Campbell's Green Bean Casserole - Recipe File (2024)

113 comments on Campbell's Green Bean Casserole:(Post a comment)

On November 04, 2005 at 05:02 PM, The Chunky Girl (guest) said...

Definitely a classic! Brings back memories... my family always served this at Thanksgiving.

On November 04, 2005 at 05:02 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Eeek, yeah. Brings back memories.

I attempted to cook my way through a 1965 Campbell's cook book. I couldn't do it. Just too darned icky and when I found myself searching for Cream of Shrimp I called it quits.

Dr. B. / MeatHenge

On November 04, 2005 at 05:02 PM, Ankx (guest) said...

Hi, can you tell me how to make a Pizza and its base too.I really love pizza and hope you could send me its recpie....

my blog:


On November 04, 2005 at 05:03 PM, The Chunky Girl (guest) said...

Cream of Shrimp? Do they really make that?

On November 04, 2005 at 05:03 PM, an anonymous reader said...

yes, they really do make cream of shrimp soup...and yes it is as digusting as it sounds (i lost a bet once and had to eat some straight...not a pleasant memory)

On November 04, 2005 at 05:03 PM, Shy (guest) said...

thank you for the dinner ideas. i will now have something better than Wendy's to eat while i blog and study.

On November 04, 2005 at 05:04 PM, an anonymous reader said...

I must take exception to your statement that any other brand of cream of mushroom soup would do. I want to warn against the store brands! I am frugal (okay, okay--cheap!) and have tried the store brands and they are SO not worth the few pennies saved. In fact, they taste so bad, they'll ruin what you put them in!
Now, maybe brands that are MORE expensive than Campbell's would work (haven't tried any of those!), but do yourself a favor and do not use store brands.

On November 04, 2005 at 05:04 PM, an anonymous reader said...

This is one of my favorite potluck recipes (cuz hubby doesn't care for it, I don't make it at home)

Using frozen green beans is tastier than canned.

Happy cooking!

On November 04, 2005 at 05:05 PM, Bonnie_repost (guest) said...

I agree, using frozen green beans is a tastier option for this casserole.

On November 04, 2005 at 05:05 PM, Randy (guest) said...

I like to add a bit (I don't measure... maybe 2 teaspoons worth) of Worcestershire sauce to my green bean casserole. Of course, you must use name brand Lea and Perrins :)

On November 10, 2005 at 01:46 AM, an anonymous reader said...

if i was to double up on all the ingredients to make it for 12 pepole how long do i need to cook it? double the time?

On November 10, 2005 at 01:28 PM, Michael Chu said...

re: doubled recipe

I would bake it only a few minutes longer (this actually depends on the shape of your pan). Instead of baking for 30 min., bake for 40 min. It's ready when the edges just begin to bubble. At that point, just add the final topping of french fried onions and bake for 5 min.

On November 11, 2005 at 06:39 PM, an anonymous reader said...


On November 16, 2005 at 11:24 AM, an anonymous reader said...

I would like to make this ahead as it is for a church potluck. do you loose quality if you make it and refrigerate it the night before? (green bean)

On November 16, 2005 at 05:33 PM, Michael Chu said...

Anonymous wrote:

I would like to make this ahead as it is for a church potluck. do you loose quality if you make it and refrigerate it the night before? (green bean)

I find that it's not appreciably different if I prepare everything (except the baking) the night before and refrigerate. One the day of, I simply bake it for the appropriate times. I've even done it in my toaster oven because my oven is roasting the chestnuts (right after pulling the turkey).

On November 18, 2005 at 11:30 AM, fern (guest) said...

Subject: crock pot green bean casserole

Can you make the green been casserole in the crock pot to save oven room? If so, how would you change the recipe?

On November 19, 2005 at 12:01 AM, Wayne Boatwright (guest) said...

Subject: Campbell's Cream of Shrimp Soup

Back in the late 1960s/early 1970s, Campbell's produced a collection of frozen soups, one of them being Cream of Shrimp Soup. It bore no resemblance to the canned version that followed and still available. I used to have a recipe for a shrimp dip using the frozen soup. It was delicious. When they discontinued the frozen soup line, I tried using the canned version in my recipe. It was disgusting!


On November 21, 2005 at 07:19 PM, Smith Family (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole in Crock Pot

Please, if anyone knows! We have been wondering for two or three years if we could do green bean casserole in the rival crock pot. It's my turn to bring it to the family dinner and I need to keep in hot after cooking and when I get to my brother's house. I won't be able to use the oven there. Has anyone tried to make it in a crock pot. I don't want the whole family mad at me for ruining one of the main dishes. We all love it. I am still searching the web for solid proof of success. Thanks for your help. -DMS

On November 21, 2005 at 07:59 PM, SmartMouth (guest) said...

Subject: Crock pot experimentation

Jeepers. Why don't you just *try* it in a crock pot as an experiment - if it works, you've got a an extra side dish for dinner tonight. If it doesn't, you've learned a valuable lesson without risking Thanksgiving.

On November 21, 2005 at 10:24 PM, Michael Chu said...

I found this via Google:

On November 23, 2005 at 09:32 AM, cooard (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

When I was not longer able to eat mushrooms my daughter subsituted cream of onion soup an the whole family prefered the taste.

On November 24, 2005 at 12:45 PM, cosmiclobster (guest) said...

Subject: canned green beans???

If you care at all about the flavor and texture of your end product, USE FRESH GREEN BEANS!!! Pinch off the stems end, cut them into 2" pieces and steam them for 15 to 20 minutes until tender. Canned and frozen vegetables are disgusting by comparison!!!

On December 10, 2005 at 11:10 AM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Cream of Mushroom Soup with Roasted Garlic?

Has anyone tried using this soup in the Green Bean Casserole recipe? It sounded good to me, so I'm going to try it for a potluck dinner next week. Another experiment will be baking the casserole, then transferring it to the CrockPot so that it will stay warm. Has anyone tried this? I hope I'm not ruining this recipe with all these variables!! Thanks.

On February 01, 2006 at 04:22 PM, lsb (guest) said...

Subject: Water Chestnuts

We always make this with a small can of sliced water chestnuts added to the mix. It adds a nice crunch if you are using canned beans. Otherwise, it can be a little mushy.

On February 07, 2006 at 08:10 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: green bean casserole

I've always used about 2 cups of shredded swiss cheese in it too. It adds a nice flavor and makes it all come together.

On July 11, 2006 at 10:27 AM, rykthia (guest) said...

Subject: try making your own cream of mushroom

I must admit a certain obsession with doing everything from scratch. Here's a rough recipe for making cream of mushroom from scratch. It is oodles better than the canned variety.

2c. dried mushrooms (available at your local health or fancy food mart - I get mine at whole foods...different varieties will give you different flavors. I use sh*takes and like the flavor)
1/2 c. water
1.5c. soymilk (single serving size will work)
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp flour
salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste

Toss the dried mushrooms with water until coated well. Microwave for several 30 second intervals. Add more water as necessary and continue microwaving until mushrooms are tender. This takes about 1/2-3/4c. water and 3 minutes for me.

Melt the butter is a saucepan until it just barely starts bubbling. Add the 4tbsp flour and whisk vigorously. Turn the flame to low and cook for several minutes while stirring. Do not allow the roux to brown. Add the soymilk all at once and whisk vigorously until smooth and free of lumps. It should immediately thicken. Add the soft mushrooms and bubble over low for about 10 minutes. Depending on how much water you used to cook the mushrooms, you may have to thin out the soup with a little more water. That's up to you. Then add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste (I like a lot of all three :)

It sounds like a lot of work, but it's actually pretty easy and is done within 15 minutes. No chopping or slicing involved! (Thank god for dried mushrooms)

I then chop up several cups of fresh green beans and put them in a casserole, sprinkle a tablespoon or two of red wine vinegar over top with fresh ground black pepper and pour the hot soup over. Finally, I cover in parsley and bread crumbs. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes, top with a little asiago cheese and broil for another 5 minutes until bubbly. It's super good and gets better as it sits.

A note on the soy milk: I tried that because I was out of regular milk. I'm not a soy milk fan, but I actually prefer the taste with the soy milk instead of regular milk - I'd recommend you give it a shot.

I choose not to pre-steam the greenbeans because I like the bite. I add the red wine vinegar for a little contrasting acid flavor.

On July 11, 2006 at 10:29 AM, rykthia (guest) said...

Subject: P.S.


I forgot to add something to that recipe - you can use an immersion blender, food processor, or upright blender to cream down the soup to a smooth consistency after it is cooked and before pouring it over the green beans. I prefer the chunky variety.

On July 15, 2006 at 09:42 AM, sheila said...

Subject: Substitution for French Fried Onions?

I love this Green Bean Casserole. Unfortunately, it is not something I grew up with but I have had it a couple of times over my adult years.

I'd love to make this but can you recommend a substitution for the French Fried Onions? We are in a small sailboat (CAL 34) and currently on the island of Sint Maarten / St. Martin. I've never seen this product in any supermarket here, although I did see a can of Shoestring Potatoes yesterday and almost fell over... Perhaps I should buy a couple. As we proceed farther south, there will be even fewer opportunities for pre-processed foods which is actually a good thing, but, as I said, I'd really like to make this casserole.

Thanks for any suggestsions!
s/v So It Goes (1969 CAL 34 sail boat)
Our Sailing Blog

On November 20, 2006 at 10:24 AM, Patty (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

I remember a casserole with waterchestnuts as well as bean sprouts. Anyone else heard of it? Thanks

On November 23, 2006 at 03:19 PM, ggrandmother (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

In addition to the basic Campbell's Green Bean Casserole, we have always added 1 tsp. soy sauce and a small can of sliced mushrooms. We have also added a can of sliced water chestnuts or sliced toasted almonds. The basic recipe is just that....a wonderful basic recipe. It's always on the table at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanks, Campbells.

On December 27, 2006 at 07:31 PM, 5_5_16_5 (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

Green Bean Casserole was never a favorite with my family, and now my husband hates mushrooms, so he won't eat it...but I made Green Bean Casserole with chicken (and no french fried onions...ick...) and then stuffed portobella mushrooms with it. My friend like it so much she went home and made it for her boyfriend. ...I think the friend I got the recipe from said it was one of Rachel Ray's or something...but whatever, it was good!

On August 20, 2007 at 02:29 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Green bean casserole additions

Our office has pot lucks a few times a year and I discovered that 1) this is an easy recipe to whip together 2) everybody likes it - I never get left overs! Over the years I've doctored it up a bit with garlic, basil, oregano, and substitute the real milk with soy milk. Thanks for keeping this culinary tradition alive!

On September 20, 2007 at 06:59 PM, Marian Duncan (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

I recently moved into a new marriage...I tried fancy recipes and noone hardly touched them...BOOHOO...but this simple recipe always get eaten all up! :D

On October 06, 2007 at 12:22 AM, mudduck (guest) said...

Subject: green bean cassarole

We took green bean cassarole to a thanksgiving party with some Indian friends and have experimented with it several times. One, we always make our own mushroom soup, using just the plain white mushrooms from the supermarket. Two, we've used fresh, canned, and frozen green beans. Frozen are fine.

Three, French's fried onions are pretty expensive. We found that a neighborhood Indian supermarket has a one-pound bag of golden friend onions for two dollars or so. (All the spices and toppings at the Indian supermarket come in giant size.) We use the Indian fried onions in the green bean dish and on other vegetable servings as well.

Jackson Heights
Queens, NYC

On November 10, 2007 at 03:10 AM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Casserole

This sh*t is nasty...this casserole never seems to taste good

On November 16, 2007 at 03:53 PM, cmsquaredc (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

:) I am excited now. I am going to use the idea of adding 2 teaspoons of Lea and Perrins and adding the 2 cups of swiss cheese! Thanks guys!

On November 21, 2007 at 07:24 PM, Carol (guest) said...

Subject: string green beans

I always ate this with string green beans but never made it myself. Now I have to make it and the can says to use cut green beans. There isn't a major difference by not using the cut green beans is there?

On November 21, 2007 at 08:52 PM, Michael Chu said...

Subject: Re: string green beans

Carol wrote:

I always ate this with string green beans but never made it myself. Now I have to make it and the can says to use cut green beans. There isn't a major difference by not using the cut green beans is there?

Sometimes green beans are called string beans. Most likely they are the same vegetable - but there could be a chance that what you're calling string beans is different from what I'm calling green beans. My guess is that it'll taste just fine.

On November 24, 2007 at 12:42 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: First Time

It Just cooked green bean casorole for the First time. it came out wonderful!! :)

On January 04, 2008 at 09:47 AM, Mike Oxbig (guest) said...

Subject: Green Beans

I really enjoy using the canned beans over the frozen beans. I think the texture is sexy.

On January 21, 2008 at 09:34 PM, guest (guest) said...

Subject: Canned beats frozen

If you use the french cut green beans they are MUCH MUCH better than frozen ones. Also, instead of mozarella cheese, try cheddar cheese spread. Thats what my family does and there is always a battle over who can get more! Its the first dish to be finished up at gatherings!

On January 25, 2008 at 10:37 PM, fdsajkl (guest) said...

Subject: horrible results

It has been more than a few years since I have cooked Thanksgiving dinner for a group of people so I decided I would go the traditional route including the green bean casserole. What a disappointment!

I followed the instructions on the can of fried onions but substituted fresh French-cut green beans instead of frozen ones in the recipe, ounce for ounce. I figured, how could you go wrong using fresh green beans? Well, it wasn't anything like I remembered from Thanksgiving's of the past when other people served it. Blech!! Very bland and boring. Maybe people dressed it up beyond just the soup, green beans and onions. Even the recipe seems too simple and boring.

Any idea where things went wrong?

On January 27, 2008 at 01:40 AM, SirShazar said...

My family (I'm a single child, so that means me, my mom, and my dad) immigrated to the US seven years ago and we've always either not had thanksgiving or had it at one of our friend's house.

This year we decided to do a thanksgiving dinner and invite a couple of people we know. Me and my mom took on the mission to create the feast.

I was basically incharge of all the classic dishes that neither me or my mom have ever made before. I decided to do my own version of green bean casserole with fresh French beans and homemade mushroom sauce. I made the recipe as I went but it went something like this:

1/2 package french beans (thin greenbeans from Costco)
1 box white button mushrooms, sliced thin
1/2 medium yellow onion, small dice
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup milk
1T vegetable oil
1/2t sage
1/2t thyme
1t salt
1t black pepper
box of french fried onions

1. Blanch french beans
2. Saute onion till translucent and than add the mushrooms and saute till golden
3. Add heavy cream, milk, sage, thyme, salt, and pepper and cook for four minutes
4. Put the mixture in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth or slightly chunky.
5. Mix with green beans, decorate with french fried onions, and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

On March 17, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Maddy (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

I make this casserole for the holidays every year - but...i make mine with Campbells cream of celery soup. Years ago when the green bean casserole first became popular this is the soup that was used -then it was changed to cream of mushroom. We still enjoy the original cream of celery version.

On June 04, 2008 at 04:13 PM, JR (guest) said...

Subject: Campbell's Casserole

When I was a kid I remember my mom adding canned Tuna to the recipe. Does anyone remember this? Does anyone know the correct amount of Tuna to use in this recipe?

On June 23, 2008 at 06:04 PM, tyffaniet (guest) said...

Subject: Tuna substitution

Oh my, I so remember this, My mom used tuna instead to french onions and I remember it with very fond memories.

It was the recipe with the tuna I was looking for :lol: but I tried it without tuna and made it in the crockpot, like it better with tuna..

Trying the tuna one tonight in the crock pot

On July 01, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Anne in Brewerton (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

Here is a recipe I've been using for the past 35 years with rave reviews. I like it so much better than the one on the Campbell's soup can.

2 cans french style green beans, drained
1 can regular (not fat free or low sodium) Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1 small can french fried onion rings
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix soup, 1/2 can onion rings, and Worcestershire sauce in large bowl. Add green beans and toss gently to coat. Cover with foil and warm in oven for 20 mins. Remove foil, sprinkle top with remaining onion rings, and heat for 10 more minutes. Serve hot.

Makes 6 servings

On October 25, 2008 at 06:16 PM, PegWolf (guest) said...

Subject: Substitutuion for mushroom soup

Many people we have dinner with absolutely hate mushrooms. Has anyone made this casserole and tried to use other cream of.. soups in the recipe? Other than that I guess we won't be eating this casserole!

On November 24, 2008 at 09:00 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Cheesy green bean casserole

My mother in law made a variation of this dish last year for thanksgiving. Instead of using cream of mushroom soup, put in half a can of original rotel (or mild if you don't do spicy), some milk and velveeta cheese. It tastes awesome!

On November 26, 2008 at 08:21 PM, paula (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

I also use the cambells cream of mushroom, but i like to ad mushrooms, shallots and frozen grean beans. I also don't like the french fried onions I prefer to top my green bean casserole with a panko bread crumbs. yummy! As an added bonus you can also throw a bit of parmesan cheese and scallions on top of the pankop crust..
happy holidays

On December 05, 2008 at 07:10 PM, Vickers (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean casserole

Okay, I am asked to make Green Bean Casserole, never made it before. I accidently bought Shoe String Potatoes instead of french fried onions. Will this work????? Please Help.......

On December 06, 2008 at 04:24 AM, Michael Chu said...

Subject: Re: Green Bean casserole

Vickers wrote:

I accidently bought Shoe String Potatoes instead of french fried onions. Will this work????? Please Help.......

That's not going to work (if the shoe string potatoes are pre-cooked then it might end up tasting fine, but it won't be the green bean casserole that you're used to or intending to make). If you do make it with the french fries, let us know how it came out - who knows, you might have invented a better tasting recipe.

On March 05, 2009 at 04:56 PM, Ella (guest) said...

Subject: Canned Green Bean casserole

For the laziest cooks. Honestly, I found cans (and I believe it was Campbells, but it was a while ago so don't quote me) of Green Bean Casserole with the beans and the soup already together. Just pop the top, spread in baking pan, heat, top with French Fried Onions and eat. Ahhh, the height of laziness.

Because, as we all know, opening ALL those cans (Three - count them - three!!!) and mixing them together is soooo hard!


On March 22, 2009 at 01:32 PM, bied (guest) said...

Subject: Green bean carassole, there should be a standard

The classic green bean casserole should be documented in IEEE and Webster with the statement “containing Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup”. I am not be adverse to eating variations using ...of celery or …of onion or other pleasing combinations. I have used combination of canned/frozen and french/straight cut and they can all work well. The key is to make sure the sauce is cooked to a thick consistency, and of course seasoned to your personal taste. Addition of cheese is a plus, Velveeta ( the spam of cheese) is an excellent choice , cheddar and Swiss are good options for an upscale. With our diverse culture I would agree that Panko bread crumbs are a good variation to the original ( not so popular ) ‘french’ fried onion’s, just make sure they are cooked to be nice and crispy on top. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

On June 19, 2009 at 03:23 AM, an anonymous reader said...

I always make this with celery soup because im a hater of mushrooms in general, and it always turns out great. I also add garlic salt too it, though garlic powder would probably be better because if you put too much it makes it too salty and lots of pepper. I tried chili powder once but put too much (ICK) and sometimes if you add cheese it will be all oily on top if i dont stir it half way through.

Tuna casserole is a different recipe, but sooo similar. You use two cans of tuna, and basically the same ingredients, except you also put in two (cooked) cups of egg noodles.

On August 22, 2009 at 06:57 PM, magnoliasouth said...

Subject: Disagree with Karen

You most certainly can use any cream of mushroom, as long as you like it. I've had a few store brands that tasted just as good as Campbell's and I've had some soups that are much better than Campbell's.

It really depends on your taste. Try it and if you don't like it, then don't use it again. Don't rely on opinions alone.

On November 09, 2009 at 06:56 PM, HayleyJeremich said...

Subject: question

I have a question... Is this dish supposed to come out watery?

On November 09, 2009 at 09:59 PM, Michael Chu said...

Subject: Re: question

HayleyJeremich wrote:

I have a question... Is this dish supposed to come out watery?

No, it's fairly thick. Did you drain the liquid from the green beans? The only liquid you should be adding is the 3/4 cup milk.

On November 10, 2009 at 02:59 PM, HayleyJeremich said...

I haven't made it. I was just wondering because i've had it too watery before... but thanks!

On November 16, 2009 at 05:06 PM, Guest (guest) said...

Subject: Green bean casserole.

The original recipe called for a teaspoon of soy sauce. I haven't seen this ingredient listed in recent years but I still use it. I think it adds flavor.

On November 18, 2009 at 02:25 PM, PURPLE PANTHER (guest) said...

Subject: Bacon and green beans

I've been asked to make green bean cassarole for thanksgiving dinner . I always remembered my grandmother putting bacon and onions with her green beans . Just wondering if this would work with the green bean cassarole . Has anyone tried this ? Thanks for helping

On November 18, 2009 at 05:56 PM, Dilbert said...

>>work with the green bean casserole

absolutely. shallots, leeks, scallions, salt pork - many things can dress it up.

the Campbell recipe calls for the fried onion rings on top - but that's not a must either - I've used cracker crumbs, grated cheese . . .

On November 22, 2009 at 09:56 AM, hambone (guest) said...

Subject: Forget cream of mushroom

We always use cream of asparagus, much more flavor, everyone in my family likes it better

On November 24, 2009 at 03:50 PM, childj (guest) said...

Subject: made ahead for travel

I made this ahead of time so I can take it to my mother's house. We will be on the road for a few hours. Should I refrigerate then bake when we get there or freeze it now? I'm worried about the texture if it sits in the fridge for 2 days before baking. If I do freeze it how do I prepare when ready? Thanks for your help and suggestions!

On November 24, 2009 at 04:41 PM, Dilbert said...

at this point in time, T-Day minus xx hrs,,,, I'd keep it covered & chilled. it'll be okay for a couple hours in the car.

don't add the "toppings" of a crispy nature - take those along "dry" and add at going into the oven. . .

On November 25, 2009 at 11:11 AM, mappymappu (guest) said...

Subject: no french fried onions?

Hi all - I'm living in the UK and would like to make a green bean caserole for friends I'm having over tomorrow (even a couple of other Americans!) however I have never seen French Fried Onions here and due to time constraints can't really go searching high and low for them.

Does anyone have any suggestions on alternative topings or a variation of the recipe that doesn't need the FFO?

Thanks for any advice you can give!

On November 25, 2009 at 10:12 PM, guess (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

Do u add 10 cans of cream of mushroom soup? Please someone reply...confused

On November 25, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Grandma Jennifer (guest) said...

Subject: <10 cans?>

One 10 ounce can. Not 10 cans (unless you're feeding a whole lot of people!)

On November 28, 2009 at 07:43 AM, SteveInJapan (guest) said...

Subject: Toppings

I really like french fried onions, and I still think they make the best topping for this. However, I agree with some of the above posts that there are other options that make for tasty variation.

Today I went to a Thanksgiving dinner for a local teachers group. For ease of transport, I just took all the ingredients in their cans, but I think it would be fine, or even blend the flavors better if you mixed all but the topping and chilled it and kept it cool during transportation. I arrived at the community center to find that I had everything but the french fried onion! Fortunately, there were some potato chips someone had opened during prep time, so I helped myself to the last quarter bag. I crunched the chips up and when the casserole was ready for them, spread them on top. It turned out really well!

Next time I think I may try some chip-style onion ring snacks. Break those up and sprinkle them on top. I think that might even be better than the french fried onions.

On January 02, 2010 at 02:53 PM, donna (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

ok this is the best: mix 1 can green beans, 1 can mushroom soup(used other cream soup flavours and was ok i.e.cream chicken), 1/2 c. shredded cheese,1/4 c. slivered almonds, 1/2 can french onions or I also ues the bagged salad toppers in a wide variety of flavours. mix together bake at 350 for 30 mins. put the rest of the onions on top and bake for ten more. yum yum

On March 31, 2010 at 04:57 PM, justme (guest) said...

Subject: It's a perfect camp food, too

My family makes this casserole on camping trips (well, car camping's kind of bulky for backpacking). It's not only great tasting, but you can adapt the recipe to make it from non-perishables so you can have it even when you're several days out from refrigeration. We've successfully made it over a camp stove, charcoal grill and open campfire, depending on circ*mstances. ( BTW, I suspect there would be no problem with a crock pot, in response to an earlier post.) Biggest thing to watch out for: the French's Fried Onions tend to evaporate while you are preparing the meal, so make sure you have plenty on hand.

On May 27, 2010 at 03:06 PM, Ilana (guest) said...

Subject: frozen green beans

i want the green bean casserole to taste good and i'm afraid if i cook the green beans and then put them in the oven they will be too mushy. what should i do? should i just used canned instead? this will be the 1st time im making this dish too.

On May 27, 2010 at 06:58 PM, Dilbert said...

I've found the beans don't continue cooking very much after you put them in the casserole. I guess I should add, never baked it for hours and hours either....

you can use canned - heat through and put in casserole.

On May 27, 2010 at 08:58 PM, Michael Chu said...

Subject: Re: frozen green beans

Ilana wrote:

i want the green bean casserole to taste good and i'm afraid if i cook the green beans and then put them in the oven they will be too mushy. what should i do? should i just used canned instead? this will be the 1st time im making this dish too.

Canned beans will almost guarantee mushy. I use canned since mushy is the texture that (I think) green bean casserole should be. It's pretty much the only time I like mushy green beans. I once had a green bean casserole where the green beans were lightly cooked (what I would normally consider just right) and disliked it. The crunch in this dish should come from the french fried onion topping and the beans should be cooked until soft (so the texture is smooth and almost creamy).

On June 06, 2010 at 11:44 AM, superdebbie (guest) said...

Subject: Can I use French Style Green Beans?

I don't like regular green beans. Does this work just as well with "French Style" green beans?

On June 06, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Dilbert said...

Subject: Re: Can I use French Style Green Beans?

superdebbie wrote:

I don't like regular green beans. Does this work just as well with "French Style" green beans?

yes, no problem.

On June 21, 2010 at 02:27 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Soy instead....

Instead of using Whole Milk can I substitute it with Soy milk?

On October 11, 2010 at 09:59 AM, (guest) said...

Subject: ingredients in French style green been casserole

In addition to all the variations listed here for making green been casserole, i have substituted cream of chicken soup for the cream of mushroom. I like the flavour as much or better than the original method! And it works great for those who do not like mushrooms!

On October 28, 2010 at 03:19 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: crock pot

Did anyone try these in a crockpot yet? I'll be staying at my Mother-in-law's house for three days before Thanksgiving, and she's cooking the turkey in her oven. Just wondering if I might be able to use the crock pot. If nobody else has tried it - I'll try it out sometime this month before Thanksgiving. But, I don't want to waste it if someone has tried it and it was awful!


On November 15, 2010 at 07:46 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Crockpot version

There's a crockpot cookbook with a similar recipe. Frozen green beans, cream of mushroom soup. Rather than milk, 1/4 cup of white wine. Also uses fresh mushrooms. Cook on low for 5 hours.

On November 23, 2010 at 02:21 PM, bnug (guest) said...

Subject: Cheese Green Bean

Use the Cream of Cheddar Cheese Soup instead of the Cream of Mushroom :) it will rock your socks off :)

On November 24, 2010 at 01:07 PM, carol (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

The origanal recipe also had soy sauce in it. It makes a big difference. It is a teaspoon of soy sauce and a dash of pepper for a single recipe.

On November 24, 2010 at 10:51 PM, nope (guest) said...

Subject: Canned vs fresh or forzen green beans

I disagree with the comments that fresh or frozen green beans are better than canned in this recipe. I tried it once for a family party of about 40 people - and after dinner about 40 people decided that it should never be made with anything but canned green beans!

On December 02, 2010 at 12:02 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: Green Bean Casserole

I add in a packet of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix for extra flavor.

On December 23, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Mickey (guest) said...

Subject: G.B. Casserole

I grew up on this casserole, but we had it only during the holidays. All us kids hated veggies, but we all loved g.b. casserole. One thing my mom did was to always use frozen french cut g.b.'s. Now i make it for the holidays and everyone raves about it.

On December 26, 2010 at 08:17 PM, norma (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

Can this casserole be frozen and then cooked?

On April 18, 2011 at 04:35 PM, Harriet (guest) said...

Subject: Fozen caserole, green been

Can someone answer this question, can this casserole be made up ahead, then frozen, and then baked? If so, do you thaw first or bake it frozen? What are the baking instructions? Let me know asap, thank you. [/b]

On April 18, 2011 at 05:26 PM, Dilbert said...


bake to completion, let cool, freeze.
thaw, reheat at 250'F - 45-60 minutes

On April 24, 2011 at 12:08 AM, ByUGirl1 (guest) said...

Subject: Cream Of Shrimp Soup

Creme of Shrimp Soup Is a Staple in My Pantry. I use it in My Crawfish Dip

On May 24, 2011 at 06:51 PM, Just Wondering (guest) said...

Subject: Add Chicken?

Can you use the exact recipe but add chicken (presumably pre-cooked?) Just wondering...

On May 27, 2011 at 05:40 PM, Sherritasworld (guest) said...

Subject: Response to recipe list site

Michael Chu wrote:

I found this via Google:

What a wonderful site! Thank you!

On November 02, 2011 at 05:14 PM, Mickey (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Caserole

Instead of French onions use stove top stuffing mix. Works and tastes great!

On November 17, 2011 at 04:55 PM, Connie (guest) said...

Subject: Cheesy Green Bean Casserole

I have a different spin on this classic recipe. Instead of using Cream of Mushroom soup, I use Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup and also added some shredded SMOKED Gouda cheese and a little bit of freshly grated parmesan or romano cheese in the recipe. Absolutely delicious. And I mix the ingredients the day before in the pan. All that needs to be done the day of is cook it for 30 minutes (till bubbly) then take out of the oven and add the remaining fried onions and put back in the oven for another five minutes or so. Wonderful.

On November 20, 2011 at 07:10 PM, Sue NC (guest) said...

Subject: Refridgerate

If I mix it together tonight and refridgerate, how long should I cook it for in the morning before work? and at what temp?

On May 29, 2012 at 08:34 PM, guest (guest) said...

Subject: IEEE standard Green Bean Cassarole

The original 1950's Campbell's test kitchen recipe called for soy sauce... This may actually fix it for those who don't like mushrooms... it's quite good, really!

In any case the result doesn't taste like canned mushroom soup.

Also, I was learning to do deep-fried battered onion rings, and came up with something a lot like the French's product:

1 Onion, sliced thin on mandolin slicer
1/2 cup self-rising cornmeal
1 egg- optional
1/4 cup milk- adjust to be a little thicker than pancake batter
1/2 tsp baking powder
Seasoned salt, hot sauce, season to taste

I put the onion slices in the batter, then heat the fry oil to 375 degrees. I used a carving fork to drop a few onion rings at a time into the oil, and then made sure they didn't clump up... this was avoids a doughy mess. For the same reason I fried in small batches and ran several of them.

I fried for 3 minutes at 375 degrees, drain, and put into a large bowl with 4 layers of paper towels on the bottom and let them dry until the bean and soup mix was ready to go.

I have not tried baking the rings after frying; this might improve them. Otherwise they come out somewhat oily. They taste much better, however!

Best of luck with this!

On December 19, 2012 at 08:27 PM, guest (guest) said...

Subject: green bean cassarole

Can I make this casssarole the day before, keep in refrigerator and bake the following day?

On December 20, 2012 at 08:24 AM, Dilbert said...

>>make ahead

basically yes - not sure why tho if you're not baking it ahead - it sure does not take long to mix up
if you fridge it without baking, I'd hold back on the onions tho - overnight they may go a bit soggy.

make & bake / fridge / reheat is also fine - it reheats well.

On November 19, 2013 at 02:31 PM, (guest) said...

Subject: green bean cassarole

:unsure: Help!!!!!!
I am making green bean cassarole for a group of 10 to 12 people. Do I double the reciple on the onion can? Also, what size baking pan do I need? Was thinking of one of those disposible aluminum pans, but no idea what size to buy. (I don't do much cooking!)[/b]

On November 19, 2013 at 07:47 PM, Dilbert said...

just double all the ingredients.

for the pan, double the square inches - i.e. length X width

10-15% more or less will not make a difference.

On November 19, 2013 at 08:38 PM, Michael Chu said...

In case Dilbert's comment regarding doubling the square inches wasn't perfectly clear, what he means is to multiple length and width of the original pan, then double that value and find another pan whose length and width is approximately the same as the doubled value.

For example, in this recipe, we used an 8x8-in baking pan which has a surface area of 8 x 8 = 64 sq in. If we double the recipe, we'll need a pan that is double 64 sq in which is 128 sq in. The closest common baking pan with 128 sq in area is the 9x13 baking pan which has 117 length times width which is within 10% error of the theoretical 128 sq in pan. The resulting casserole will be ever so slightly thicker than if you made two 8x8-in casseroles due to the smaller proportional surface area, but it's close enough no one will notice. Also, 9x13-in pans aren't actually 9x13-in and 8x8-in aren't 8x8 in either... there's a lot of manufacturing variation between brands and designs, so all this is rough but definitely close enough for our needs.

So, long story short - when doubling, just use a 9x13-in pan or any other pan that has length x width value somewhere around 115 to 140. So, if an 11x11 exists, you can use that. Or a 12-in round casserole. Or...

On November 28, 2013 at 10:40 AM, sxymamalette (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole toaster oven style

:D okay so important attempting to make a green bean casserole for thanksgiving i have all the required ingredients except my pan is not 8' and the timer is broken so as i sit here and babysit this dish with me luck that it turns out to be a success and not a green bean monstrosity :) happy thanksgiving to everyone

On November 28, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Dilbert said...

>>pan isn't . . .

anything close will do - unless you used fresh green beans, everything in the assembled dish is already cooked - it's a heat'em up job - so the timing isn't super critical either!

On December 16, 2013 at 09:26 PM, llsweares (guest) said...

Subject: green bean casserole

Hello I have to make green bean casserole for about 25 people and was wondering how much stuff do I use to make this without over doubling it??

On December 17, 2013 at 05:00 AM, Michael Chu said...

Subject: Re: green bean casserole

llsweares wrote:

Hello I have to make green bean casserole for about 25 people and was wondering how much stuff do I use to make this without over doubling it??

As long as you have a pan large enough so the surface area increases by close to the number of times you multiplied the recipe, it should work. For example, if you need to quadruple the recipe, then you should try to find a pan that 4 times the surface area of the 8x8 pan this recipe calls for. That way the depth of the casserole will be roughly the same and cooking time will not be that different. In addition, since the quantity of french fried onions for covering the top will be quadrupled, then if the surface area is also quadrupled then the thickness of the onion layer will be the same. If your pan shape is such that the surface area is smaller, then you'll have a taller casserole and need less onions to cover the top and vice versa.

So, what's a good quadrupling pan size? Well, the 8x8 is approximately 64 square inches surface area so we're looking for something around 256 sq in (practically anything around 230-280 should be close enough). Two 9x13 pans will work as well as 4 8x8 (obviously), but I'm guessing from your question you want it to fit in one pan. One convenient size is the full size steam table pan which comes in disposable aluminum pans which typically have sloped sides which makes surface area calculation a little harder. One example I found listed both the top and bottom dimensions, so I split the difference for each dimension and multiplied them together and got 224 sq in which is probably close enough to yield a decent casserole. Only thing left to check is if the pan will fit your oven. In most cases, a full size steam pan will fit a 30-in home oven (even the shallower in-wall/cabinet variety).

On November 27, 2014 at 04:52 AM, Kellebelle (guest) said...

Subject: Green bean casserole

I like the taste of French style green beans in comparison to just regular cut green beans. So I always use that in my recipe instead ;)

On June 27, 2015 at 12:48 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Subject: shrimp soup

Campbell's used to make Frozen Cream of Mushroom soup when I was a kid. ( 50's and 60's) It had whole about i inch shrimp and was very good! Todays type- not so tasty!

On June 29, 2015 at 01:06 PM, Jim Cooley said...

FROZEN Cream of Mushroom?

I vaguely remember the Cream of Shrimp. I liked that.

On November 26, 2015 at 09:28 AM, Crystal Jenkins (guest) said...

Subject: Green Bean Cassarole

I add a teaspoon of soy sauce to mine and leave out the onions till the end. Never any leftovers at my house.[/b]

On November 26, 2015 at 04:44 PM, MammaBearOf2 (guest) said...

Subject: Instead of...

I'm not to fond of mushrooms, so I use cream of chicken. It's soooo good and this year we are going to add bacon and cheese! Yumm can't wait!

On November 14, 2017 at 04:30 PM, an anonymous reader said...

Can you freeze the green bean casserole before it is cooked?

On November 14, 2017 at 07:15 PM, Dilbert said...

yes, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it. the prep is easy and fast - so there's little benefit. on the down side - slow frozen green beans / onions can get rather mooshy.

we often prep&bake it day before, cool and refrigerate, then reheat for service. if you're using any crunchy toppings, delay putting those on until 1/2 way thru the reheat.

On November 22, 2017 at 07:21 PM, Peanuts (guest) said...

Subject: Assuming you cook the frozen green beans?

Ok, this may be a silly question, but any recipies I have read that reference using frozen or fresh green bean don't say whether you cook them first or not. If they are frozen/fresh can anyone tell me if you cook them in boiling water like the bag says, then drain and continue the recipie with the hot cooked beans...and how much does this affect the cook time and temeperature of the casserole?
Or do I have this wrong and you just dump the beans in uncooked...and if so, what is the cook time temperature for frozen vs fresh in that case?
8| :P

On November 23, 2017 at 07:34 PM, Pidge (guest) said...

Subject: Re: Assuming you cook the frozen green beans?

Peanuts wrote:

Ok, this may be a silly question, but any recipies I have read that reference using frozen or fresh green bean don't say whether you cook them first or not. If they are frozen/fresh can anyone tell me if you cook them in boiling water like the bag says, then drain and continue the recipie with the hot cooked beans...and how much does this affect the cook time and temeperature of the casserole?
Or do I have this wrong and you just dump the beans in uncooked...and if so, what is the cook time temperature for frozen vs fresh in that case?
8| :P

Ok for anyone who cares :-)
I found eventually you thaw the frozen beans overnight in your fridge. The next day I boiled water first, then put the mostly thawed out beans in there and did not quite bring it to a boil so the beans were still green and heated thru but not cooked to being sift. Removed them and put them in a big bowl to cool, then proceeded with the recipie. Because my recipie was quadrupled, it took about 50 minutes to cook in a party tray. Eveyone said it was awesome at the table today and they liked the fresher tasting beans.

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Campbell's Green Bean Casserole - Recipe File (2024)


How many cans of green beans equals 4 cups? ›

✿ 4 cups of green beans is about 1½ pounds fresh or 16 ounces frozen or 2 cans (15 ounces each) drained.

How do you make green bean casserole not soggy? ›

If you are finding that your green bean casserole is soupy, be sure to drain the green beans really well after blanching so you aren't getting extra water in the casserole that way. Then make sure to thicken the sauce properly by letting the chicken broth and half-and-half simmer long enough to thicken.

How do you make green bean casserole thicker? ›

The Casserole Is Too Soupy

Don't worry, there's a relatively easy and quick fix that will help soak up the excess liquid: Make a slurry of flour or cornstarch in liquid (broth or water) to help thicken it up and then cook it for a bit longer.

Which is better in green bean casserole canned or frozen? ›

When I make green bean casserole, I skip canned beans all together. Frozen green beans are the best green beans to use for green bean casserole.

How many cans of beans is 1 cup? ›

So for a recipe that calls for one 15-ounce can of beans, you can cook 3/4 cup (4.5 ounces) of the dried version and be in the ballpark. Conversely, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of dried beans, you'll need to buy two 15-ounce cans to have the 2+ cups worth of cooked beans the recipe will eventually yield.

How many green beans is 1 cup? ›

A serving of green beans is one cup. This is about 20 medium green beans.

Why is my green bean casserole so soupy? ›

Green bean casserole should have a nice thick sauce that coats the green beans—it should not resemble soup. One common cause of a watery casserole is not adding enough thickener, such as flour or cornstarch, to your sauce.

Can you overcook green bean casserole? ›

Overcooking the beans won't just drain them of their appealing color, but it will also make them too soft and mushy, resulting in a less appetizing casserole.

Why is green bean casserole so good? ›

Fans love the dish in part because of how simple it is to throw together. It calls for ingredients that could be found in a typical home kitchen pantry: canned or fresh green beans, mushroom soup, milk, soy sauce and black pepper.

Why isn t my green bean casserole thickening? ›

Add a thickener

The extra thickening should thicken the sauce, and if the mixture is still runny, repeat the process. The site also reports that you should use 1 tbsp of corn starch if thickening a small portion and up to 4 tbsp of corn starch for large batches.

Which canned green beans taste best? ›

If your recipe happens to call for Italian green beans, these are the best canned green beans. Del Monte is the brand that makes the most appearances on this list, but if you're looking for French style green beans, go for Great Value. They're less salty and more substantial than Del Monte.

Are canned green beans worth eating? ›

Don't worry — they're still nutritious. “Canned green beans have a similar nutrient content to fresh or frozen,” says Whitson. “But choose low-sodium varieties, or rinse them before cooking to remove any added salt.” Canned beans are already soft, so they don't require much cooking.

Why do canned green beans taste different? ›

Canned green beans— or for that matter, almost any canned vegetable— tastes different from fresh because they have been cooked. And usually, they have been cooked with salt and other seasonings and additives. That alters the flavor and texture.

How many cups are in a can of beans? ›

One (15 oz.) can of beans is equivalent to about 1 2/3 – 2 cups of cooked dried beans. Most recipes call for 1 (15 oz.) can of beans.

How much green beans are in a can? ›

Cut Green Beans, 14.5 oz.

How many servings in a 15 oz can of green beans? ›

3.5 servings per can. Gluten free. Cook on the stovetop or in the microwave. 14.5 ounces net weight per can.


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