2), $13,601 72-66-71- 24. (37) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 161, 20, St. Louis 2, San Diego 1 Detroit (Simon 7-5) at Seattle (Iwakuma 0- Marcel Champagnie. 68—271 68—277 $113,743. Pittsburgh 1, Cleveland 0 1), 10:10 p.m. HOCKEY Keegan Bradley (41), $45,56068-69-71- Martin Flores (2), $13,601 67-69-74- 25. (29) Cole Whitt, Ford, 161, 19, Chicago Cubs 7, Miami 2 National Hockey League 64—272 67—277 $110,882. Milwaukee 7, Cincinnati 3 DETROIT RED WINGS — Re-signed C Scott Piercy (41), $45,560 67-66-71- Whee Kim (2), $13,601 69-69-68- 26. (41) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, 161, 19, L.A. Dodgers 4, N.Y. Mets 3 TRANSACTIONS Landon Ferraro to a one-year contract. 68—272 71—277 $102,085. Atlanta 9, Philadelphia 5 TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS — Signed F Patrick Reed (41), $45,560 68-68-67- Kyle Reifers (2), $13,601 69-69-68- 27. (14) Brett Moffitt, Ford, 161, 18, Arizona 7, Colorado 3 Nazem Kadri to a one-year contract exten- 69—272 71—277 $99,835. Sunday Sunday sion. Eric Axley (37), $37,922 68-67-70- Scott Stallings (2), $13,601 69-68-69- 28. (43) Brendan Gaughan, Chevrolet, 161, Milwaukee 6, Cincinnati 1 BASEBALL American Hockey League 68—273 71—277 0, $96,210. Pittsburgh 5, Cleveland 3 American League TORONTO MARLIES — Signed F Richard Brice Garnett (37), $37,922 69-68-67- Hudson Swafford (2), $13,601 70-68-69- 29. (32) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 159, 15, Philadelphia 4, Atlanta 0, 10 innings BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Reinstated 2B Clune. 69—273 70—277 $144,426. St. Louis 3, San Diego 1 Jonathan Schoop from the 60-day DL. Kevin Na (37), $37,922 65-70-71- Bill Lunde (1), $13,065 70-66-73- 30. (11) Sam Hornish Jr., Ford, accident, Chicago Cubs 2, Miami 0 DETROIT TIGERS — Optioned RHP Drew 67—273 69—278 154, 14, $125,655. VerHagen to Toledo (IL). Colorado 6, Arizona 4 Johnson Wagner (37), $37,92269-68-67- Louis Oosthuizen (1), $13,06570-68-73- 31. (42) Josh Wise, Ford, 154, 14, $99,135. HOUSTON ASTROS — Optioned OF 69—273 67—278 32. (10) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 149, 13, N.Y. Mets 8, L.A. Dodgers 0 Domingo Santana to Fresno (PCL). Golf Derek Fathauer (1), $12,864 68-70-70- Washington 3, San Francisco 1 Tiger Woods (37), $37,922 66-69-71- $113,510. Reinstated OF Jake Marisnick from the 15- Sunday 67—273 71—279 33. (39) J.J. Yeley, Toyota, 139, 0, $95,360. Today day DL. Sent RHP Scott Feldman to At The Old White TPC Ryo Ishikawa (1), $12,730 64-71-75- Cincinnati (DeSclafani 5-6) at Washington Paul Casey (26), $22,851 66-71-71- 34. (36) Aric Almirola, Ford, 137, 10, Corpus Christi (TL) for a rehab assignment. White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. 66—274 70—280 $132,146. (Fister 3-4), 7:05 p.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Assigned INF Purse: $6.7 million Kevin Streelman (1), $12,596 67-70-71- San Diego (Shields 7-3) at Pittsburgh Brian Davis (26), $22,851 64-70-73- 35. (27) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, acci- Nate Freiman outright to Nashville (PCL). Yardage: 7,287; Par 70 67—274 73—281 dent, 126, 9, $103,035. (Burnett 7-3), 7:05 p.m. SEATTLE MARINERS — Assigned OF Final St. Louis (Lackey 6-5) at Chicago Cubs Scott Brown (26), $22,851 67-69-67- 36. (40) Jeb Burton, Toyota, 121, 8, Julio Morban outright to Jackson (SL). x-won on second playoff hole; a-amateur 71—274 $94,885. (Lester 4-6), 8:05 p.m. TEXAS RANGERS — Optioned INF x-Danny Lee (500), $1,206,00063-69-68- Atlanta (Wisler 2-1) at Milwaukee (Lohse 5- Chad Campbell (26), $22,851 66-72-68- 37. (18) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 110, 7, Hanser Alberto to Round Rock (PCL). 67—267 68—274 NASCAR $94,641. 9), 8:10 p.m. Reinstated OF Delino DeShields from the David Hearn (208), $500,267 68-64-68- Philadelphia (O'Sullivan 1-6) at L.A. Kevin Chappell (26), $22,851 65-67-72- 38. (19) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, acci- 15-day DL. 67—267 70—274 Sunday dent, 105, 6, $115,648. Dodgers (Surkamp 0-0), 10:10 p.m. National League Robert Streb (208), $500,267 68-67-67- At Daytona International Speedway N.Y. Mets (Niese 3-8) at San Francisco Graham DeLaet (26), $22,85168-70-67- 39. (16) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, accident, ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — 65—267 69—274 Daytona Beach, Fla. 103, 5, $113,148. (Heston 8-5), 10:15 p.m. Transferred C Tuffy Gosewisch to the 60- Kevin Kisner (208), $500,267 67-69-67- Lap length: 2.5 miles AMERICAN LEAGUE Gonzalo Fdez-Castano (26), $22,85167-70- 40. (6) David Gilliland, Ford, 96, 4, $89,240. day DL. 64—267 66-71—274 (Start position in parentheses) 41. (24) Carl Edwards, Toyota, accident, 85, WLPct GB ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled RHP Russell Henley (110), $268,00070-66-69- Robert Garrigus (26), $22,851 66-67-71- 1. (1) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 161 3, $82,740. New York 44 38 .537 — Arodys Vizcaino and promoted RHP David 63—268 laps, 48 points, $308,040. Baltimore 43 39 .524 1 70—274 42. (26) Brian Scott, Chevrolet, accident, Carpenter from Gwinnett (IL). Designated James Hahn (81), $195,736 66-67-70- Andres Gonzales (26), $22,85168-66-72- 2. (12) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 161, 43, Tampa Bay 43 41 .512 2 RHP Nick Masset and LHP Dana Eveland 66—269 85, 0, $73,240. 68—274 $248,616. Toronto 43 41 .512 2 for assignment. Agreed to terms with SS Greg Owen (81), $195,736 65-67-70- 3. (35) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 161, 42, 43. (38) Bobby Labonte, Ford, accident, 2, Boston 39 45 .464 6 Derian Cruz and OF Cristian Pache on 67—269 Luke Guthrie (26), $22,851 67-70-67- 1, $69,740. 70—274 $194,530. Central Division minor league contracts. Andres Romero (81), $195,73667-67-68- 4. (34) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 161, 40, Race Statistics WLPct GB CHICAGO CUBS — Optioned OF Matt 67—269 Tom Hoge (26), $22,851 68-66-69- $196,280. Average Speed of Race Winner: 134.941 Kansas City 46 33 .582 — Szczur to Iowa (PCL). Reinstated OF Jorge Chad Collins (81), $195,736 65-67-68- 71—274 5. (28) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 161, 39, mph. Minnesota 43 39 .524 4½ Soler from the 15-day DL. Agreed to terms 69—269 Billy Hurley III (26), $22,851 67-71-69- $152,130. Time of Race: 2 hours, 58 minutes, 3 sec- Detroit 41 40 .506 6 with RHP Ben Rowen on a minor league David Lingmerth (81), $195,73667-70-64- 67—274 6. (23) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 161, 38, onds. Cleveland 38 43 .469 9 contract. 68—269 Justin Leonard (26), $22,851 66-68-70- $169,406. Margin of Victory: 0.122 seconds. Chicago 36 43 .456 10 LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Placed Bryce Molder (81), $195,736 68-64-67- 70—274 7. (2) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 161, 38, Caution Flags: 9 for 43 laps. West Division RHP Carlos Frias on the 15-day DL, 70—269 Seung-Yul Noh (26), $22,851 69-65-68- $166,756. Lead Changes: 22 among 12 drivers. WLPct GB retroactive to Wednesday. Recalled LHP Brendon Todd (81), $195,736 65-69-67- 72—274 8. (17) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 161, 37, Wins: J.Johnson, 4; Ku.Busch, 2; Houston 48 36 .571 — Daniel Coulombe from Oklahoma City 68—269 S.J. Park (26), $22,851 68-65-66- $151,320. D.Earnhardt Jr., 2; K.Harvick, 2; Ky.Busch, Los Angeles 44 38 .537 3 (PCL). Tony Finau (54), $107,944 68-67-68- 75—274 9. (5) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 161, 35, 1; C.Edwards, 1; D.Hamlin, 1; M.Kenseth, Texas 41 42 .494 6½ MIAMI MARLINS — Optioned RHP Jarred 67—270 Chris Stroud (26), $22,851 66-69-70- $156,820. 1; B.Keselowski, 1; J.Logano, 1; M.Truex 69—274 Jr., 1. Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 3b The Courier Herald Automotive Real Estate Garage Sales Cllassifiedsassifieds Employment Business Services & Much More

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PEOPLE TO PEOPLE 320 MEDICAL HELP WANTED ManATLANTIC charged CITY, N.J. withover robbingand landing on her same legs. the New town's Jersey public works bankballoons 5 years also plan later to fly MERCHANDISE (AP) — A Philadelphia man "The dolphin jumped and department and Mars Friday and Saturday. FOR SALE REGISTERED NURSE NEEDED robbed a New Jersey bank we thought it was doing a flip employees. FULL TIME four months after he was and I guess it miscalculated," The cat ran off but was 130 PETS FOR SALE DAY SHIFT released from prison for said her husband, Dirk soon caught by police and 94 BED SKILLED NURSING robbing the same place five Frickman. "It came right onto turned over to an animal Wilkinson AKC German Shepard Pppies, FACILITY SEEKS FULL-TIME DAY USED CARS, LLC shots, dewormed, $400 Call: SHIFT REGISTERED NURSE, years earlier, prosecutors my wife and flopped in the control officer. It wasn't 478-206-9205 PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. said. boat and knocked down and injured. WRIGHTSVILLE MANOR NURSING Authorities said 54-year- grazed my daughter." ——— 2000 Buick LeSabre 140 FURNITURE HOME, 337 WEST COURT old Keith Ney entered the "The dolphin was flopping Hot-air balloon hits 74k miles, V-6, all power STREET, WRIGHTSVILLE, GA. Cape Bank in Atlantic City all over," he said. "It cut its tree, catches fire at Utah Bedroom Suite, 2 night stands, large 31096 on April 23 and gave a teller nose and its tail. Blood festival 2001 Chevy Silverado LS dresser and entertainment center, X-cab, V-8, air $350. Call: 478-697-4611 a note that said he had a gun. started splattering PROVO, Utah (AP) — A REAL ESTATE Prosecutors said he stole an everywhere." witness says a pig-shaped 2006 Chevy Malibu LT 215 PRODUCE/PLANTS undisclosed amount of cash. Frickman pulled his wife hot-air balloon crashed into a 360 HOMES FOR SALE As Ney was fleeing on foot, free and called authorities as tree and caught fire at a 79k miles, V-6, all power Home grown tomatoes for sale by a bank employee approached he headed toward an Orange balloon festival in Utah, the pound or by the bucket. Dexter. 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser 478-279-0412. a police officer on traffic County harbor. While he cutting the pilot's face. 4 cyl, air, auto detail and said the bank had steered, he splashed water on Kevin Auernig was at the 245 MISCELLANEOUS been robbed, authorities said. the 350-pound dolphin to America's Freedom Festival 2011 Chrysler 200 Touring 2203 Kings Drive, Dublin, 3BR, 3BA, Ney was immediately spotted keep it alive. Balloon Fest in Provo early 81k miles, 4 cyl, auto USED TIRES : 478-272-0345 Upgrades, Large Lot, Fenced and taken into custody. "I could hear my phone Thursday when he saw the Backyard. 478-290-1129 Ney had been released buzzing and beeping on the balloon coming down fast and 2005 Ford Explorer XLT VOCATIONAL from prison Dec. 9 and was floor - it was covered in land in a fenced construction 3rd row, leather, V-6 still on supervised release. blood," he told the Orange zone. He says parts of the 2003 Honda Accord EX GENERAL He was in custody County Register. balloon got stuck on a tree 310 4 cyl, leather, sunroof HELP WANTED Wednesday and wasn't At the harbor, Frickman and looked like strips of immediately available to removed all the seats from bacon. 2006 Honda Accord EX 3 Temporary Farm Workers Need- comment. It wasn't clear if he the boat and got help pulling Auernig says some people 97k miles, leather, sunroof ed. Burgess Farms LLC - Charlotte, Donna W. Harmon had an attorney who could the dolphin onto the dock jumped the fence to try to TN. Perform all duties of Tobacco Licensed Realtor speak for him. with a rope. help the pilot, who was 2007 Mazda 6 Production; including spraying, har- Coldwell Banker-Curry Residential Ney is due in court July "We got her up on the dock bleeding from a cut over his 4 cyl, auto, air vesting, & packaging; and other al- 478-272-2335 14, and he faces up to 20 and pushed right back in the eye and appeared shaken up. ternative work. Employment Dates: 478-998-9730 years in prison if he's water," he said. "She was fine He says first responders 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer ES 08/16/2015 – 12/15/2015. $10.28/hr. [emailprotected] 4 cyl, auto, air Piece rates may be offered. Worker Buying, Selling or Renting? When it convicted on the bank robbery and took off pretty quick." arrived to help the injured guaranteed 3/4 of contract hours. comes to your real estate needs, I charge. His wife is still recovering pilot. A Provo fire captain 410 North Wayne St., Milledgeville Tools provided at no cost. Free will listen to you! He also could face two from her injuries. said crews are on standby at (478) 452-1913 housing provided to non-commuting additional years in prison for ——— the event. workers. Transportation & subsis- violating the terms of his Cat rescued from The festival website says tence reimbursed when 50% of con- RENTALS supervised release. engine of pickup truck tract is met. Random drug testing after 28-mile ride 405 STORAGE Ney had received a four- may be done after hire at employerʼs year, nine-month prison term HACKETTSTOWN,N.J. Dublin CPA firm looking for a expense. Apply for this job at the Strange Mini Storage Best Prices! for robbing the Cape Bank (AP) — A cat has been AUDITOR nearest Georgia Department of La- Call 478-275-1592 bor Career Center or call 478-275- and a Citizens Bank branch rescued from the engine of a : small business, governmental and nonprofit in Philadelphia in 2010. pickup truck after a 28-mile auditing as well as some tax return preparation. : 6525 and reference job order 425 APARTMENTS TN377708. ——— ride from Pennsylvania to Bachelors degree in Accounting, minimum five years experience in auditing BROOKINGTON APARTMENTS Dolphin leaps onto New Jersey. Only small amount of local travel required. CDL Van Drivers Needed Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments boat, injuring California Unbeknownst to the Please mail Resume to Christian, Kelly, Thigpen & Co. SE Carrier/ 500 mile radius, no touch with fully furnished kitchen. Lake, woman P.O. Box 280, Dublin, GA 31040. freight, drop & hook, 24 hour deliv- driver, the orange and white pool and clubhouse. Full mainte- SANTAANA, Calif. (AP) — feline had crawled into the Attn: Human Resources ery, home weekend, .44 p/mile & full nance with on site manager. 272- per diem pay. Call 912-375-3366, ext 6788. A dolphin leaped onto a boat engine compartment. It was 311. in Southern California, taken on a ride Thursday HELP WANTED: Electrician - 4-5 440 HOMES FOR RENT crashing into a woman and from East Stroudsburg, yrs experience to run electrical wire. breaking both her ankles. Pennsylvania, to the Mars email resume to: 3 br, 2 ba., fenced back yard in Chrissie Frickman was Chocolate North America Restaurant Manager & [emailprotected] Springdale area. $700 per/mth. Call boating with her husband plant in Hackettstown, New 478-875-4544 Assistant Manager PART TIME GREENSMAN/LIGHT and two children June 21 Jersey. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 3BR, 2BA House $950 /mth, $950 when a pod of dolphins swam Employees there heard the Locally owned fast food restaurant seeking The City of Dublin is accepting appli- dep. 1 yr lease, No smoking/pets. alongside them. One of the cat's meows and called police. experienced managers and assistant managers. cations for the position of a part-time animals jumped on the The cat was freed from the Owner/Agent: 478-595-0240 Send resume to P.O. Box 4454, Dublin, GA 31040. Greensman/Light Equipment Opera- vessel, knocking Frickman fan blades with the help of tor for Riverview Golf Course. Prefer 3BR, 2BA, 1mi to WLHS, 137 applicants experienced in all phases Whipoorwill Way, Dexter. $799. of golf course maintenance. This in- Call:478-274-8860. cludes sharpening reels on fairway and greens mowers, mowing, irriga- 4BR, 3BA, C h/a, $432, 213 W. Mary tion, spraying and operation of all Info@partypizzaz. 274-8860 Looking for EXPERIENCED Nurse types of golf course equipment. Ap- plicants must have a valid Georgia Practitioners, Physician Pine Terrace driver's license. The successful ap- 505 USED CARS plicant must pass a drug screen. AND MOTORS Assistants, and Medical Starting salary is $7.25 an hour. Receptionists. Apartments Applications will be taken in the Hu- 2004 Nissan Quest Minivan (7 seats) man Resource Department located in excellent condition. One owner, Please send resume to 8214 SOUTH MARCUS STREET at City Hall until filled. The City is an has all options. Call: 478-272-9262 WRIGHTSVILLE, GEORGIA 31096 Equal Opportunity Employer. [emailprotected]. 478-864-1501 Phone/Fax 725 LAWN SERVICES Don’t Just Wish For A Better Timʼs Lawn Care & Pressure Washing. Call 478-290-1632 Applications accepted at the site office Job. Find it here in the Courier Tuesdays & Fridays 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. & Herald Classifieds! Subscribe today! ONLY $10 a month. Call 478-272-5522 Wednesday 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. A local company is looking for Open Positions Available Immediately at 1, 2, & 3 - BEDROOM APARTMENTS a full-time bookkeeper. Housing for families, seniors & persons with disabilities Responsibilities will include preparing, updating, Currently have 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available. and reconciling the company’s general ledger, • Central Heat/Air accounts payable, and accounts receivable, • Carpets/Stove/Refridgerator/Mini-Blinds payroll and human resource responsibilites. We • Washer/Dryer Connections • Playground • Laundry Facility on Site are looking for a detail-oriented, multi-skilled professional to add to our team. Must be LIMITED RENTAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Must Have: proficient in Quickbooks and Excel, Mac FOR QUALIFIED APPLICANTS • Work Ready Certificate experience is a plus. “In accordance with Federal law and U. S. Department of Agriculture • High School Diploma/GED Great communication skills are a must. policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of • At least two years of industrial/manufacturing race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, director, Office of Civil Rights, experience 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call • Forklift, Clamp Truck or Front End Loader Send resume and references to (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202)720-6382 (TDD).” The Courier Herald experience preferred. Accessible Units Drawer B, CSS Box H TDD Relay # 1-800-255-0056 Please apply in person at the Dublin, GA 31021 or email to: Reasonable Accommodations Georgia Department of Labor Housing Choice Vouchers Accepted 910 N Jefferson St, Dublin, GA 31021. [emailprotected] FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE BY LYNN JOHNSTON Monday, July 6, 2015/Dublin, Ga/Page 4b The Courier Herald






CELEBRITIES BORN ON SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- nesse and your expertise to prove THIS DAY: Tia and Tamera Mowry, Dec. 21): Keep your private matters your point and get things done your 37; 50 Cent, 40; Sylvester Stallone, a secret. Spend more time doing the way. 3 stars 69; Ned Beatty, 78. things you enjoy most with the peo- PISCES (Feb. 19-March Happy Birthday: Your ple who can offer something in re- 20): Take action and follow through imagination and creative flair will turn. A positive change at home will with your plans. The changes you help you expand your ideas and lead to a new beginning. 2 stars bring about personally will help you learn how to use your skills more ef- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- get past someoneʼs negativity or ficiently. What you can accomplish Jan. 19): Donʼt be afraid to do things emotional manipulation. Get in- will surprise everyone, including differently. It will keep competition volved in activities with people who you, if you stay focused and allow guessing if you are not predictable. share your interests or are working yourself the freedom to follow your Good fortune will result from making toward the same goal. 3 stars instincts and pursue the direction your moves with precision. A part- Birthday Baby: You are that draws you the most. Explore nership based on equality will bring sensitive, intuitive and shy. You are different lifestyles. Your numbers good results. 4 stars creative and inquisitive. are 7, 9, 16, 22, 25, 33, 47. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Eugeniaʼs websites - eu- ARIES (March 21-April 18): Promote what you have to offer. for confidential con- 19): Take care of domestic chores, Expect someone you know or work sultations, for and youʼll find a way to cut corners with to give you a hard time if you Eugeniaʼs blog and join Eugenia on or identify a potentially worthwhile are aggressive or pushy. Use fi- twitter/facebook/linkedin investment. A move to improved surroundings will impress others. Donʼt get angry. Be passionate and try to stay busy. 3 stars TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Get out, mingle and discuss your ideas with others. Donʼt be daunted by someone who opposes your per- sonal plans. Take any criticism for what itʼs worth and keep moving for- ward. An unusual favor or offer will be presented to you. 4 stars GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Make your surroundings more accommodating and visually stimu- lating, and you will accomplish more. Someone will play emotional mind games with you in order to get you to donate time or money. Pro- ceed with caution. 2 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): A change in the way you feel about someone will result from the way you are treated. Let your intu- ition guide you when making a deci- sion that could affect your reputation or professional status. Donʼt limit your chances to advance. 5 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can deal with responsibilities concern- ing the medical, legal or financial chal- lenges you face. Talk to experts re- garding your options and make changes that will ease any stress or unnecessary burden you are carrying. Protect your assets. 3 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Listen carefully to what others have to say. Size up whatever situa- tions you face and find a unique way to solve problems that arise. Your concern will win favors and help you identify the help you need. 3 stars LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be more aware of how others react and donʼt respond until you have all the facts. Arguments will develop if you arenʼt flexible, but donʼt give in to unreasonable demands. Ro- Theatre Dublin mance is highlighted and will be a better option than engaging in a dis- Presents pute. 3 stars A Bad Year For Tomatoes Kids Movie Day Put God First SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Presented by Dublin Main Free Admission Presented by Mitchell Grove 21): Take part in something that Street Players Tuesday, July 14 Baptist Church makes you happy or relaxes you July 10 & 11 at 7:00 pm 10:00 am Saturday, July 25 and eases your stress, but donʼt let Tickets: 7:00 pm excess lead to a lack of funds, med- ical issues or poor decisions. A strict FOR THEATRE BOOKING AND INFORMATION, CALL MAIN STREET DUBLIN AT budget and health regimen will keep 478-277-5074 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.THEATREDUBLINGA.COM you on track. 5 stars

Fourth for Fourth Firefighters, Law (2024)


Does the Fourth Amendment apply to firefighters? ›

Can a Firefighter Violate a Person's Fourth Amendment Rights? Today's burning question: I know that police can violate a person's Fourth Amendment rights by conducting a search without a warrant, but can a firefighter? Answer: The 4th Amendment is not limited to police officers but applies to searches by government.

What is the Fourth Amendment civil law? ›

The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

What does the Fourth Amendment require before law enforcement? ›

The Fourth Amendment prohibits the United States government from conducting “unreasonable searches and seizures." In general, this means police cannot search a person or their property without a warrant or probable cause. It also applies to arrests and the collection of evidence.

What is the firefighter's rule in California? ›

However, under an old legal doctrine called the Firefighter's Rule, firefighters are prevented from suing property owners whose negligence caused or contributed to the fire that necessitated the firefighter's presence.

Who does the Fourth Amendment not apply to? ›

Generally, a person has no reasonable expectation of privacy for property and personal effects they hold open to the public. The Fourth Amendment does not protect things that are visible or in "plain view" for a person of ordinary and unenhanced vision.

What is the emergency exception to the 4th Amendment? ›

A police officer can enter a dwelling and conduct a search without a warrant if the officer has probable cause and reasonably believes that the search is immediately necessary to protect life or property. Under normal circ*mstances, the police officer would need a search warrant.

What is being violated by the 4th Amendment? ›

Your 4th Amendment Rights

This means that law enforcement agents need probable cause, and a warrant in most cases, to search your person or belongings. If there is no probable cause and you are searched illegally, any evidence collected from the search will be excluded from evidence at trial.

What is unreasonable in the 4th Amendment? ›

An unreasonable search and seizure is a search and seizure executed 1) without a legal search warrant signed by a judge or magistrate describing the place, person, or things to be searched or seized or 2) without probable cause to believe that certain person, specified place or automobile has criminal evidence or 3) ...

Does the Patriot Act violate the 4th Amendment? ›

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) asserts that the Patriot Act tramples on the civil liberties of American citizens in several ways. The organization says the act violates the Fourth Amendment, which requires government to show probable cause before obtaining a search warrant.

Are cell phones protected by the 4th Amendment? ›

Carpenter v.

The Supreme Court ruled that the government needs a warrant to access a person's cellphone location history. The court found in a 5 to 4 decision that obtaining such information is a search under the Fourth Amendment and that a warrant from a judge based on probable cause is required.

Is asking for ID a violation of the 4th Amendment? ›

Ed. 2nd 292], that a person who is lawfully "detained" may be charged with a criminal violation for refusing to identify himself. Such an identification requirement violates neither the Fourth nor Fifth Amendment (self-incrimination) rights of the detained person.

What happens if a police officer violates the Fourth Amendment? ›

If the court finds that a search was conducted in violation of the Fourth Amendment, it will exclude any evidence found from the suspect's criminal case. The exclusionary rule states that the courts will exclude or prevent evidence obtained from an unreasonable search and seizure from a criminal defendant's trial.

What is the fireman rule tort? ›

Essentially, the "fireman's rule" states that a professional rescuer injured in the performance of his professional duties "assumes the risk" of such injury and is not entitled to damages. Worley v. Winston, 550 So. 2d 694, 696 (La.

Can firefighters have tattoos in California? ›

The current LAFD Tattoo Policy states, "All sworn members, while on duty, shall not display any tattoos, scarification and/or brandings… and shall cover them by wearing a Department approved uniform or skin patch.” This requires LAFD members to wear long sleeve shirts at all times, regardless of the climate if members ...

What is the fireman's rule of common law? ›

Firefighters, " 'whose occupation by its very nature exposes them to particular risks of harm, " 'cannot complain of negligence in the creation of the very occasion for their engagement." (Walters v. Sloan, supra, 20 Cal. 3d at p. 202.)

Can firefighters strike in the US? ›

Because fire fighters are not allowed to participate in strikes or other work stoppages, many states have adopted laws that provide special provisions for bargaining disputes involving fire fighters or public employees more generally.

Does the Fourth Amendment apply to employees? ›

reasonable expectation of privacy, “a workplace search by a public employer will not violate the Fourth Amendment, regardless of the search's nature and scope.” often do, establish expectations of privacy in their government offices, desks, computers, and filing cabinets. 15 Leventhal v. Knapek, 266 F.

Are firefighters randomly drug tested? ›

A public employer can only impose a random drug-testing program on its employees, absent individualized or reasonable suspicion, if the employee works in a safety sensitive position. Since firefighters are safety-sensitive employees,[36] they may be subjected to random drug testing.

What states use inmates as firefighters? ›

Prison systems in Alabama, California, Indiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Wyoming, along with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, have deployed incarcerated firefighters to respond to local emergencies. But while these programs fill a vital service in many rural areas, they aren't universally loved.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.