Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (2024)

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You can use this delicious caramelised onion chutney recipe for so many things, or simply serve with cold meats and cheese.

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A while ago we dined out on pizza and for starters they served the most amazing pizza bread topped with caramelised onion chutney. Since then I have been hooked! I always have a jar of red onion chutney to hand in the cupboard, but I figured I needed to make my own. This is the perfect chutney recipe when you have a lot of red onions to use up.

I am so glad Itried making my own,because it tastes amazing! Sweet caramelised onions. Give me this with a block of cheese and I’ll be a happy girl for the day!

There is a simplicity to this recipe that I really like, it doesn’t contain a huge array of difference spices or ingredients and it is quite cheap to make.

The caramelised balsamic onions have a beautiful rich look to them, coloured deeply with the dark sugars and balsamic vinegar.

Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (1)

The Difference Between Chutney and Jam

Chutney is a type of Jam that you would typically associate with a savoury flavour. Jam has a sweeter flavour. However, since Chutney is essentially a jam subcategory, Onion jam can sometimes be used to describe recipes like this, I have seen it packaged as an onion jam many times before, there isn’t usually a difference between the taste of the two. Usually, the preservatives of a chutney not only include sugar but also a vinegar and can be a mix of both vegetables and fruit. Jam typically contains fruit only.

What Can I Use Onion Chutney For?

There are so many different ways of using onion chutney. You can add it to gravy, pop it on a pizza, use it as a filling in sausage rolls, add it to a burger and so, somany more things! I really love adding this to a cheese board. It’s definitely worth making a jar or two. You can even give your onion chutney away as a homemade gift to friends and relatives.

The best thing about this onion chutney is that it is so versatile! I mean, onions go with loads of things, right?

Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (2)

Recipe Tips and Guidance

Be sure to stir your onion chutney regularly when it is cooking so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. Keep the heat gentle too, don’t rush the cooking process.

Have some freshly sterilised jars to hand and ideally some wax discs to place on top before closing the lid. The wax discs help to create an airtight seal to your chutney, which prevents mould from creeping in. You should pot up your onion chutney while it’s still hot. Place the disc on top and immediately close the lid. This process will keep your chutney fresh and give it a longer shelf life.

You don’t have to go out and buy lots of new glass jars. I always reuse jars that have held other food items before. Just be sure to wash them thoroughly and sterilise them before use. To sterilise your jars to package the chutney, simply give them a good wash in hot soapy water, rinse thoroughly and place them on a clean baking tray lined with baking paper, in a warm oven of about 140C. Leave them to dry out inside the oven for about 20 minutes. Place the washed lids in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and boil them on the hob for the same length of time.

Be sure to keep your jars warm before placing your chutney inside, never add hot chutney to cold jars as they could crack.

Caramelised onion chutney can be eaten straight away, but most chutneys will improve with age, so I recommend leaving it somewhere cool in it’s sterilised jar for at least a month before opening it.

The only hardship to this recipe is cutting the onions, I can’t say I am a huge fan of stinging eyes, but who really is?!I have actually resorted to wearing goggles before and apart from looking slightly crazy, it does work! Alternatively, you can use a food processor with a slicing blade to cut your onions. Just be sure not to puree them, you want your caramelised onions to remain somewhat chunky.

Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (3)

Recipe FAQ

How long will red onion chutney last for?

If you store it as described above in sterilised glass jars, somewhere cool and dark. It will keep for about a year.

Can I use brown or white onions in this chutney instead?

I wouldn’t recommend using any other type of onion as the flavour of a red onion is much milder than it’s counterparts. The onion flavour will be too strong and won’t taste sweet.

My chutney isn’t thickening, should I turn up the heat?

No, chutney should be cooked over a gentle heat and usually just needs more time to cook if it is yet to thicken.

Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (4)

Caramelised Onion Chutney

5 from 15 votes

You can use this delicious caramelised onion chutney recipe for so many things, or simply serve with cold meats and cheese.

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Course: Appetizer, Side Dish, Snack, starter

Cuisine: British

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour hour 40 minutes minutes

Calories: 1363kcal


  • 550 g Red Onions, finely sliced
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 3 tbsp Dark Muscovado Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
  • 150 ml White Wine Vinegar
  • 150 g Dark Brown Soft Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 Clove of Garlic
  • 5 g Fresh Ginger, finely grated


  • Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the finely sliced onions. Cook over a gentle heat for about 20-30 minutes until the onions are soft and begin to darken.

  • Add the muscovado sugar, stir through and cook for another 10 minutes.

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer over a low heat for about an hour until it has thickened and the liquid has reduced.

  • Store in sterilised jars. The chutney can be eaten straight away once cool, however it's best to let the flavour develop for a month.

Nutrition Estimate

Calories: 1363kcal | Carbohydrates: 242g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 43g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 31g | Sodium: 2421mg | Potassium: 1178mg | Fiber: 10g | Sugar: 209g | Vitamin A: 11IU | Vitamin C: 43mg | Calcium: 307mg | Iron: 4mg

Looking for more Chutney Recipes?

You can always make a batch, jar it up and give away as a gift, like this Autumn Chutney I madefor Christmas.

Caramelised Onion Chutney Recipe | This Little Home (2024)


What are some tricks to caramelizing onions? ›

It takes time, probably a solid 45 minutes, for the onions' sugars to caramelize. If your heat is too high, the onions will burn. Heat your pan over medium-low, then add your onions. Keep it on that temp for the whole process.

Is onion marmalade the same as caramelised onion chutney? ›

This is unfortunately not a caramelized onion chutney, which contains vinegar so is a little too sour, but is often sold as caramelized onion marmalade. In the UK there are a few companies that produce onion marmalade (see links below) and it can be bought on-line and in some supermarkets or delicatessens.

What are the best onions for caramelizing? ›

You can caramelize any kind of onion, but yellow or Spanish onions tend to offer the most balanced-sweet-savory flavor profile and are the most versatile for different dishes. Sweet onions, such as Vidalia or Walla Walla work too, but keep in mind that their flavor will become even sweeter once caramelized.

What do you eat onion chutney with? ›

Chutneys are ideal to be used alongside curry dishes. Fruit and onion based chutneys add amazing flavours to Indian dishes, especially to the side of a fiery Mandra Curry! There's nothing nicer than indulging in some cheese and biscuits with a spoonful of chutney to dip them into.

Is it better to caramelize onions with butter or oil? ›

Our Test Kitchen likes to use butter when caramelizing onions, as it offers the richest flavor. If you avoid dairy or don't have butter, you can caramelize onions in other fat such as margarine or olive oil. Add the onion slices. It's okay if they overlap a bit here because they'll shrink as they cook down.

Why add vinegar to caramelize onions? ›

Tip: use apple cider vinegar for white and yellow onions and balsamic vinegar for red onions. Tip: the vinegar serves to deglaze the pan, adds acidity, and brings this recipe together by boosting the tangy and savory flavors of the caramelized onions. If the onions stick to the pan, that's fine.

How long will onion chutney last? ›

Spoon the hot chutney into cooled, sterilised jars*, then seal and label. The chutney will keep for up to 6-12 months.

What is the difference between a relish and a chutney? ›

Chutney has a much smoother consistency when compared to a Relish. Next we have relishes which are an altogether western world creation which have a much thicker, chunkier consistency. Relishes probably originated in the USA as an accompaniment to BBQ meats and hotdogs etc.

Can I use onion chutney instead of onion marmalade? ›

Some people say that the difference is on whether the ingredients have been crushed together or boiled. Others say it's about whether or not the onions are 'sweated'. Whether you call it one or the other, we can agree that the end result is delicious no matter what.

Should you cover onions when caramelizing? ›

If you cover the pan, you'll trap steam, which will speed up their softening, heat them more quickly, and help release their liquid more quickly. Lift the lid a few times during this stage to give them a stir and make sure nothing is browning yet.

Do you add sugar to caramelize onions? ›

If you need to caramelize onions quickly, adding sugar or a pinch of baking soda (to raise the pH level and help them brown quicker) can help to speed up the caramelization process but truly they aren't a dish that cooks up quickly. If using baking soda I'd suggest about 1/4 tsp per pound of raw onions.

Why are my onions not caramelizing? ›

Caramelizing vs Sweating

Funnily enough, you do actually need to sweat your onions to get to the caramelization process! Sweating your onions, or any food really, simply means to cook out the water content. So for onions, you'll sweat them out and they'll turn translucent but they'll still keep their integrity.

What is chutney called in English? ›

(ˈtʃʌtni) noun. a sauce or relish of Asian origin, often compounded of both sweet and sour ingredients, as fruits and herbs, with spices and other seasoning. Also: chutnee.

What cheese goes with onion chutney? ›

Onion chutney: This savoury chutney made with caramelised onions and spices is a great match for blue cheese, or any cheese with a strong, pungent flavour. Quince paste: This sweet paste made from quince fruit is a traditional pairing for hard, salty cheeses like manchego or aged cheddar.

Why is my onion chutney bitter? ›

To avoid bitterness, the tamarind and spice must be balanced. You can first grind red chillies and then add onion to grind it coarsely. This will avoid bitter taste if at all you have that problem. Less water for Khatti (thick) chutney, add only if it's necessary to run your mixie.

What do you add to onions to make them caramelize faster? ›

Absolutely. An earlier version of this recipe suggested using sugar and baking soda for even faster results.

How come my onions aren't caramelizing? ›

Not cooking the onions long enough.

It might be tempting to pull the onions off the stove as soon as they start to soften and turn golden-brown, but resist the urge. They're not completely cooked yet — they need more time. Caramelized onions should be far darker than golden in color.


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