Beal City Public Schools - Middle School/High School Announcements - 5/15/2024 (2024)

Main Navigation

').appendTo(settings.scope), scopeVal = scopeTest.height(); scopeTest.remove(); return (that / scopeVal).toFixed(8); }; function moveMegaMenu($el, winWidth) { var to = $el.offset(), bottom = + $el.height(), $menu = $el.find('> .dropdown-menu'), mo = $menu.offset(), diff = 0; // If the menu has already been moved, leave if ( == bottom) return false; // Reset the top margin before calculating because breakpoints may have changed menu positions $menu.css('margin-top', ''); mo = $menu.offset(); diff = bottom -; // Use the top margin of the dropdown menu to "move" it to just below the parent menu $menu.css('margin-top', diff); } function adjustMegaMenuHeight($this) { // A "data" attribute will exist if we've already made this adjustment - if so, leave if ($this.attr('data-height')) return false; // Should the "extra" content use the entire column or share it with the rest of the nav items? var extraShareColumn = false; // Min height for the mega menu in ems var minHeight = 13; // Cache some DOM finds that are used more than once... var $megaMenuExtraContent = $this.find('.mega-menu-extra-content'), $megaMenuExtra = $this.find('.mega-menu-extra'), $megaMenu = $this.find('> .dropdown-menu'); // Will be changed to true if there is "extra" content in the mega menu var extraColumn = false; // Height of the extra column var extraHeight = 0; // How many

    tags are in the mega menu at the 2nd level? // They have a bottom margin (.5em) so they need to be included in the height calculation var ulCount = $this.find('> ul > .dropdown-submenu > ul:visible').length; // How many VISIBLE sections are in the mega menu - all levels var liCount = $this.find('li:visible').length; // Loop through all of the
  • tags and build a total var totalLiHeight = 0, liHeight = 0; $this.find('li:visible').each(function() { liHeight = $(this).find('> a:not(.hidden-sm)').outerHeight(); // IE sometimes returns the wrong reset to a single line at the largest font if (liHeight > 100) liHeight = 27; totalLiHeight += liHeight; }); // If the "extra" content

    is NOT empty, there's an extra column if ( ! $':empty')) { extraColumn = true; var megaMenuExtraWidth = $megaMenuExtra.outerWidth(true); // Clone the extra content and append it to the body - visible, but off screen so that we can get a RELIABLE height $megaMenuExtra.clone().css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': '-99999em', 'width': megaMenuExtraWidth }).appendTo('body'); extraHeight = $('body > .mega-menu-extra').outerHeight(true); // Firefox reporting height 20px shorter than Chrome or IE extraHeight += 20; // Once we have the height, remove the clone $('body > .mega-menu-extra').remove(); // If the "extra" content is sharing the column, add it's height to the

  • total height if (extraShareColumn) totalLiHeight += extraHeight; } // Convert the
  • total height from pixels to ems var calcHeight = $(totalLiHeight).toEm(); // Add the bottom margins for the
      tags to the total calcHeight = parseFloat(calcHeight) + (ulCount / 2); if ( ! extraColumn) { // If the "extra" content is empty, divide by the default 4.25 columns calcHeight /= 4.25; } else { // The "extra" content is NOT empty... // If it's NOT sharing the column, divide by one less column (5 column display - 4.25 "safe" number) if ( ! extraShareColumn) { calcHeight /= 3.25; } else { calcHeight /= 4.25; } } // Convert the extra content height to ems if (extraColumn) extraHeight = parseFloat($(extraHeight).toEm()); var megaMenuHeight = 0; if (calcHeight > minHeight) { megaMenuHeight = calcHeight; } else { megaMenuHeight = minHeight; } if (extraHeight > (megaMenuHeight - 1)) { $megaMenu.css('height', (extraHeight + 1) + 'em'); $megaMenuExtra.css('height', extraHeight + 'em'); // Write the height as a "data" attribute, so we don't do this adjustment more than once $this.attr('data-height', extraHeight); } else { $megaMenu.css('height', megaMenuHeight + 'em'); $this.attr('data-height', megaMenuHeight); if (calcHeight < minHeight || ! extraShareColumn) { $megaMenuExtra.css('height', (megaMenuHeight - 1) + 'em'); } else { if (extraShareColumn) $megaMenuExtraContent.addClass('mega-menu-extra-share'); } } } function addSeeMoreLinks($ul, seeMoreNumber) { // Hide
    • tags beyond the "seeMoreNumber" $ul.find('> li:nth-child(n+ ' + (seeMoreNumber + 1) + ')').addClass('hidden-lg'); // Add "See more..." links to those
        tags where the
      • count has exceeded the "seeMoreNumber". // Those
          tags will have
        • tags with the "hidden-lg" class as a result of the nth-child code above. $ul.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.find('> li.hidden-lg').length) { // Grab the href from the parent link and use that for the "See more..." link var smhref = $this.prev('a').prop('href'); // Insert it before the first hidden
        • tag $this.find('> li.hidden-lg:first').before('
        • See more...
        • '); } }); } function getSeeMoreTotals($ul, liCount) { var total = 0; if ( ! liCount) return total; if ($ul.length === 1) { total = (liCount > seeMoreNumber) ? seeMoreNumber : liCount; } else { $ul.each(function() { var cnt = $(this).find('> li:visible').length; total += (cnt > seeMoreNumber) ? seeMoreNumber : cnt; }); } return total; } function fillMegaMenu($this) { // Only want to do this if the config entry > 0 if (megaMenuMin <= 0) return false; // Only want to do this work once per top-level menu, so if it has already been "filled", leave if ($this.hasClass('socs-mm-filled')) return false; $this.addClass('socs-mm-filled'); // Get the number of visible
        • and
            tags at each level within the mega menu var liLevel1 = $this.find('> .dropdown-menu > li:visible').length, liLevel2 = $this.find('> ul > .dropdown-submenu > ul > li:visible').length, liLevel3 = $this.find('> ul ul ul li:visible').length, $ulLevel2 = $this.find('> ul > .dropdown-submenu > ul:visible'), $ulLevel3 = $this.find('> ul ul ul:visible'); // How many visible items are in the mega menu - all levels// var liTotal = $this.find('li:visible').length; var liTotal = liLevel1 + liLevel2 + liLevel3;/*console.log('-------------------------------');console.log('liLevel1 = ' + liLevel1);console.log('liLevel2 = ' + liLevel2);console.log('liLevel3 = ' + liLevel3);console.log('liTotal = ' + liTotal);console.log('ulLevel2 = ' + $ulLevel2.length);console.log('ulLevel3 = ' + $ulLevel3.length);*/ // Short-circuit if ALL of the items will fit or there aren't any 2nd level items if (liTotal <= megaMenuMax || liLevel2 === 0) return false; // 1st level items >= the min - hide 2nd and 3rd level items and leave if (liLevel1 >= megaMenuMin) { $this.find('> ul ul').addClass('socs-mm-hide'); return false; } // The "seeMoreNumber" may limit the number of
          • tags that are visible within each
              at the 2nd and 3rd levels // Total
            • tags at 2nd and 3rd level AFTER the "seeMoreNumber" limit has been applied on each
                var liLevel2SeeMore = getSeeMoreTotals($ulLevel2, liLevel2); var liLevel3SeeMore = getSeeMoreTotals($ulLevel3, liLevel3);/*console.log('liLevel2SeeMore = ' + liLevel2SeeMore);console.log('liLevel3SeeMore = ' + liLevel3SeeMore);console.log('fillMegaMenu - doing the work');*/ var showAllLevel2 = ((liLevel1 + liLevel2) <= megaMenuMax) ? true : false; var showReducedLevel2 = ((liLevel1 + liLevel2SeeMore) <= megaMenuMax) ? true : false; // If 2nd level won't fit under the max (all or reduced) - hide 2nd and 3rd level items and leave if ( ! showReducedLevel2) { $this.find('> ul ul').addClass('socs-mm-hide'); return false; } // If all 2nd level won't fit but the reduced 2nd level will... if ( ! showAllLevel2 && showReducedLevel2) addSeeMoreLinks($ulLevel2, seeMoreNumber); // Are there any 3rd level items? if (liLevel3) { // Which 2nd level number was used? Use it for 3rd level calculations var liLevel2Used = liLevel2SeeMore; if (showAllLevel2) liLevel2Used = liLevel2; var showAllLevel3 = ((liLevel1 + liLevel2Used + liLevel3) <= megaMenuMax) ? true : false; var showReducedLevel3 = ((liLevel1 + liLevel2Used + liLevel3SeeMore) <= megaMenuMax) ? true : false; // If 3rd level won't fit under the max (all or reduced) - hide 3rd level items and leave if ( ! showReducedLevel3) { $ulLevel3.addClass('socs-mm-hide'); return false; } // If all 3rd level won't fit but the reduced 3rd level will... if ( ! showAllLevel3 && showReducedLevel3) addSeeMoreLinks($ulLevel3, seeMoreNumber); } } function clearMenus() { // Remove the "open/show" classes from all dropdowns and reset all aria attributes $('#navbar .open').removeClass('open'); $('#navbar .show').removeClass('show'); $('#navbar [aria-expanded]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); } var megaMenuMin = parseInt($('#megaMenuMin').val() || 0), megaMenuMax = parseInt($('#megaMenuMax').val() || 0), seeMoreNumber = parseInt($('#seeMoreNumber').val() || 999);/*console.log('megaMenuMin = ' + megaMenuMin);console.log('megaMenuMax = ' + megaMenuMax);console.log('seeMoreNumber = ' + seeMoreNumber);*/ // Some mega menu work needs to be done each time it's displayed. $('.socs-mm-fw').on('mouseenter', function (e) { var $this = $(this), winWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; // Only want to do the following in the "lg" breakpoint (min-width: 1200px); if (winWidth < 1200) { // If NOT in the "lg" breakpoint, reset the top margin and height, then leave $this.find('> .dropdown-menu').css({ 'margin-top': '', 'height': '' }); return false; } // Hide the mega menu "extra column" if empty if ($this.find('.mega-menu-extra-content').is(':empty')) $this.find('.mega-menu-extra').addClass('hidden'); // A navbar that spans multiple rows causes problems for the mega menu moveMegaMenu($this, winWidth); fillMegaMenu($this); // Adjust the height of the mega menu based on the content to be displayed in it. adjustMegaMenuHeight($this); }); // Homemade support for multi-level dropdown menus - $('#navbar').on('click', '.submenu-toggle', function(e) { var $this = $(this), $dropdownMenu = $this.parent().find('> .dropdown-menu'); if ($dropdownMenu.hasClass('show')) { $this.closest('.dropdown-submenu').removeClass('show').find('> a[aria-expanded]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $dropdownMenu.removeClass('show'); } else { // Close any open submenus outside of this parent before opening $this.parents('.dropdown-menu').first().find('.show').removeClass('show').children('a[aria-expanded]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); $this.closest('.dropdown-submenu').addClass('show'); $this.attr('aria-expanded', 'true'); $dropdownMenu.addClass('show'); } return false; }); $('#navbar').on('', function(e) { // Close submenus when the parent dropdown closes $('.show').removeClass('show').children('a[aria-expanded]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); }); // Keyboard activity ------------------------------------------------------ // Close any previously opened dropdown menus as the user tabs to a new 1st-level navbar item $('#navbar').on('focus', '.nav > li > a', function(e) { if ( ! $(this).parent().hasClass('open')) clearMenus(); }); // Close any previously opened dropdown menu as the user tabs to a new 2nd-level+ item $('#navbar').on('focus', '.dropdown-menu > li > a', function(e) { if ( ! $(this).parent().hasClass('show')) { $(this).closest('.dropdown-menu').find('.show').removeClass('show').children('a[aria-expanded]').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); } });})(jQuery);

Middle School/High School Announcements - 5/15/2024



4:15 - Varsity Softball HOME vs. Hillman

7th/8th Grade Track HOME - Highland Conference Championships - Event Start - 3:30p (field) and 4:15p (running) Students dismissed at 2:45

4:00 - JV Baseball AWAY vs. Big Rapids - Vans depart at 2:15 - Students dismissed after 6th hour

Varsity track athletes need to head to the track immediately after school to assist with the middle school meet.

The softball team picked up two more conference wins last night beating McBain 19-0 in 3 innings and 15-0 in 4 innings. Macy Johnston earned the win in game one giving up 1 hit and striking out 6. Arryana Brown went 3 for 4, Eva Lynch had 3 RBI’s, and Lauren Gross had a grand slam. Emma Block was the winning pitcher in game two throwing a no hitter and striking out 8. Emma also went 3 for 3 with a home run and 5 RBI’s. Nevaeh Welsh was 2 for 3 with 3 RBI’s and Macy McKenny added 2 hits.

The varsity baseball team picked up 2 more Highland Conference wins against McBain last night with the scores of 9-0and 8-0. In game 1 Owen McKenny (3-1) got the win. He allowed 2 hits and had 11 Ks. Josh Wilson was 2-3 with a double, a HR and 3 RBIs. Owen McKenny had a hit and 2 RBIs. Blake Walcutt, Jack Fussman and Lane Gross added ahit. In game 2 Blake Walcutt (2-1) got the win, givingup a hit and striking out 6.Josh Wilson hit his 2nd HR of the day and 2RBIs. Jake Gauthier was 2-3. The Aggies are now 18-6 and 10-0 in theHighland.Up next, their home tournament on Saturday againstIndian River Inland Lakes starting at 10:00 am.

Mock rock songs are due to Chase Wezensky at by 8:00 tonight!

A local community member is looking for student volunteers to help with moving some outdoor furniture and stacking some fire wood in the Coldwater Lake area. If you are interested, please see Diane for details.

NHS is hosting a blood drive next Wednesday the 22nd from noon - 5:45 at the KC Hall. Students who meet the requirements and have parental consent can donate. See Mrs. Butkovich for a consent form if you are interested in saving a life!

Articles for the June Aggie Express should be sent to Carrie at by Wednesday, May 22nd. Thank you.

Tech Center Students: If you wish to attend the Battle of the Classes this Thursday the 16th, you are welcome to do so. You will be excused from classes on that day.

The Mt. Pleasant Optimist Club is starting a new program called the Junior Optimist Club. This program is open to all 14-18 year olds in Isabella County. If you are interested in developing leadership skills, or simply want to connect with like-minded peers, please scan the QR code on the fliers around school, or stop in the office for details.

Seniors: Roger Hagerman will be taking special photos at graduation again this year. If you are interested, the cost is $30. Please pay Diane prior to May 23rd if you are interested. Checks can be made payable to Roger Hagerman.

Lunch today: Italian pepperoni calzone.

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Middle School/High School Announcements - 5/17/2024

Middle School/High School Announcements - 5/16/2024

Beal City Public Schools - Middle School/High School Announcements - 5/15/2024 (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.